See also: Generalize Generalized Genesis Gene General Generic Generous Generate Genetics Generation Generally Genealogy Generosity Genetic Generalization
1. Generalize definition is - to give a general form to
Generalize, Give, General
2. How to use Generalize in a sentence.
3. When based on limited facts: You can’t Generalize about a continent as varied as Africa. (Definition of Generalize from …
4. Fortunately to Generalize is only a part of the business of the historian. WASHINGTON IRVING HENRY W
5. BOYNTON From which it follows that men who use language are able to abstract or Generalize their ideas
6. Generalize is defined as to base statements based on the bigger picture than on smaller details. An example of Generalize is to give an overview of a law or rule without giving the specifics.
Generalize, Give, Giving
7. The Generalize configuration pass of Windows® Setup is used to create a Windows reference image that can be used throughout an organization. Settings in the Generalize configuration pass enable you to automate the behavior for all deployments of this reference image.
8. To deploy a Windows image to different PCs, you have to first Generalize the image to remove computer-specific information such as installed drivers and the computer security identifier (SID). You can either use Sysprep by itself or Sysprep with an unattend answer file to Generalize your image and make it ready for deployment.
9. For researchers planning a study, The Generalizer creates a stratified recruitment plan based on the features selected. By recruiting some schools from each stratum, the final sample is compositionally similar to the inference population.
10. See 2 authoritative translations of Generalize in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.
11. To Generalize is to use specific examples to make broader points
12. Gen‧e‧ral‧ize (also generalise British English) / ˈdʒenərəlaɪz/ ●○○ verb 1 [ intransitive] to form a general principle or opinion after considering only a small number of facts or examples Generalize from …
Gen, Generalise, General, Generalize
13. Generalize Example 2 (Stand-alone Script) The stand-alone script below is an example of how to use the Generalize function in a workflow where features are first simplified and then buffered: #Name: #Purpose:
14. To Generalize means 1.) to form a broad conclusion based on inferences drawn from specific cases 2.) to make something more widely available or applicable 3.) to speak in generalities, often in a prejudiced manner
Generalize, Generalities
15. Generalize is the North American spelling, related words are Generalizes, Generalized, generalizing, generalization.
Generalize, Generalizes, Generalized, Generalizing, Generalization
16. If you Generalize, you say something that seems to be true in most situations or for most people, but that may not be completely true in all cases
17. 'In my day, children were a lot better behaved.'—'It's not true, you're generalizing.' [VERB] It's hard to Generalize about Cole Porter because he wrote so many great songs that were so varied.
Generalizing, Generalize, Great
18. Generalize - draw from specific cases for more general cases extrapolate , generalise , infer conclude , reason , reason out - decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion; "We reasoned that it was cheaper to rent than to buy a house"
Generalize, General, Generalise
19. You Generalize the anxiety for your safety, but this safety mechanism interferes with the flow of yourself because now you get false messages of fear when there is no real danger
Generalize, Get
20. Unlike the other sensitivities, one cannot Generalize about the rho because its characteristics depend on the type of underlying instrument and the settlement
21. The problem is not when generalists specialize, but when specialists Generalize
Generalists, Generalize
22. The researchers recognize the need to have a higher response rate to be able to Generalize findings to the population
23. The homogenous nature of the subjects limits the ability to Generalize results to other populations.
24. Verb Forms [intransitive] Generalize (from something) to use a particular set of facts or ideas in order to form an opinion that is considered relevant to a different situation It would be foolish to Generalize from a single example
25. We cannot Generalize from these few examples.
26. Synonyms for Generalize in Free Thesaurus
27. 11 synonyms for Generalize: universalize, extrapolate, generalise, infer, generalise, popularise
Generalize, Generalise
28. Examples of Generalize in a sentence
29. I told Debra not to Generalize by stating that all Chinese businesses are corrupt just because she had a bad experience with one of them
30. 🔊 Painting with a wide brush Garry began to Generalize, claiming that every politician is a fraud and only out for himself
Garry, Generalize
31. Adverbs for Generalize include generally and generically
Generalize, Generally, Generically
32. Find 22 ways to say GeneralizeD, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
33. Generalize about (someone or something) To consider a specific situation in broad or vague terms
34. We shouldn't Generalize about a situation as complicated as healthcare
35. See also: Generalize Generalize from (something) To reach a conclusion about someone or something
36. Sysprep /Generalize: SYSPREP switch or command line option
37. Dictionary entry overview: What does Generalize mean? • Generalize (verb) The verb Generalize has 4 senses:
38. Generalized: ( jen'ĕr-ăl-īzd ), Involving the whole of an organ, as opposed to a focal or regional process.
39. Definition of Generalize from in the Idioms Dictionary
40. What does Generalize from expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
41. OverGeneralize: [verb, transitive + intransitive] to Generalize excessively: such as
42. To Generalize to the point of inaccuracy : to extrapolate a general theory, rule, etc
Generalize, General
43. Generalize (jĕn′ər-ə-līz′) v
44. Generalize about [sth], also UK: generalise about [sth] vi + prep (be unspecific) essere generici, essere vaghi vi verbo intransitivo: Verbo che non richiede un complemento oggetto: "Dormivo quando mi ha telefonato" - "Passate pure di qua" Sam would only Generalize about the …
Generalize, Generalise, Generici
45. Generalize - traduction anglais-français
46. Forums pour discuter de Generalize, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions
47. Generalize example 2 (stand-alone script) The stand-alone script below is an example of how to use the Generalize function in a workflow where features are first simplified and then buffered:
48. I hate to Generalize, but in general, both men and women suffer from ageism
Generalize, General
49. Generalize: To reduce to a general form, class, or law
Generalize, General
50. Lower criteria when you begin to Generalize a behavior to a new environment or different position in relation to you
51. The point of research is to be able to Generalize findings to the world at large
52. It's impossible to Generalize about children's books, as they are all different
53. They hope to Generalize the use of this new soap
54. It is impossible to Generalize about such a complicated subject
55. Generalize and generalise also belong to the same category of words
Generalize, Generalise
56. Generalize as verb: Generalize is a verb used in English language and it originated from the root word general
Generalize, General
57. Generalize means to make some broad or general statement from specific cases
Generalize, General
58. Generalize example 2 (stand-alone script) The stand-alone script below is an example of how to use the Generalize function in a workflow where features are first simplified and then buffered: # Name: # Purpose:
GENERALIZE [ˈjen(ə)rəˌlīz]