See also: Gnarly Gnarled Gnarl Gnarling Gnarliest Gnar Gnarr Guard Gnarls Shred
1. Gnarl definition is - snarl, growl
Gnarl, Growl
2. How to use Gnarl in a sentence.
3. Gnarl - twist into a state of deformity; "The wind has Gnarled this old tree" twist , bend , deform , flex , turn - cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form; "bend the rod"; "twist the dough into a braid"; "the strong man could turn an iron bar"
Gnarl, Gnarled
4. A rough or twisted lump on a tree or piece of wood: The boy stared at the notches and Gnarls in the trunk of the oak.
5. Gnarl (plural Gnarls) A knot in wood; a large or hard knot, or a protuberance with twisted grain, on a tree
Gnarl, Gnarls, Grain
6. Gnarl is a level 30 - 35 Elite NPC that can be found in Ashenvale
7. Gnarl is a level 48 - 50 NPC that can be found in Vol'dun
8. Gnarl Derived from the word Gnarly. It is a general sign of approval, and can be used for any expression of approval
Gnarl, Gnarly, General
9. Gnarl will show messages on the OLED display when your phone connects and disconnects
10. Pushing the button will display the current status. Gnarl may not respond to the button press immediately if it is communicating with the pump, due to …
11. Something twisted and tight and swollen Familiarity information: Gnarl used as a noun is very rare.
12. What does Gnarl mean? To snarl; growl
Gnarl, Growl
13. (verb) An example of a Gnarl is the enlarged part of tree where a branch meets the trunk.
14. The official video for "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley from the album 'St
15. Gnarl definition: any knotty protuberance or swelling on a tree Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
16. Gnarl [83, 63] is a wandering level 40 quest giver formerly located at Forest Song in the contested territory of Ashenvale
Gnarl, Giver
17. Gnarl - make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath; "she grumbles when she feels overworked" grumble , murmur , mutter , croak kvetch , plain , quetch , complain , sound off , kick - express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness; "My mother complains all day"; "She has a …
Gnarl, Grumbles, Grumble
18. The ball is a knob or Gnarl from the trunk of a tree, carefully formed into a globular shape
Gnarl, Globular
19. A Gnarl is something twisted up like a knot
20. When you Gnarl something, you twist and mangle it
21. If you have long hair that's Gnarled, it's become knotted and clumped up
22. Gnarl is one of two ogrillons guarding bridge leading to the Gnoll Stronghold
Gnarl, Guarding, Gnoll
23. This is the recommended path, as killing Gnarl and his companion Hairtooth is the only way to obtain the Gauntlets of Dexterity.
Gnarl, Gauntlets
24. Gnarl Leafbrother is a level 44 Rare NPC that can be found in Feralas
25. Gnarl is a wandering Ancient quest giver located at the Warsong Lumber Camp in Ashenvale
Gnarl, Giver
26. "Gnarl" is the prehistoric version of Carl Karl and assistant to Monobrow
27. Gnarl, a rough, knotty protuberance, especially on a tree - see Crown gall; Gnarl or Gnu Ada Runtime Library, a library for the Ada programming language; Gnarl (Alien Racers), a character in the 2005 animated program Alien RacersGnarl, a character in the 2007 video game Overlord; Gnarl!, a 2000 short story collection by Rudy Rucker See also
Gnarl, Gall, Gnu, Game
28. "Gnarl!" is the companion volume to "Seek!" and probably one of the best story collections I've ever read
29. Featuring almost the entirety of Rucker's professional short-story output, "Gnarl!"
30. The wiggy 60s Gnarl emanating from the speakers does not sound incomplete, however
31. Grinderman Beyond the town itself, across the railroad track, the uncles corn and cotton crops filled the sandy bottoms all the way to their arable edges; beyond the fields the neatly tended rows unraveled into the thick Gnarl of woods through which the river
Grinderman, Gnarl
32. Gnarlhorn is a Rare Spirit HP champion in the Skinwalkers faction in Raid Shadow Legends
33. See authoritative translations of Gnarl in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
34. It is a highly magnified longitudinal section through a spike of a Gnarl lying within the bark of the mother branch.: Manhood's spirit must bend and Gnarl the spectrum of its own nature from end to end until they coincide in the recurrence of harmonious utility.: The travelers found themselves on a large wooden Gnarl, almost identical to the one at their departure point.
35. ‘a blackthorn topped with a two-humped Gnarl’ More example sentences ‘Lady Peacemaker was surprised to find herself looking into the eyes of a human face composed entirely from the bumps and Gnarls of the tree's trunk.’
Gnarl, Gnarls
36. ‘a blackthorn topped with a two-humped Gnarl’ More example sentences ‘Lady Peacemaker was surprised to find herself looking into the eyes of a human face composed entirely from the bumps and Gnarls of the tree's trunk.’
Gnarl, Gnarls
37. Gnarl is a Red Ale - American Amber / Red style beer brewed by North Peak Brewing Company in Traverse City, MI
38. What does Gnarled mean? Rugged and roughened, as from old age or work
39. (adjective) The Gnarled hands of a carpenter.
40. Gnarl[src] Gnarl was a demon living in Sunnydale that fed on human skin
41. 1 Biography 2 Powers 3 Personality 4 Behind the Scenes 5 Appearances In 2002, Gnarl got the attention of the Scooby Gang when he killed and flayed a teenage tagger
Gnarl, Got, Gang
42. Gnarl and Kyler's daring adventures takes them to the Khalif's City in the south where they gain work and vital knowledge that could prove of crucial importance to the survival of their own City State in the north
Gnarl, Gain
43. The Khalif encounters and spares Pevan, and commissions him to perform a dangerous task, which ultimately affects Gnarl's own future.
44. Gnarl (v.) "contort, twist, make knotty," 1814, a back-formation from Gnarled (q.v.)
Gnarl, Gnarled
45. As a noun from 1824, "a knotty growth on wood." Earlier an identical verb was used imitatively in a sense of "to snarl" like a dog (1590s); Farmer and Henley ("Slang and Its Analogues") lists Gnarler as thieves' slang for "a watch-dog."
Growth, Gnarler
46. Gnarl is the chief antagonist of the Buffy episode "Same Time, Same Place".
47. Gnarl was a type of demon that lived by devouring human skin and was an extremely sadistic, frightening creature, even by demon standards: although a one-shot villain, he is notable for being one of the show's more brutal antagonists as he kidnapped a hapless Willow
48. The Great Blackness by Gnarl, released 13 November 2020 1
Great, Gnarl
49. Synonyms for Gnarl include misshape, distort, contort, warp, deform, twist, disfigure, buckle, torture and squinch
50. Gnarl can be purchased in Store for 1,245,000
GNARL [närl]
a rough or twisted lump on a tree or piece of wood: 2. a rough or twisted lump on a tree or.... Learn more.
Definitions of gnarling word noun gnarling a knotty protuberance on a tree; knot. 1 verb with object gnarling to twist into a knotted or distorted form. verb without object gnarling to growl; snarl. 1 noun gnarling Present participle of gnarl. 1
GNAR stands for Greater Nashville Association of REALTORS. Suggest new definition. This definition appears very frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc. Business, finance, etc.
Definition of gnarled 1 : full of knots or gnarls : knotty gnarled hands gnarled olive trees 2 : crabbed in disposition, aspect, or character a gnarled old veteran