See also: Gamechanger Game Gamete Gamer Gamey Gameplay Gametogenesis Gamesmanship Gametophyte Gamely Gametes Kinky Zero-sum Video Indie Sandbox Fair Skin Sum
1. If I go to a channel that happens to be blacked out In this area by the NFL, the system automatically goes into Gamesearch
Go, Goes, Gamesearch
2. However, because I don’t subscribe to any network channels, Gamesearch will always be unsuccessful in finding the game on another channel.
Gamesearch, Game
3. Gamesearch is a browser hijacker that injects sponsored ads into users' searches and can lead to insecure sites
4. What is Gamesearch? Gamesearch is a browser hijacker endorsed as a tool for easy access to various free online games
Gamesearch, Games
5. Furthermore, Gamesearch has data tracking capabilities, which is common to browser hijackers.
6. When a game is scheduled to be recorded on a DVR, Gamesearch will find the game that is not in black-out and automatically record it
Game, Gamesearch
7. The Gamesearch technology is free of charge to DirecTV customers and is now available to those with the company's HD DVR HR20 and HR21 receivers, as well as the just-released R22 SD DVR.
8. This domain is available for sale! Need a price instantly? Contact us now
9. Ciao! Mi chiamo Emanuele Cabrini e dal 2009 mi occupo di videogiochi e cultura grazie al mio progetto:!
Grazie, Gamesearch
Definition of game (Entry 1 of 4) 1 a (1) : a physical or mental competition conducted according to rules with the participants in direct opposition to each other (2) : a division of a larger contest
1 : to manipulate, exploit, or cheat in (a system, a situation, etc.) slyly or dishonestly for personal gain game the tax system … a male bus driver who tried to game a drug test by using his wife's urine … — Chuck Shepherd
Kids Definition of game. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a contest or sport played according to rules with the players in direct opposition to each other. 2 : the manner of playing in a game or contest She has improved her game. 3 : playful activity : something done for amusement The children were happy at their games.
English Language Learners Definition of game : a physical or mental activity or contest that has rules and that people do for pleasure : a particular occurrence of a game : one of the games that are part of a larger contest (such as a tennis match)