See also: Globalization Glock Glockenspiel Glocalisation Glocked Glochidia Glocalized
1. Glocalization is a combination of the words " globalization " and "localization." The term is used to describe a product or service that is developed and distributed globally but is also adjusted
Glocalization, Globalization, Globally
2. In the marketing context, Glocalization means the creation of products or services for the global market by adapting them to local cultures. For example, in France, McDonald ’s replaced its familiar Ronald McDonald mascot with Asterix, a popular French cartoon character.
Glocalization, Global
3. Glocalization can be defined as a method of conducting business where products and services of a company are produced at the global level but are modified to meet the requirements of a local market. What is Glocalization ? The term glocalisation is an amalgamation of terms globalisation and localisation.
Glocalization, Global, Glocalisation, Globalisation
4. In its simplest form, Glocalization means the creation of products/services/communications for the global market that are adaptable to local cultures. Take U.S
Glocalization, Global
5. Unilever took Glocalization (local adaptation) to a new level in the 1990s
6. “Glocalization” is a term coined by the sociologist Roland Robertson (1995) in the late 1990s and it refers to product or service in a global market that is customized for the local people in the country in which it is sold
Glocalization, Global
7. Glocalization is for the service or product developed for global distribution that is altered to fit the local consumer. In Glocalization, a product that is marketed globally is tailored to adjust to the preferences of consumers and adapt to local customs and laws
Glocalization, Global, Globally
8. Glocalization is a refinement of the term globalization
Glocalization, Globalization
9. The idea that local conditions must be considered in globalization (= trading in all parts of the world): Our policy of Glocalization means that our products are always adapted to specific markets
Globalization, Glocalization
10. Glocalization also rejects ethnocentrism that has long promoted the dominant worldview of judging other cultural communities through the parochial, tinted lens of one’s own cultural standpoint
11. Glocalization Network has a proven track record in helping companies break down linguistic and cultural barriers by adapting both content and functionality to international audiences
12. Glocalization (a portmanteau of globalization and localization) is a term that describes the adaptation of international products around the particularities of a local culture in which they are sold
Glocalization, Globalization
13. Glocalization is commonly adopted by large multinational companies
14. The pairing of Glocalization and business originated in Japan during the 1980s
15. In this incarnation, Glocalization pertained to the idea of adapting a global product to fit a local market
Glocalization, Global
16. The Glocalization concept, which is the merging of the words global and local, therefore becomes the subject of quasi all areas of social studies, post-colonial studies especially
Glocalization, Global
17. Glocalization is a concept used in diverse fields of study, and the frequency of its use has increased significantly since 1995.
18. Glocalization "Glocalization" is an historical process whereby localities develop direct economic and cultural relationships to the global system through information technologies, bypassing and subverting traditional power hierarchies like national governments and markets
Glocalization, Global, Governments
19. The term Glocalization is ambiguous and contested, however, denoting both:
20. Glocalization is an amalgamation of the words “Global” and “Localization”
Glocalization, Global
21. ‘Glocalization, while an awkward word, is a succinct way to describe a key role libraries play.’ ‘Glocalization can also be interpreted as a dimension of what I call de-territorialization.’ ‘Glocalization assumes that globalization processes are responsible for the power and mobility of media.’
Glocalization, Globalization
22. So, Glocalization helps in connecting with the consumers of that region on an emotional level and also leverage its global position
Glocalization, Global
23. Another positive aspect of Glocalization is that multinational companies bring in foreign revenue and offer employment opportunities for
24. This article is in continuation with the previous article giving Glocalization examples of various renowned companies
Giving, Glocalization
25. This chapter provides a conceptual overview of Glocalization, tracing its origin, and the intellectual milieu in which this concept evolved
26. It also examines how Glocalization helps researchers understand the interpenetration of “global” with “local” in various institutions and everyday life
Glocalization, Global
27. In explaining the relationship between the processes of globalization with Glocalization, this
Globalization, Glocalization
28. The term ‘glocalisation’ (or Glocalization) refers to a product or service that has been developed to meet both local and global needs of intended customers
Glocalisation, Glocalization, Global
29. You know what’s local and what’s global, but how about the idea of “glocal?” In this video, Andy Molinsky describes what Glocalization is and why it is so i
Global, Glocal, Glocalization
30. Glocalization is a concept used in diverse fields of study, and the frequency of its use has increased significantly since 1995
31. Glocalization is the concept that in a global market, a product or service is more likely to succeed when it is customized for the locality or culture in which it is sold.
Glocalization, Global
32. ‘Glocalization, while an awkward word, is a succinct way to describe a key role libraries play.’ ‘Glocalization can also be interpreted as a dimension of what I call de-territorialization.’ ‘Glocalization assumes that globalization processes are responsible for the power and mobility of media.’
Glocalization, Globalization
33. 27, 2013 (Glocalization (a portmanteau of globalization and localization) is a term denoting the adaptation of a product or service specifically to each locality or culture in which it is sold
Glocalization, Globalization
34. The term "Glocalization" is a newly coined blend of globalization and localization refers to a concept to describe individual, group
Glocalization, Globalization, Group
35. Glocalization: How Followers of Jesus Engage a Flat World - Kindle edition by Roberts Jr., Bob
36. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Glocalization: How Followers of Jesus Engage a Flat World.
37. Glocalization is structured in two parts: Part I introduces the term, seeking to provide a history and critical assessment of theorists' past use of Glocalization and offering an alternative perspective and a clear, effective and applicable definition of the term, explaining the limitations of the term globalization and the value of defining
Glocalization, Globalization
38. Wikipedia offers McDonald's as a key example of Glocalization as a strategy pursued by multinational corporations
39. Glocalization synonyms, Glocalization pronunciation, Glocalization translation, English dictionary definition of Glocalization
40. “Glocalization” and associated terms stand in a long tradition concerning binaries and antinomies
41. This entry discusses the odyssey of the concept of Glocalization.
42. Glocalization that is the latest trend taking shape in Belgium appears to retain the population in a central place
43. 세방화(世方化) 또는 글로컬라이제이션(영어: Glocalization)은 세계화(世界化)를 의미하는 글로벌라이제이션(globalization)과 지방화(地方化)를 의미하는 로컬라이제이션(localization)의 합성어로서 영국의 사회학자 롤랜드 로버트슨(Roland Robertson)이 제안한 신조어이다.
Glocalization, Globalization
44. Glocalization Score is a ready to use model whichmeasures the closeness of brand values to culturalvalues
45. The Glocalization Scorewas validated toin-marketperformance
46. Glocalization is a concept that enables researchers to go beyond the simplistic opposition between global and local and to explore the creation of new cultural fusions in a multitude of different areas of social life
Glocalization, Go, Global
47. The point is that this form of globalization, indeed all forms of globalization, cannot be discussed, as Andrews and Grainger demon-strate, without discussing both Glocalization and grobalization
Globalization, Grainger, Glocalization, Grobalization
48. Strategic Sporting Glocalization Andrews and Grainger turn next to strategic sporting Glocalization, which is
Glocalization, Grainger
49. The paper examine in broad terms concepts, theories and principles of Glocalization in business perspectives
50. The paper wants to focus on the epistemological analysis of the globalization and Glocalization themes
Globalization, Glocalization
GLOCALIZATION [ˌɡlōbələˈzāSHən, ˌɡlōbəˌlīˈzāSHən]
Globalization is the defining feature of change in modern society, and affects everyone, whether they realize it or not. So, what is globalization? As defined by google, it is the free movement of goods, services, people, capital, technology, and information . That was lengthy and not even close to the full story.
Globalization or globalisation is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. As a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, globalization is considered by some as a form of capitalist expansion which entails the integration of local and national economies into a global,...
Globalization refers to the international interaction among people, companies, and governments of different countries through the exchanging of ideas, products, and cultural practices. Globalization is enhanced by the trading partnerships between different countries, as well as the use of the internet and mobile phones.
What Is Globalization? Globalization refers to the process of integrating governments, cultures, and financial markets through international trade into a single world market.