See also: Egocentric Geocentric Geocentrism Geocentricity Egocentricity Geocaching Geocoding Geocache Geochronology Geocode Geochemist Geochemistry Genocide
1. Geocentrical synonyms, Geocentrical pronunciation, Geocentrical translation, English dictionary definition of Geocentrical
2. Definition of Geocentrical in the dictionary
3. What does Geocentrical mean? Information and translations of Geocentrical in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
4. Since Astrology is based on observing of the Solar System from the Geocentrical point of view (from the Earth), sometimes it may seem to us that aVenus retrogrades approximately 16 degrees once every 19 months or so, for a period of about six weeks.
5. Vintage Geocentrical Dreams kaleidoscope by Steven Gray
Geocentrical, Gray
6. Vintage Geocentrical Dreams kaleidoscope by Steven Gray
Geocentrical, Gray
7. What is the definition of Geocentrical? What is the meaning of Geocentrical? How do you use Geocentrical in a sentence? What are synonyms for Geocentrical?
8. Geocentrical synonyms, Geocentrical pronunciation, Geocentrical translation, English dictionary definition of Geocentrical
9. What is the definition of Geocentrical? What is the meaning of Geocentrical? How do you use Geocentrical in a sentence? What are synonyms for Geocentrical?
10. A Geocentrical (Astron) Having, considering, or based on, the earth as center; as, the geocentric theory of the universe; in relation to or seen from the earth, -- usually opposed to heliocentric, as seen from the sun; as, the geocentric longitude or latitude of a planet.
Geocentrical, Geocentric
11. Buy A compleat ephemeris for the year of Christ, 1684 containing all the heliocentrical and Geocentrical places and aspects of the planets, lunations, with astrological observations thereon (1684) on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders
12. Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Geocentrical" is defined
Go, Geocentrical
13. General (7 matching dictionaries) Geocentrical: Collins English Dictionary [home, info] Geocentrical: Wordnik [home, info] Geocentrical: Wiktionary [home, info] Geocentrical: [home, info]
General, Geocentrical
14. The geomagnetic field is produced by a Geocentrical dipole with a magnetic moment m=8*10^22Am^2
Geomagnetic, Geocentrical
15. Synonyms for Geocentrical in Free Thesaurus
16. What are synonyms for Geocentrical?
17. For precision`s sake, the times are calculated as the moments when the Geocentrical …
18. Buy Mercurius anglicanus, or, The English mercury being a double ephemeris for the year of our Lord, 1692, heliocentrical & Geocentrical, or the planets referred both to the sun and earth (1692) on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders
19. What does Geocentrical mean? Alternative form of geocentric
Geocentrical, Geocentric
20. Geocentrical (GC7CED) was created by oky's mates on 6/27/2002
21. A horoscope is a snapshot of a single moment in our solar system as seen from a Geocentrical point of view
GEOCENTRICAL [ˌjēōˈsentrik]
The definition of geocentric is something that considers Earth as the center. An example of geocentric is the idea that the sun rotates around the earth.
Essentially, both the geocentric and heliocentric models of the universe continued to insist that there was a special central position in the universe which was relatively close to Earth. However, the difference between the geocentric and heliocentric models of the universe was that geocentrism held that the Earth was this special central location, while heliocentrism said that the Sun was that location.
The Geocentric model or theory that was created by Greek astronomers indicated that all celestial bodies moving around the Earth followed paths that were completely circular.
The main characteristics of geocentric theory are as follows: This is one of the oldest man-made theories. The planet earth is located in the center of the universe. It was developed in ancient Greece. It was born in part to the influence of the religion that was at that time. It defended that the earth was immobile in space.