See also: Globular Globule Globalization Global Globe Globalism Globalist Glob Globalisation Globus Globetrotter Globalización To Define Would
1. In realtà sarebbe un ammasso Globulare.: Actually, it's more of a globular cluster.: E quella è la protezione intorno al grasso Globulare.: And that's the shell around that globular fat.: L'espressione "ammasso Globulare" suona bene.: A globular cluster sounds so wonderful.: M22 è stato il primo ammasso Globulare scoperto, identificato nel 1665 dall'astronomo tedesco Johann Abraham Ihle.
Globulare, Globular, Grasso
2. Context sentences for "Globulare" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate
3. Italian E quella è la protezione intorno al grasso Globulare .
Grasso, Globulare
4. Many translated example sentences containing "Globulare" – English-Italian dictionary and search engine for English translations.
5. Bocydium Globulare is a solitary species
6. For our plants, Peter Stickney (in Lesica 2012) recognizes a narrower concept of this species, separating out Vaccinium Globulare Rybd
7. Globulare - Traduzione del vocabolo e dei suoi composti, e discussioni del forum.
8. Berries with the name huckleberry can be found throughout the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Northwest, but the berry that grows in the high mountains of Montana, called “Vaccinium Globulare” are the favorite berry of the people of Montana.
Grows, Globulare
9. Everyone, meet Bocydium Globulare
10. Globulare excels at living a solitary life, hanging out on the leaves
11. Martin, Patricia A., "Productivity and taxonomy of the Vaccinium Globulare V. membranaceum complex in western Montana" (1979)
12. After much deliberation and careful thought, we chose Bocydium Globulare or the Brazilian treehopper
13. More specifically, a model of a Brazilian treehopper, the Bocydium Globulare
14. Globular cluster M3 imaged in the clouds in the city Dobsonian telescope + ASI178 MC cameraLocation South TyrolItalyAmmasso Globulare M3 ripreso tra le nuvol
Globular, Globulare
15. Globulare, Abies grandis/Acer glabrum, Pinus contorta/Vaccinium scoparium) & juniper-steppe (similar to sagebrush-steppe communities, just insert juniper savannah into sagebrush-steppe in the spreadsheet and apply similarly) % riparian (see spreadsheet for variations) Local chapters.
Globulare, Grandis, Glabrum
16. Globulare translation english, Italian - English dictionary, meaning, see also 'globo oculare',globale',globulina',globulo', example of use, definition, conjugation : 4
Globulare, Globo, Globale, Globulina, Globulo
17. Context sentences for "Globulare" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be : 2
18. The English for Globulare is globular
Globulare, Globular
19. The Insects Associated with Montana’s Huckleberry (Ericaceae: Vaccinium Globulare) Plants and the Bumble Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) of Montana
20. Bocydium Globulare is the creature you can unlock when you complete the Bug Army Collection
21. As a pet, Bocydium Globulare grants the Pet Skills: Climb and Track
Globulare, Grants
22. Registi oscuri e inattesi dirigono la danza delle stelle al centro dell’ammasso Globulare Ngc 6397
23. Vaccinium Globulare is specifically listed as an important shrub component of a climax forest community in Montana
24. = Pisidium (Euglesa) Globulare Clessin in Westerlund, 1873 — Korniushin & Glaubrecht, 2002 = Pisidium (Euglesa) Globulare Clessin, 1873 — Falkner et al., 2001 + Pisidium casertanum Bourguignat — Prime, 1895 = Pisidium Globulare Clessin — …
Globulare, Glaubrecht
25. The Facts: Yes, this insect is totally for real, a leaf eating and glory bush dwelling bug that scientists affectionately call Bocydium Globulare.The elaborate ornamentation on the thorax is
Glory, Globulare
26. (Bocydium Globulare) Brazilian treehoppers have globular appendages coming out of their thorax
Globulare, Globular
27. [taxonomy:binomial=Bocydium Globulare] [taxonomy:family=Membracidae] I had some technical problems this day, so the substrate-borne vibrations cannot be heard well in this video
28. Bocydium Globulare is the creature you will be able to unlock when you complete the Bug Army Collection
29. Pisidium Globulare is a species of freshwater bivalve from the family Sphaeriidae.
30. Pisidium Globulare; Scientific classification; Kingdom: Animalia: Phylum: Mollusca
31. Globulare) and fruit tends to be smaller
32. Globulare was found in 18 sites in the Czech Republic and in one site in Slovakia
33. Globe-bearing Treehopper Bocydium Globulare (14801858422).jpg 2,534 × 1,683; 756 KB List of the specimens of homopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum (1852) (14595897450).jpg 1,640 × 2,956; 777 KB
Globe, Globulare
34. FRENCH GUYANA - SEPTEMBER 2005: Bocydium Globulare, in profile. The sensory hairs or sensillae around the little balls may warn the insect by capturing air vibrations when any predators approach
Guyana, Globulare
35. È stato indirizzato verso l'ammasso Globulare di
GLOBULARE [ˈɡläbyələr]
Definition of globular. 1a(1) : having the shape of a globe or globule. (2) : composed of compactly folded polypeptide chains arranged in a spherical form globular proteins. b : global. 2 : having or consisting of globules.
Another important function of globular proteins is to act as biological transport mechanisms, usually in the forms of globulin and serum albumin. These two molecules are serum proteins, also called blood proteins, found within the blood plasma of living animals.
• GLOBULAR PEARLITE (noun) The noun GLOBULAR PEARLITE has 1 sense: 1. if steel or iron cool very slowly the cementite may occur in globules instead of in layers Familiarity information: GLOBULAR PEARLITE used as a noun is very rare.
Globular proteins, also known as spheroproteins, are proteins formed by compacted amino acid chains, which are folded into intricate shapes that often roughly resemble spheres. This type of protein represents one of the three major protein groups. The two other groups are fibrous proteins,...