See also: Garlands Garland Garlanded Garlic Garlicky
1. 1846, Charles Dickens, Pictures from Italy: It is beyond us, as we thread the ruined streets: above us, as we stand upon the ruined walls, we follow it through every vista of broken columns, as we wander through the empty court-yards of the houses; and through the Garlandings and interlacings
2. Other notable Twombly-related Garlandings include poet Vincent Katz's book on the artist's photographs; Frank O'Hara's "Cy Twombly," published in Art News, vol
3. For Mayawati, the distance between two note-worthy Garlandings is ultra-short
4. It is beyond us as we thread the ruined streets; above us as we stand upon the ruined walls; we follow it through every vista of broken columns, as we wander through the empty courtyards of the houses; and through the Garlandings and interlacings of every wanton vine
5. It is beyond us, as we thread the ruined streets: above us, as we stand upon the ruined walls, we follow it through every vista of broken columns, as we wander through the empty court-yards of the houses; and through the Garlandings and interlacings of every wanton vine.
6. And up there among the green twinings and Garlandings the white gown gleams again
Green, Garlandings, Gown, Gleams
7. I have visited Indian villages with dignitaries who received six, or even seven Garlandings.
8. Garlanding (plural Garlandings) An arrangement of garlands
Garlanding, Garlandings, Garlands
9. ‘Bring to the portals of Aiakos the soft Garlandings [stephanōmata] of blossoms [anthea], with the golden-haired Kharites attending.’ Pindar Nemean 5.53-54 When I say that the group of singers and dancers is called on to perform a ritual act, including the ritual act of
Garlandings, Golden, Group
10. And up there among the green twinings and Garlandings the white gown gleams again
Green, Garlandings, Gown, Gleams
11. Sporting, with friends, Dawn’s golden rings, I lashed my wings to eagles’wings, decked my temples with Love’s Garlandings, drank must and spikenard at Love’s very springs—all this while Time stooped to kiss my hand and Days scurried to and fro at my command, eager, expedient, in all things obedient.
Golden, Garlandings
12. Twinings and Garlandings the white gown gleams again
Garlandings, Gown, Gleams
13. He is lethal in his accounts of literary Garlandings and gatherings like the Giller bash and the fiction it canonizes
Garlandings, Gatherings, Giller
14. It is beyond us, as we thread the ruined streets: above us, as we stand upon the ruined walls; we follow it through every vista of broken columns, as we wander through the empty courtyards of the houses; and through the Garlandings and interlacings of every wanton vine.
15. Käännös sanalle Garlandings englannista suomeksi
16. Through the Garlandings and interfac ings of every wanton vine
17. First, there were many preliminaries: talks about TBMSG, Garlandings and explanations
18. Twinings and Garlandings the white gown gleams again
Garlandings, Gown, Gleams
19. Other close cousins to what My Octopus Mind currently do would be the psychedelic Garlandings of Knifeworld or the more out-there voyagings of The Verve, the protracted lilting commentaries of Damien Rice, and whatever Fyfe Dangerfield’s up to these days; while MOM themselves cite Radiohead, Josh Homme, the Buckleys, Jose Gonzalez and raga
Garlandings, Gonzalez
20. 영어 단어의 동의어를 Garlandings 무엇을 알고 싶으십니까? 당신은 Wordow 내부 Garlandings 영어 단어를 찾을 수 있습니다 시소러스
21. And up there among the green twinings and Garlandings the white gown gleams again
Green, Garlandings, Gown, Gleams
22. He had no choice but to sit through the banal comedy of speeches and introductions and Garlandings that began all over again
GARLANDINGS [ˈɡärlənd]
garlanding definition: 1. present participle of garland 2. to put garlands on someone or something: . Learn more.
English Language Learners Definition of garland (Entry 1 of 2) : a ring or rope that is made of leaves, flowers, or some other material and that is used as a decoration
a wreath or festoon of flowers, leaves, or other material, worn for ornament or as an honor or hung on something as a decoration: A garland of laurel was placed on the winner's head. a representation of such a wreath or festoon.
Types 1 Bead garland 2 Flower garland 3 Lei - the traditional garland of Hawaiʻi 4 Pennant garland 5 Pine garland 6 Popcorn and/or cranberry garland 7 Rope garland 8 Tinsel garland 9 Vine garland 10 Mundamala - garland of severed heads or skulls, found in Hindu and Tibetan Buddhist iconography