See also: Glyph Glyphosate Glyphic Glyptic
1. Glyptodont shells, or carapaces, were incredible heavy
2. Look closely at this skeleton, and you will see adaptations that helped Glyptodonts haul around such a heavy load.
3. Glyptodonts were prehistoric giant armadillos of the family Glyptodontinae, which lived in South, Central, and parts of North America from the early Miocene until at least 11,000 years ago.
Glyptodonts, Giant, Glyptodontinae
4. Members of extinct families include Glyptodonts and huge North American armadillos.
5. Glyptodonts were 4-legged tanks, pseudo-tortoises with fur, protected by a rigid shell composed of tightly interlocking plates an inch thick and more
6. The largest Glyptodonts weighed a ton, ate plants, and probably spent a lot of time in water, along shores of lakes and streams.
7. Extra Armor Gave Glyptodon an Edge Killing a Glyptodont was no easy task
Gave, Glyptodon, Glyptodont
8. Glyptodont (Greek for “grooved or carved tooth”) was a member to the family of giant armadillo
Glyptodont, Greek, Grooved, Giant
9. The Glyptodont is a perplexing looking mammal that had a huge shell-like armor on its back
10. ""Glyptodon"" was a large, armored mammal of the family Glyptodontidae, a relative of armadillos that lived during the Pleistocene epoch
Glyptodon, Glyptodontidae
11. Gliptədänt Any of a family (Glyptodontidae) of extinct South American edentate mammals, similar to, but much larger than, an armadillo.
Glipt, Glyptodontidae
12. If you could travel back in time to South America thousands of years ago, you might have caught a glimpse of an animal known as a Glyptodont living …
Glimpse, Glyptodont
13. 12,000 year old DNA is responsible for solving the evolutionary mystery of the giant armored Glyptodont.With new advances in ancient DNA …
Giant, Glyptodont
14. One such fossil was a Glyptodont, an immense shelled animal that looked like a giant armadillo
Glyptodont, Giant
15. Glyptodont remains are also known from other less-well studied localities in Sonora
16. Glyptodont definition is - a mammal of the genus Glyptodon.
Glyptodont, Genus, Glyptodon
17. Definition of Glyptodont in the dictionary
18. What does Glyptodont mean? Information and translations of Glyptodont in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
19. The Glyptodont here described was available to be consumed during a long time before the marks under discussion were made (as it could be inferred from the taphonomic and sedimentological study, see above)
20. ‘The armadillo-like Glyptodont, for example, was the size of a small car, covered in plates of body armor, and equipped with a hefty tail club.’ Origin Mid 19th century from Greek gluptos ‘carved’ (from gluphein ‘carve’) + odous, odont- ‘tooth’.
Glyptodont, Greek, Gluptos, Gluphein
21. Each species of Glyptodont had its own unique osteoderm pattern and shell type
22. Unlike most turtles, Glyptodonts could not withdraw their heads, but instead had a bony cap on the top of their skull
23. Glyptodont—The Glyptodonts huge, domed carapace made it almost invulnerable to predators
Glyptodont, Glyptodonts
24. (Natural History Museum at Tring) Glyptodont—Even if a predator was stupid enough to attack an adult Glyptodont, its lashing tail could inflict some serious injury.
25. Tail blow energy and carapace fractures in a large Glyptodont (Mammalia, Xenarthra)
26. At the nearby site of La Conchita were found skeletal remains of the extinct mastadon, the Glyptodont, a giant sloth, and the horse, dating back some 12,000-14,000 years.
Glyptodont, Giant
27. Granite Glyptodont This squat and stony creature looks like an armadillo with a large raised back and a flail-like tail
Granite, Glyptodont
28. The granite Glyptodont has no true need to feed, as with all elementals, yet it does seem to linger after transforming the flesh of those it calcifies, as if the mere proximity of flesh fossilizing into stone pleases it somehow.
Granite, Glyptodont
29. Showing search results for: 'Glyptodontidae'
30. Glyptodont synonyms, Glyptodont pronunciation, Glyptodont translation, English dictionary definition of Glyptodont
31. Glyptodonts (Glyptodontidae), extinct mammals of the order Edentata, related to the armadillos
Glyptodonts, Glyptodontidae
32. Armadillos and Glyptodonts are unusual shelled mammals which migrated from South and Central America during periods of lower sea level during the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs
33. For Glyptodont aficionados such as Dave, the particular rosette patterns in the scutes could help with identifying different species of Glyptodonts
Glyptodont, Glyptodonts
34. A neomorphic ossification of the nasal cartilages and the structure of paranasal sinus system of the Glyptodont Neosclerocalyptus Paula Couto 1957 (Mammalia, Xenarthra)
35. Glyptodont is a large mammal that lived during the pleistocene epoch
36. - Glyptodont stock illustrations a large glyptodon stands near the edge of a stream
Glyptodont, Glyptodon
37. - Glyptodont stock illustrations
38. Glyptodont, an armored edentate mammal of the extinct family Glyptodontidæ, which developed mainly in South America during the Tertiary Period.Several genera and many species have been described from Patagonia, the Argentine pampas, Peru, etc., and northward to the southern United States, associated with the great ground-sloths.
Glyptodont, Glyptodontid, Genera, Great, Ground
39. Doedicurus clavicaudatus was a prehistoric Glyptodont, living during the Pleistocene until the end of the last ice age
40. This was the largest known Glyptodontid, and one of the better known members of the New World Pleistocene megafauna, with a height of 1.5 meters (5 ft) and an overall length of around 4 meters.
41. Break 'Glyptodont' down into sounds: [GLIP] + [TOH] + [DONT] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them
Glyptodont, Glip
42. Record yourself saying 'Glyptodont' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen
43. Look up tutorials on Youtube on how to pronounce 'Glyptodont'.
44. Two new Glyptodont records (Mammalia: Cingulata) from the late Pleistocene of Tamaulipas and Tlaxcala, Mexico: implications for the taxonomy of the genus Glyptotherium
Glyptodont, Genus, Glyptotherium
45. Apart from long-extinct animals, like mammoths and Glyptodonts, there were also some familiar faces which survived the test of time - the muskoxen, cougar and bison.
46. Here, we identify spondyloarthropathy in fossil bones from the late Pleistocene in Brazil assignable to a large Glyptodont …
GLYPTODONT [ˈɡliptəˌdänt]
any edentate mammal of the extinct genus Glyptodon, of the Pleistocene Epoch, having the body covered by a horny and bony armor.
Glyptodon, genus of extinct giant mammals related to modern armadillos and found as fossils in deposits in North and South America dating from the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs (5.3 million to 11,700 years ago). Glyptodon and its close relatives, the glyptodonts, were encased from head to tail in
Each species of glyptodont had a unique osteoderm pattern and shell type. With this protection, they were armored like turtles; glyptodonts could not withdraw their heads, but their armoured skin formed a bony cap on the top of their skull. Glyptodont tails had a ring of bones for protection.
Glyptodonts ate almost anything—plants, carrion, or insects. Glyptodon Glyptodon, an armadillo-like animal that lived during the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs in the Americas.