Use Gametes in a sentence

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See also: Gametes The Haploid Game Gamete Gamer Gamey Gameplay Gametogenesis Gamesmanship Gametophyte Gamely Kinky Zero-sum Video Indie Sandbox Fair Rpg Sum

1. Gametes are formed through meiosis (reduction division), in which a germ cell undergoes two fissions, resulting in …

Gametes, Germ

2. Gametes are reproductive cells or sex cells that unite during sexual reproduction to form a new cell called a zygote. Male Gametes are called sperm and female Gametes are ova (eggs)


3. Gamete - a mature sexual reproductive cell having a single set of unpaired chromosomes germ cell, reproductive cell, sex cell - a spermatozoon or an ovum; a cell responsible for transmitting DNA to the next generation anisogamete - either of a pair of unlike Gametes especially those unlike in size

Gamete, Germ, Generation, Gametes

4. The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to the Gametes crossword clue


5. The number of Gametes formed from AaBbCc is 8


6. The union of male and female Gametes to produce a diploid zygote


7. When two human Gametes meet — that is, a sperm cell and an ovum — you get a zygote, a fertilized …

Gametes, Get

8. Thus, in animals, sperm and eggs are both considered Gametes


9. Once both Gametes would unite, it would form a new organism


10. Gametes are the reproductive cells used during sexual reproduction to produce a new organism called a zygote


11. The Gametes in males and females are different


12. Gametes are necessary for DNA to be passed from one organism down to the next …


13. Gametes of about few Algae, Fungi, Animals and of all advanced plants parade an innovative arrangement of Heterogamy which is known as Oogamy


14. Biologically, a male is an individual that produces male Gametes and a female is one who produces female Gametes


15. Decisions, decisions In his book The End of Sex and the Future of Human Reproduction, Greely foresaw that most people would use Gametes derived from their skin cells to create scores of in vitro-fertilized embryos.

Greely, Gametes

16. In animals where oogamy occurs male Gametes are called sperm, the female Gametes eggs


17. Genetic Architecture Model Emulator for Testing and Evaluating Software (Gametes) is an algorithm for the generation of complex single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) models for simulated association studies

Genetic, Gametes, Generation

18. Gametes is designed to generate epistatic models which we refer to as pure and strict, that …

Gametes, Generate

19. Almost all multicellular eukaryotic organisms that undergo sexual reproduction use Gametes, or sex cells, to create offspring


20. Since two parents are necessary to create individuals for the next generation of the species, Gametes are typically haploid cells

Generation, Gametes

21. Meiosis, also called reduction division, division of a germ cell involving two fissions of the nucleus and giving rise to four Gametes, or sex cells, each possessing half the …

Germ, Giving, Gametes

22. How haploid Gametes (sperm and egg cells) combine to form a diploid zygote with two sets of chromosomes


23. Animals produce Gametes directly through meiosis from diploid mother cells in organs called gonads (testis in males and ovaries in females)

Gametes, Gonads

24. However, before turning into gametogonia, the embryonic development of Gametes is the same in males and

Gametogonia, Gametes

25. The Gametes The Astronomical Calamities Of Comet Jones, released 13 August 2018 1


26. If the genotype is "Aa, Bb", then 4 different kinds of Gametes can be made: (aB, AB, ab, and Ab) A creature with 2 heterozygous genes is called a "dihybrid." The following phrase may also help you determine the Gametes of a dihybrid: BIG à BIG

Genotype, Gametes, Genes

27. Gametes: Gametes are only used in sexual reproduction


28. Gametes: In plants, haploid ovule and pollen cells produces Gametes by mitosis


29. What kind of Gametes can be produced by a AA genotype? An individual with the genotype Aa can make two types of Gametes: A and a.Since this is a random process, the individual will, on average, make equal numbers of each gamete

Gametes, Genotype, Gamete

30. How many chromosomes do Gametes


31. In higher organisms, Gametes are of two distinct types: large immobile ones known as eggs or egg cells and small ones known as sperm


32. In some lower organisms the Gametes are all the same, or they may belong to different mating strains but have no obvious


33. SUMMARY: This lab is designed to provide students with a laboratory experience with sea urchins in which they will collect and observe Gametes.In this investigation we will do the following: 1


34. Induce spawning of Gametes by injecting sea urchins with potassium chloride solution.


35. Learn Gametes with free interactive flashcards


36. Choose from 500 different sets of Gametes flashcards on Quizlet.


37. Gametes specification from adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells (ESCs) as well as propagation of stem cells from the reproductive system and from organized embryos, which are similar to blastocysts, have been realized in some nonhuman mammals, but not all achievements can be replicated in humans.


38. Definition of Gametes in the dictionary


39. What does Gametes mean? Information and translations of Gametes in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


40. Gametes is a fast, flexible, and precise tool for generating complex n-locus models with random architectures

Gametes, Generating

41. While Gametes has a limited ability to generate models with higher heritabilities, it is proficient at generating the lower heritability models typically used …

Gametes, Generate, Generating

42. Gametes are haploid cells that carry reproductive functions produced through meiosis


43. Gametes carried by males are called sperms and Gametes carried by females are called eggs


44. By joining during fertilization, Gametes form a zygote, which is a diploid.


45. Synonyms for Gametes in Free Thesaurus


46. Gametes are the haploid sex cells, fondly referred to as sperm and eggs, which combine during fertilization to kick-off the formation of a new organism


47. The production of Gametes is the first step of sexual reproduction


48. Solution for Gametes must be haploid because two Gametes will unite during fertilization to create a diploid cell fertilization results with a haploid zygote a…




  • › Name of gametes in males
  • › The gametes are the and cell
  • › Example of a gamete

Frequently Asked Questions

What are gametes also known as?

Image credit – Gametes, also known as sex cells, are an organism’s reproductive cells. They are produced in the gonads. In males, this is called spermatogenesis, while in females, it is called oogenesis.

What is an example of a gamete?

Eggs, sperms and pollens are all examples of gametes. A gamete is haploid, meaning it has only half the number of chromosones the species is should have.

Why do gametes have only 23 chromosomes?

Homologous chromosomes have the same genes, though they may have different alleles. So, though homologous chromosomes are very similar, they are not identical. The homologous chromosomes are separated when gametes are formed. Therefore, gametes have only 23 chromosomes, not 23 pairs.

What are the two types of human gametes?

The two most common gametes are sperm and ova. These two haploid cells can undergo internal or external fertilization and can differ from each other in size, form, and function. Some species produce both sperm and ova within the same organism.

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