Use Glorification in a sentence

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See also: Glorification Biblical Glory Glorious Glorify Glorified Gloria Glorifying Gloriously Is Deo

1. Question: "What is Glorification?" Answer: The short answer is that “Glorification” is God’s final removal of sin from the life of the saints (i.e., everyone who is saved) in the eternal state (Romans 8:18; 2 Corinthians 4:17)

Glorification, God

2. Glorification In the Scripture the idea of Glorification deals with the ultimate perfection of believers.


3. / ˌɡlɔːr.ə.fəˈkeɪ.ʃ ə n / the act of describing something in a way that makes it seem better or more important than it really is: He criticized the entertainment industry for the Glorification of violence


4. Glorification In the Scripture the idea of Glorification deals with the ultimate perfection of believers.


5. Glorification is the theological term used to describe the final removal of sin from the lives of Christians at the end of time. Dictionaries generally define Glorification as a …

Glorification, Generally



7. The Glorification of believers is Glorification with Christ


8. The Glorification of Christians is not the terminus ad quem of God’s eternal purposes

Glorification, God

9. The ultimate goal is the full Glorification of his

Goal, Glorification

10. The process of Glorification is a process of Jesus’ humanity becoming fully divine and fully one with the Father, which is the divine soul


11. By completing this process of Glorification, Jesus also gained all power—which is divine power—as he says in Matthew 28:18: “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” I am using the King

Glorification, Gained, Given

12. Pour notre Glorification, nous devons nous concentrer sur Christ, qui est notre « espérance bénie »


13. La Glorification est le point culminant de la sanctification


14. Notre Glorification finale n'aura lieu qu'à la manifestation de la gloire de notre grand Dieu et Sauveur Jésus-Christ (Tite 2.13, 1 Timothée 6.14).

Glorification, Gloire, Grand

15. Glorification is the future and final work of God upon Christians where He transforms our mortal physical bodies to the eternal physical bodies in which we will dwell forever. It is guaranteed to the believers in Christ Jesus and …

Glorification, God, Guaranteed

16. The Christian doctrine of Glorification is stunning, to say the least. Not only we will see Jesus in all his new-creation glory, but we will share with him in it

Glorification, Glory

17. "Glorification is the final step in the application of redemption


18. A HISTORY OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, YEAR BY YEAR EDWIN EMERSON But when, as in Mohammeds case, that purpose is the Glorification of God, he has at hand a lever that can move the world

Glorification, God

19. ISLAM HER MORAL AND SPIRITUAL VALUE ARTHUR GLYN LEONARD The good of humanity is a higher cause to work for than the mere Glorification of creed and sect.

Glyn, Good, Glorification

20. 39 synonyms and near synonyms of Glorification from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 30 antonyms and near antonyms


21. Find another word for Glorification


22. Glorification: as in exaltation, aggrandizement


23. Because God has sworn that He will be glorified through our Glorification, He cannot fail to bring our salvation to completion in the day of Christ Jesus

God, Glorified, Glorification

24. Glorification refers to the final state of believers after Christ returns


25. Glorification has different usage is in the New Testament


26. In regards to our future resurrection, the Glorification of the believer is the last event in the salvation of the Christian that is spoken of in Romans 8:30.


27. Glorification is the final stage of the ordo salutis and an aspect of Christian soteriology and Christian eschatology


28. Glorification will be a glorious event as, inconceivably, decayed bodies will be raised to life, not merely restored to their previous state, rather, infinitely more glorious

Glorification, Glorious

29. Glorification is the third stage of Christian development


30. The first being justification, then sanctification, and finally Glorification


31. 8:28-30) Glorification is the completion, the consummation, the perfection, and the full realization of salvation


32. And Glorification is a future hope to be realized at the second coming of Jesus [see Romans 8:24, 25; Philippians 3:20-21].


33. An understanding of the distinctions between Justification, Sanctification and Glorification will show clearly that salvation is past, present and future – spirit, soul and body


34. ‘a romantic Glorification of the past’ ‘Their mission may be official business, or it may simply be the Glorification of their patron.’ ‘This ode to education is also reminiscent of the Glorification of American education by eighteenth-century male American autobiographers like Benjamin Franklin.’


35. GlorificationGlorification is when we will one day be free from the presence of sin


36. Glorification is the point at which the doctrine of salvation and the doctrine of last things overlap, for it look beyond this life to the world to come


37. Christ demonstrated ultimate victory in his Glorification - Ephesians 1:18-23


38. We will share in this victory through our inheritance and Glorification with Christ - Romans 8:11, 15, 16-17, 29; 1 Corinthians 15:54-57


39. Glorification This refers to that final change and redemption of the body


40. In Glorification we are saved from the presence of sin in us and in the world


41. ‘a romantic Glorification of the past’ ‘Their mission may be official business, or it may simply be the Glorification of their patron.’ ‘This ode to education is also reminiscent of the Glorification of American education by eighteenth-century male American autobiographers like Benjamin Franklin.’


42. Glorification definition: the act of glorifying or state of being glorified Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Glorification, Glorifying, Glorified

43. In considering Glorification, we should focus on Christ, for He is every Christian’s “blessed hope”; also, we may consider final Glorification as the culmination of sanctification


44. Final Glorification must await the manifestation of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13; 1 Timothy 6:14).

Glorification, Glory, Great, God

45. Glorification; instantaneous transformation of the believers by the power of God into a perfectly moral and physical being eternally living in God’s presence in heaven

Glorification, God

46. Download 'Glorification' here the album here Sami's Official YouTube playlist

Glorification, Glorificationdownload

47. Glorification (also referred to as canonization) is the term used in the Orthodox Church for the official recognition of a person as a saint of the Church.


48. In the Orthodox Church Glorification of saints is the recognition that God’s holiness is manifested in the Church through those grace-filled men and women whose lives were pleasing to God.

Glorification, God, Grace

49. 13 quotes have been tagged as Glorification: Akilnathan Logeswaran: ‘Honestly, I never really understood the Glorification of Fridays & weekends


50. Fra Andrea Pozzo, Glorification of Saint Ignatius, ceiling fresco in the nave of Sant'Ignazio, Rome, 1691-94 Speakers: Dr


51. Glorification may have several meanings in Christianity


52. From the Catholic canonization to the similar sainthood of the Eastern Orthodox Church to salvation in Christianity in Protestant beliefs, the Glorification of the human condition can be a long and arduous process.



GLORIFICATION [ˌɡlôrəfəˈkāSH(ə)n]

  • › What does glorification mean biblically
  • › What is the meaning of glorification
  • › Glorification in the bible

Frequently Asked Questions

What is glorification According to the Bible?

Glorification is the theological term used to describe the final removal of sin from the lives of Christians at the end of time. Dictionaries generally define glorification as a state of high or heightened honor. In biblical studies, however, glorification exists as one of three parts of the process...

What is another word for glorification?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for glorification. adoration, deference, reverence, veneration. adulation, deification, hero worship, idolatry,

What does it mean to glorify God?

Answer: To “glorify” God means to give glory to Him. The word glory as related to God in the Old Testament bears with it the idea of greatness of splendor. In the New Testament, the word translated “glory” means "dignity, honor, praise and worship.".

How can I glorify God?

7 Simple Ways To Glorify God In The Kitchen (serve others & find joy!) #1 — Eat God’s Foods #2 — Praise Him While You Work #3 — Learn To Be Thankful #4 — Serve Selflessly #5 — Teach Littles To Serve #6 — Embrace Hospitality #7 — Cook A Meal For Someone In Need

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