See also: Gaseous The Breathing Gases Gazelle Gaseoso Gassed Gasser Greenhouse
1. Gaseous definition is - having the form of or being gas; also : of or relating to gases
Gaseous, Gas, Gases
2. How to use Gaseous in a sentence.
3. Gaseous synonyms, Gaseous pronunciation, Gaseous translation, English dictionary definition of Gaseous
4. The constants for Gaseous elements represent the constants of the gases under atmospheric pressure
Gaseous, Gases
5. The potentials given for the Gaseous …
Given, Gaseous
6. Synonyms & Antonyms of Gaseous. marked by the use of impressive-sounding but mostly meaningless words and phrases
7. A pompous professor known for his Gaseous lectures that often put students to sleep
8. Synonyms for Gaseous. bombastic,
9. Gaseous The shape of the bubble can be easily controlled in a vertical shock tube either with a soap-film-surrounded Gaseous bubble or a gelatin-solid bubble
Gaseous, Gelatin
10. From the Cambridge English Corpus Gaseous …
11. The composition given is: sulphur, niter, cinnamon and boric acid in Gaseous solution
Given, Gaseous
12. 1 OF 2 VARIOUS We live at the bottom of a Gaseous envelope—the atmosphere—that is bound gravitationally to the planet Earth
Gaseous, Gravitationally
13. Gaseous (comparative more Gaseous, superlative most Gaseous) Relating to, or existing as gas (matter in an intermediate state between liquid and plasma)
Gaseous, Gas
14. The 1000 kW Gaseous genset is a perfect example of Generac's continued category leadership
Gaseous, Genset, Generac
15. Gaseous nitriding and nitrocarburising are heat treatment processes that enhance the surface properties of finished and nearfinished metallic components
16. Definition of Gaseous in the dictionary
17. What does Gaseous mean? Information and translations of Gaseous in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …
18. Gaseous Sentence Examples The stomata serve for all Gaseous interchange between the plant and the surrounding air
19. He denied that Gaseous atoms could have parts, although compound gases could
Gaseous, Gases
20. He made researches on volcanic phenomena, especially on the Gaseous …
21. ‘The particles referred to can be molecules or ions and the fluid can be either Gaseous or liquid.’
22. ‘The Gaseous oxygen vent hood keeps Gaseous oxygen from building up there.’
23. ‘There are two normal methods: Gaseous diffusion and gas centrifuge.’.
Gaseous, Gas
24. Gaseous fire suppression system activation can be manual, automatic or auto/manual
25. Gaseous fire suppression systems when designed and installed correctly should ensure that high value assets
26. Use the adjective Gaseous to describe anything having to do with a gas, or that shares some characteristics with gases
Gaseous, Gas, Gases
27. While you can't usually see Gaseous particles, you can often smell them
28. You might comment on the stinky Gaseous exhaust from a passing bus, or refer to the Gaseous nature of the space between the stars in the universe.
29. A Gaseous creature can’t run, but it can fly at a speed of 10 feet and automatically succeeds on all Fly skill checks
30. As adjectives the difference between gas and Gaseous is that gas is (irelandcolloquial) comical, zany while Gaseous is relating to, or existing as, gas
Gas, Gaseous
31. 73 rd Gaseous Electronics Conference
32. The 73 rd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference will be held Monday - Friday, October 5 - 9, 2020 as Virtual Conference for the First Time.
33. (gæsiəs, geɪʃəs) adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] You use Gaseous to describe something which is in the form of a gas, rather than a solid or …
Ge, Gaseous, Gas
34. The Portsmouth plant enriched uranium from 1954 until 2001 through a process called Gaseous diffusion
35. The Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant operated from 1954 to 2001
36. Gaseous Form You transform a willing creature you touch, along with everything it's wearing and carrying, into a misty cloud for the Duration
37. Gaseous Sentience is a space encounter
38. 1 Summary 2 Appearance 3 Behavior 4 Location 4.1 Systems Regularly Encountered In 5 Additional information 6 Gallery Gaseous Sentience is a space encounter in the No Man's Sky universe
Gallery, Gaseous
39. Gaseous Sentiences appear to be a massive spherical ball of energy
40. Gaseous Orb and Poison Arrow release poison gas that gives both enemies and thralls/pets the "Noxious Gas" debuff.
Gaseous, Gas, Gives
41. Keighley Laboratories Gaseous nitrocarburising sealed quench furnace is an IPSEN TQ7 gas-fired unit, which consists of a process-tight chamber with an integrated double-walled quench chamber, enabling the complex heat treatment cycle to take place in a protective environment.
Gaseous, Gas
42. Anagrams and words using the letters in 'Gaseous' 7 Letter Words You can Make With Gaseous Gaseous 6 Letter Words You can Make With Gaseous usages 5 Letter Words You can Make With Gaseous agues gases gauss gesso guess oases sages sagos segos souse usage 4 Letter Words You can Make With Gaseous USGS ages ague egos gaes goas goes oses ossa sage
Gaseous, Gases, Gauss, Gesso, Guess, Gaes, Goas, Goes
43. Gaseous diffusion is a technology used to produce enriched uranium by forcing Gaseous uranium hexafluoride (UF 6) through semipermeable membranes.This produces a slight separation between the molecules containing uranium-235 (235 U) and uranium-238 (238 U)
44. Gaseous cycles include those of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and water; sedimentary cycles include those of iron, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, and other more-earthbound elements
45. Gaseous Total Number of words made out of Gaseous = 56 Gaseous is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 8 points.Gaseous is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 10 points
46. Gaseous is a 7 letter medium Word starting with G and ending with S
47. 6 letter Words made out of Gaseous
48. This notably includes Gaseous data for monatomic calcium, cadmium, cesium, mercury, potassium, lithium, magnesium, sodium, strontium, and zinc
49. 2011 Gaseous and Particulate Contamination Guidelines For Data Centers 3 † Copper reactivity rate of less than 300 Å/month † Silver reactivity rate of less than 200 Å/month Following this guideline will help ensure reliable equipment operation
Gaseous, Guidelines, Guideline
50. For data centers with higher Gaseous …
51. Gaseous Tenebrae is an item added by Thaumic Tinkerer
52. When placed in the world, it will react the same as a Gaseous Illuminae but it will darken an area instead of lighten it up
53. Among the topics are basic processes in Gaseous detectors, the multi-wire proportional chamber era, new ideas on Gaseous detectors during the early years of the era 1968-77, micro-pattern Gaseous detectors, and applications ranging from hadron colliders and astrophysics to …
54. Background: Numerous Gaseous microemboli (GME) are delivered into the arterial circulation during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB)
Gaseous, Gme
55. Gaseous waste is a waste product in gas form resulting from various human activities, such as manufacturing, processing, material consumption or biological processes
Gaseous, Gas
56. Gaseous waste that is held in a closed container falls into the category of solid waste for disposal purposes.
57. Synonyms for Gaseous in Free Thesaurus
58. 2 antonyms for Gaseous: liquid, solid
59. Gaseous Exchange is the process of swapping one gas for another
Gaseous, Gas
60. Gaseous pollutants (VOC and acid gases), the key indicators of wet scrubber performance generally are the same as the critical performance indicators for PM emission control with a few exceptions
Gaseous, Gases, Generally
61. Gaseous wastes originate mainly from the chopping and dissolution operations
62. (Gaseous Tritium Light Source) Are you wondering what GTLS is? Here is everything you need to know about the light source illuminating Nite Watches and leaving other watches in the dark
Gaseous, Gtls
63. Gaseous Giganticus - Computing the 6 velocity fields Code to compute velocity fields Multithreaded -- 1 thread per cube face (I got tired of waiting)
Gaseous, Giganticus, Got
64. Definition of Gaseous (adjective): in the form of a gas
Gaseous, Gas
65. Definition and synonyms of Gaseous from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.
66. This is the British English definition of Gaseous.View American English definition of Gaseous.
67. Gaseous methane reacts with Gaseous oxygen gas to produce Gaseous carbon dioxide and Gaseous water
Gaseous, Gas
GASEOUS [ˈɡasēəs, ˈɡaSHəs]
Definition of gaseous 1 : having the form of or being gas also : of or relating to gases 1 : having the form of gas The substance changed from a liquid to a gaseous state. 2 : of or relating to gas gaseous odors
Webster Dictionary (5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: 1 Gaseous (adj)nin the form, or of the nature, of gas, or of an aeriform fluidnEtymology: [From Gas. Cf. F. gazeux.] 2 Gaseous (adj)nlacking substance or solidity; tenuousnEtymology: [From Gas. Cf. F. gazeux.] More ...
gas•e•ous. (ˈgæs i əs, ˈgæʃ əs) adj. 1. existing in the state of a gas; not solid or liquid. 2. pertaining to or having the characteristics of gas.
Gaseous waste is a waste product in gas form resulting from various human activities, such as manufacturing, processing, material consumption or biological processes.