Use Gaminess in a sentence

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See also: Gaminess Gameness Gamification Gaming Gamine Gamify Gamut Gamified Gamificación Define

1. Gaminess synonyms, Gaminess pronunciation, Gaminess translation, English dictionary definition of Gaminess


2. 66 synonyms and near synonyms of Gaminess from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 18 antonyms and near antonyms


3. Gaminess: as in earthiness, saltiness


4. Gaminess (or any form thereof) can be used as any part of speech, but is most coherent when used in the adjective or noun form. The key to successful usage of Gaminess is to let it flow.

Gamin, Gaminess

5. But what causes Gaminess? Several reasons, starting with the nice ones


6. Volponi says a description of Gaminess is ambiguous because it's largely detected by the receptors of our harder-to-describe fifth taste, umami


7. The Gaminess comes from the fats of the meat


8. The hormonal Gaminess you can control as well


9. Definition of Gaminess in the dictionary


10. What does Gaminess mean? Information and translations of Gaminess in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


11. What does Gaminess mean? The quality of being gamy

Gaminess, Gamy

12. Funny shadow fight arena, fight with most dangerous villans, lastest gameplay video, #Gaminess gamer

Gameplay, Gaminess, Gamer

13. ‘The silk of the duck liver plays against the grainy elements of the fig, the fig brings out the fruitier qualities in the liver, the liver points to the Gaminess of the fig, and you smear your torchon on your brioche toasts with oohs and ahs.’

Grainy, Gaminess

14. While deer, rabbit, bear, elk, and others naturally possess a more robust flavor profile than cultivated chicken, beef, and pork, there is no reason for the Gaminess of the meat to overpower the


15. Behavior or language bordering on indelicacy Familiarity information: Gaminess used as a noun is very rare.


16. Gaminess - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums


17. The vinegar tenderizes the meat and the seasonings take away the Gaminess that lamb tends to have


18. We found 17 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Gaminess: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Gaminess" is defined

Gaminess, Go

19. General (16 matching dictionaries) Gaminess: [home, info] Gaminess: Oxford Dictionaries [home, info]

General, Gaminess

20. I’m sure Neolithic humans would scratch their heads at our concept of Gaminess


21. Gaminess 11 is a valid Scrabble Word in CSW, formerly SOWPODS (Other Countries) Gaminess 14 is a valid word in WWF


22. Definitions for the word, Gaminess


23. Unscrambled Words in the letters, Gaminess


24. 8 letter words made by using the letters Gaminess.


25. Characteristic of grassfed dairy, this yogurt does have a slight Gaminess

Grassfed, Gaminess

26. Some of venison's Gaminess is attributable to the way it was slaughtered and handled before processing


27. The Gaminess of the venison lends itself as a savory compliment to the sweetness of the wheat whiskey creating a truly creative carnivorous concoction, while the juxtaposition of death and decay


28. Synonyms for Gaminess in Free Thesaurus


29. 3 synonyms for Gaminess: raciness, ribaldry, spiciness


30. What are synonyms for Gaminess?


31. “I've ordered: - Goat curry: great complexity of flavor, heaping portion, lots of tender goat with no hint of Gaminess.” See all Spice Box reviews Manraj Palace Cuisine of India

Goat, Great, Gaminess

32. The amount of "Gaminess" you taste varies from deer to deer and depends on the age and eating habits of the animal as well as how quickly it was field dressed


33. Vacuum sealing has definitely eliminated any hint of Gaminess that i remember from the venison i ate as a kid


34. Cool-climate Syrah Gaminess.Ó Jeb Dunnuck 2017 Washington State WINEMAKER OF THE YEAR-Seattle Magazine @avenniawinery 2016 Le Corbeau Discovery Vineyard Syrah 93-95 ÒSmoking bouquet of currants, lavender, tapenade, and classic cool-climate Syrah Gaminess.Ó Jeb Dunnuck 2017 Washington State WINEMAKER OF THE YEAR-Seattle Magazine


35. Definição de Gaminess: the quality of being gamy Significado, pronúncia, traduções e exemplos

Gaminess, Gamy

36. Tasting notes: “Tender and funky” like prosciutto but with a “heightened Gaminess and nuttiness” Jamón Ibérico


37. Gaminess: bravoure: Translations: 1 – 1 / 1


38. It makes a difference as to the potential for Gaminess flavors


39. Search Gaminess and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso


40. You can complete the definition of Gaminess given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster

Gaminess, Given

41. (Kenji from Serious Eats prefers no more than six hours because he thinks it becomes too "mushy." ChefSteps suggests 24 hours.) My lamb came out super tender, with not a lot of Gaminess



GAMINESS [ˈɡāmēnəs]

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  • › How to describe gamey taste
  • › What is gamey taste

Frequently Asked Questions

What does gamyness mean?

Ill-smelling; rank. 2. Showing an unyielding spirit; plucky: a gamy little mare that loved to run. 3. a. Corrupt; tainted: "those considerable forces in America that appear to be tired of the old politics (particularly the gamy municipal variety)" (Tom Wicker). b. Sordid; seamy. c. Sexually suggestive; racy. gam′i·ness n.

What is gaminess sausage?

Meaty and firm with a natural-tasting gaminess, the sausage was mild with a slightly salty finish. In Northern Europe, spices became popular as a way of not only enlivening boring, starchy dishes, but as a way of often hiding the ' gaminess ' of not-quite-edible meats and fish. Banh the bomb!

What does gamy mean?

1. a. Having the flavor or odor of game, especially game that is slightly spoiled. b. Ill-smelling; rank. 2. Showing an unyielding spirit; plucky: a gamy little mare that loved to run. 3. a. Corrupt; tainted: "those considerable forces in America that appear to be tired of the old politics (particularly the gamy municipal variety)" (Tom Wicker).

What flavor is gaminess?

What remains is the beefy flavor and its strong gaminess has been eliminated. Seductive floral aromas lead to a palate of luscious black, blue, and red-plum fruit, with chocolate, vanilla, and a hint of attractive gaminess. Another woman shared that Chocolate-Raspberry is perfect for removing the gaminess from venison.

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