See also: Genitor Genitourinary Generator Generators Genius Genial Genitals Genitalia Genie Genitive Geniality Genially Genital Genesis Genic Genocide Geniculate
1. Genitor definition is - one who begets : father, parent; specifically : the biological as distinguished from the legal father in some cultures
2. How to use Genitor in a sentence.
3. Genitor definition, a parent, especially a father
4. Genitor synonyms, Genitor pronunciation, Genitor translation, English dictionary definition of Genitor
5. Genitor - a natural father or mother
6. PrimoGenitor, proGenitor - an ancestor in the direct line
7. What does Genitor mean? One who produces or creates
8. 3141 0178 [email protected] CVR-nummer: 3552 4258
9. Genitor definition: the biological father as distinguished from the pater or legal father Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
10. Genitor - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
11. Genitor translation in Latin-English dictionary
12. ‘Rather John's Genitor was another man, with other land-owning interests, and consequently John's own real land-owning interests were elsewhere.’ ‘The plot is a complex intercontinental ‘quest for the father’ which inexorably transforms itself into a manhunt where said ‘father’ turns out to be a murderous, unnatural Genitor.’
13. Genitor was a horse that was born in the stables that the general and Roman dictator Julius Caesar had in his house andthe horse became his greatest weapon
Genitor, General, Greatest
14. Other articles where Genitor is discussed: parent: …developed separate kinship terms: a “Genitor” is a biological father, and a “pater” is a social one.
15. Definition of Genitor in the dictionary
16. What does Genitor mean? Information and translations of Genitor in the most comprehensive …
17. Dictionary entry details • Genitor (noun) Sense 1
18. Hypernyms ("Genitor" is a kind of): primoGenitor; proGenitor (an ancestor in the direct line)
19. Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Genitor"):
20. ‘Rather John's Genitor was another man, with other land-owning interests, and consequently John's own real land-owning interests were elsewhere.’ ‘The plot is a complex intercontinental ‘quest for the father’ which inexorably transforms itself into a manhunt where said ‘father’ turns out to be a murderous, unnatural Genitor.’
21. Unlike English, Latin has two words for 'father': Genitor, meaning 'begetter', and pater, meaning 'father' in a spiritually fuller sense
22. Thus, the female husband had rights to the domestic services of her "wife" and was the legitimate "father" of the wife's offspring, regardless of who the Genitor …
23. Define Genitor by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary.
24. Genitor is derived from Latin and means "to create" We are a solutions oriented consulting, hardware and software sales company focusing on Enterprise Management using Hewlett Packard’s OpenView suite of tools
25. 3141 0178 [email protected] CVR-nummer: 3552 4258
26. Genitor Genitor is a four-piece alt-rock band from Cortland, NY
27. How do you spell Genitor? References The references include Cambridge Dictionary Online, Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales, Century Dictionary,, Dictionary of the Scots Language, Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Duden, Oxford English Dictionary, Webster's Dictionary, WordNet and others.
28. The Genitor group is a research group within the Colorado State AI Lab (CSAIL) in the Computer Science Department at Colorado State University
Genitor, Group
29. See authoritative translations of Genitor in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
30. Genitor: the biological father as distinguished from the legal father.
31. Genitor is creating digital paintings & comics
32. ProGenitor definition, a biologically related ancestor: a proGenitor of the species
33. Genitor - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions
34. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Genitor n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.: formal (parent): padre nm nombre masculino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino, que lleva los artículos el o un en singular, y los o unos en plural
35. Progress is once again being made to bring the masses a proper Genitor LP
36. #Genitor #Genitormusic #Genitorband #cortlandny #cortlandmusic #experiencecortland #jennatore #thatsano #narcissistic #sadistic #violenturges
Genitor, Genitormusic, Genitorband
37. Synonyms for Genitor in Free Thesaurus
38. 3 words related to Genitor: primoGenitor, proGenitor, parent
39. ProGenitor definition is - an ancestor in the direct line : forefather
40. How to use proGenitor in a sentence.
41. — A source, cause, origin: quae Genitor produxerit usus, H
42. We found 2 answers for “Genitor”
43. This page shows answers to the clue Genitor.Genitor may be defined as “One who begets; a generator”, “A natural father or mother” and “The term Genitor describes a person's biological father as distinguished from the pater or legal father
Genitor, Generator
44. Anonymous, Codex Calixtinus: Kyrie Cunctipotens Genitor The Cathedral at Compostela History In the twelfth century, the Cathedral of Saintiago de Compostela in Northern Spain, with its relic: the body of Saint James the Greater (whose head is also said to be housed Jerusalem's Armenian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint James) was the culmination of a great Pan-European pilgrimage route.
Genitor, Greater, Great
45. Kyrie Cunctipotens Genitor Another good history of Gregorian chant can be found here
Genitor, Good, Gregorian
46. Genitor 4,261 followers on LinkedIn
47. Gør god ledelse bedre Genitors ambition er at hjælpe vores kunder med at gøre god ledelse bedre, fordi vi ved, at god ledelse har afgørende betydning
God, Genitors
48. Find more ways to say pro Genitor, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
49. 78_mass-iv-cunctipotens-Genitor-deus-1-kyrie_notre-dame-seminary-choir-rev-robert_gbia8000944e Location USA Scanner Internet Archive Python library 1.9.0 Scanningcenter George Blood, L.P
Genitor, George
50. Genitor 18 points 19 points 20 points 1 month ago To turn this off, go to the Amazon Alexa App then choose More -> Settings -> Account Settings -> Amazon Sidewalk
Genitor, Go, Gt
51. What rhymes with Genitor? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Genitor
52. Tornado Genitor Kana: トルネード・ジェニター Phonetic: Torunēdo Jenitā Grade / Skill: Grade 1 / Boost: Power: 8000 Critical: 1 Shield: 10000 Nation: Dark Zone Clan: Dark Irregulars: Race: Human: Format: Standard / Premium Standard Illust: 沖路
Genitor, Grade
53. Genitor is an English language word that is well described on this page with all the important details i.e Genitor meaning, Genitor word synonyms, and its similar words
54. Genitor meaning in Urdu is مولد and Genitor word meaning in roman can write as Mold.
55. Genitor, Natural Sperm donor All Genitor, Natural Sperm donor Co-parenting by choice Homosexual co-parenting Start a family AND meet love Single or divorced parent wants to rebuild a …
GENITOR [ˈjenədər]
Definition of genitor. : one who begets : father, parent the genitor of that political hybrid, the corporate state— Avro Manhattan specifically : the biological as distinguished from the legal father in some cultures — compare pater.
1. One who produces or creates. 2. Anthropology A natural father or mother. [Middle English genitour, from Old French genitor, from Latin, from genitus, past participle of gignere, to beget; see genə- in Indo-European roots .] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
: one who begets : father, parent the genitor of that political hybrid, the corporate state— Avro Manhattan specifically : the biological as distinguished from the legal father in some cultures — compare pater.
[ 1400–50; late ME ‹ L, equiv. to geni- (var. s. of gignere to beget) + -tor -tor; c. Gk genétōr, Skt janitar-] This word is first recorded in the period 1400–50. Other words that entered English at around the same time include: gallery, oblique, peg, separate, union divorce battle or leadership battle? Which version is correct?