See also: Genetics Genetic Genet Geneticist Genetically Edmond Gene Genesis Generic General Generous Generate Generation Generally Generosity Genealogy Generalization Genética
1. What is the Genet? Genets are long, lean carnivores that appear catlike with a tail usually as long as (if not longer than) the body. There are approximately 14 species identified all of which vary in appearance and habitat.
Genet, Genets
2. Genets are elongate short-legged animals with long tapering tails, pointed noses, large rounded ears, and retractile claws. Coloration varies among species but usually is pale yellowish or grayish, marked with dark spots and stripes; the tail is banded black and white.
Genets, Grayish
3. The common Genet is the species most commonly kept as a pet. They are quick, agile, and solitary creatures that require special care, but for the right owner, they can make fun pets.
4. The Common Genet is a cat-like carnivore common throughout Africa. Nocturnal, shy, and secretive, this slender small-spotted Genet features black marks on the face, which makes it look as though it is wearing a mask
5. Spots on the Genet’s back are in parallel lines, becoming elongated towards the tail, which sports distinct black rings.
6. The “Genet Affair,” also known as the French Neutrality Crisis, was a diplomatic incident that occurred during George Washington’s second term as President of the United States
Genet, George
7. Ben Genet started buying, managing and leasing out Commercial Real Estate in 1988
8. Edmond Charles Genet was a French diplomat sent to the United States during George Washington's first term as president in 1792
Genet, George
9. Agile climbers, Genets love to scamper up trees and climb onto shelves, rocks and ledges
10. Definition of Genet (Entry 1 of 3) : any of a genus (Genetta) of small Old World usually carnivorous viverrid mammals related to the civets and having retractile claws, spotted or striped fur, and a ringed tail
Genet, Genus, Genetta
11. The Small Spotted Genet or the Common Genet is a popular exotic pet
12. They are able to stand on their two front legs… - Genet - Pet Genet - Exotic Pets at BellaOnline
13. A group of Genetically identical individuals descended from one progenitor, as a group of trees that have all sprouted from the roots of a single parent; a clone
Group, Genetically
14. [From Genetic (on the model of ramet).] gen·et 3
Genetic, Gen
15. Genet (plural Genets) (biology) A group of Genetically identical individuals (plants, fungi, bacteria etc.) that have grown in a given location, all originating from asexual reproduction of a single ancestor; a group of ramets.
Genet, Genets, Group, Genetically, Grown, Given
16. Noun any small, Old World carnivore of the genus Genetta, especially G
Genus, Genetta
17. Genetta, having spotted sides and a ringed tail
18. Principal Grignon discusses changes to the instructional model, NYS Grades 3-8 Exams and other important news in this week’s Genet Journal
Grignon, Grades, Genet
19. My Genet was sold to me as a small spotted Genet, and he is indeed very small, with different behavior from larger Genets (this is the only form I have personal experience with)
Genet, Genets
20. However, all Genets have very distinct personalities and behavior quips
21. What does Genet mean? A group of Genetically identical individuals descended from one progenitor, as a group of trees that have all sprouted f
Genet, Group, Genetically
22. Genet Built upon kiln-dried hardwood frame parts, this hand-crafted item comes with style, functionality and quality in mind
23. Genet has found a scrupulous, meticulous chronicler in Edmund White.' -- Philip Henscher, The Guardian 'An absorbing and magisterial biographya labor of love in every sense
Genet, Guardian
24. The Genet family has 15 subspecies in Africa and these are all still hotly debated
25. The Serengeti is home to at least two of these, the Common Genet Genetta Genetta and the Rusty Spotted or Central African Large Spotted Genet Genetta maculate
Genet, Genetta
26. It is very hard to tell them apart, especially in a fleeting camera-trap picture but the Common Genet
27. In this analysis plant Genet was a categorial factor with nine levels, and midrib length was a continuous variable used as covariate
28. Genet Built upon kiln-dried hardwood frame parts, this hand-crafted item comes with style, functionality and quality in mind
29. The Genet family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920
30. The most Genet families were found in the USA in 1920
31. In 1840 there were 3 Genet families living in New York
32. This was about 75% of all the recorded Genet's in the USA
33. New York had the highest population of Genet families in 1840.
34. Genet, along with States of Desire: Travels in Gay America, is my favorite of Edmund White's books, certainly the most important of his non-fiction books
Genet, Gay
35. The spotted Genet goes by a few different names including the common Genet, Ibiza common Genet, and its binomial name Genetta Genetta
Genet, Goes, Genetta
37. Lyn-Genet Recitas is the NY Times and International Bestselling author of The Plan and The Metabolism Plan a groundbreaking anti-inflammatory nutritional protocol which has been published in over 15 countries.
Genet, Groundbreaking
38. Genet’s writings are addressed to the reader he most despises – the humanistic reformer who aims to redeem the denizens of the criminal underworld
39. Genet is recognised throughout the world as an enemy of bourgeois values.
40. The Genet South Africa Group (the “Group”) is a diversified mineral resource, mining service provision and construction material supply entity consisting of the following operating companies: Genet Mineral Processing (Pty) Ltd (“GMP”) Genet Manganese (Pty) Ltd (“Genet Manganese “)
Genet, Group, Gmp
41. Genet was a vehicle manufactured by HuCiv.It was the most popular personal transport in New Mombasa for three years preceding 2550.The New Mombasa Police Department also used the Genet as their primary vehicle.
42. In Halo 3: ODST, NMPD Genet flashing lights indicate points of interest, such as …
43. Daniel Genet was born and raised in New York
44. Genet returned to New York to attend law school at Pace University School of …
45. Genet makes overt what is always and forever sublimated: the connections between sex, power, evil, and pleasure in virtually all human interactions
46. The title character of Genet's novel is a handsome, seductive, sociopathic sailor who has linked the act of theft and murder into a ritual of mystical transcendence.
47. Jean Paul Sartre, Saint Genet (1952; trans
48. Other full-length studies in English include Bettina Knapp, Jean Genet (1956); Tom F
49. Driver, Jean Genet (1966); Richard N
50. Coe, The Vision of Jean Genet (1968); and Philip Thody, Jean Genet: A Study of His Novels and Plays (1969).
51. The Small-Spotted Genet has a diet which consists mainly of small mammals and insects
52. It would appear to eat less fruit than the Large Spotted Genet
53. Genet definition: any agile catlike viverrine mammal of the genus Genetta, inhabiting wooded regions of Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Genet, Genus, Genetta
GENET [ˈjenət]
The name Genet is of African origin. The meaning of Genet is "eden". Genet is generally used as a boy's name.
The passing of traits from parents to offspring is known as heredity, therefore, genetics is the study of heredity. This introduction to genetics takes you through the basic components of genetics such as DNA, genes, chromosomes and genetic inheritance. Genetics is built around molecules called DNA.
The key difference between gene and genome is that gene is a specific fragment of DNA that codes for a protein while genome is the entire collection of DNA of an organism that contains the entire genetic information. Each species has a unique set of inherited characteristics that make them different from each other.
Genetics define a lot of physical features about you. However, there are genes that predispose you to certain things (cancer, alcoholism, heart disease, etc). However, a lot of this is due to environment! For example, you may be predisposed to heart disease, but living a healthy lifestyle greatly reduces your risk!