See also: Gabby Gabble Gabba Gabbing Gambling Gabber Gabbro Gabbled Gabbeh Gabbatha
1. What is the definition of Gabbroitic? What is the meaning of Gabbroitic? How do you use Gabbroitic in a sentence? What are synonyms for Gabbroitic?
2. Matching words include gabapentin, gabardines, gabblement, Gabbroitic, gaberdines, gabionades, gabionages, gabionnade, Gabrielite and Gabriellis
Gabapentin, Gabardines, Gabblement, Gabbroitic, Gaberdines, Gabionades, Gabionages, Gabionnade, Gabrielite, Gabriellis
3. Matching words include gabapentin, gabardines, gabblement, Gabbroitic, gaberdines, gabionades, gabionages, gabionnade, Gabrielite and Gabriellis
Gabapentin, Gabardines, Gabblement, Gabbroitic, Gaberdines, Gabionades, Gabionages, Gabionnade, Gabrielite, Gabriellis
4. Gabbroitic enclaves are generally the most stable enclaves with respect to disruption by entraining granitic magma flows. Enclaves are distinguished from xenoliths, which are fragments of metamorphically altered older rock that fell into magma chambers or lava and became enveloped within igneous rock during the latter's development and hardening.
Gabbroitic, Generally, Granitic
5. A cumulate of Gabbroitic composition
6. Synonyms for Gabbroitic in Free Thesaurus
7. What are synonyms for Gabbroitic?
8. The analysis indicates that on the surface of these bodies there are two principal types of provinces: an ancient crust (Gabbroitic-anorthositic on the moon and, probably, Mars, granitic-metamorphic on the earth and, probably, Venus), and younger lava sheets
Gabbroitic, Granitic
9. Gabbroic (gabˈbroic) or Gabbroitic (ˌgabbroˈitic) adjective
Gabbroic, Gab, Gabbroitic, Gabbro
10. Gabbro n pl , -bros a dark coarse-grained basic plutonic igneous rock consisting of plagioclase feldspar, pyroxene, and often olivine (C19: from Italian, probably from Latin glaber smooth, bald) ♦ gabbroic, Gabbroitic …
Gabbro, Grained, Glaber, Gabbroic, Gabbroitic
11. Gabbroitic Sherlock waltz foggily
12. Thick dikes, sills, and laccoliths of Gabbroitic rock intrude the Roraima, as well as a few acid dikes probably …
13. Gabardines gabblement Gabbroitic gabelleman gaberdines gablatores gableboard gableended gabriellia gabrielson gadgeteers gadgetries gadolinite gadolinium gadroonage
Gabardines, Gabblement, Gabbroitic, Gabelleman, Gaberdines, Gablatores, Gableboard, Gableended, Gabriellia, Gabrielson, Gadgeteers, Gadgetries, Gadolinite, Gadolinium, Gadroonage
14. Is Wendall always Gabbroitic and aswarm when struggles some pastor very dog-cheap and heaps? Laird whisk his bigarades demobilizes speedily or unthinkingly after Aguste culls and outact actionably, masticable and eighty
15. The cheapest way to evaluate the property for any Gabbroitic cobalt bodies and iron formation is by drone, he says, because his firm doesn’t have to cut lines and it can get high-resolution data from 50 metres above surface
Gabbroitic, Get
16. The rocks are granitic, dioritic, Gabbroitic and diabasic eruptives
Granitic, Gabbroitic
17. Varies from the Gabbroitic to the basaltic
18. The prin- cipal structures noted are the Gabbroitic, ophitic, with and without glassy base, anamesitic and aphanitic, with small crystals of
Gabbroitic, Glassy
19. The deposit is a Gabbroitic anorthosite more towards gabbros with dark gray, black feldspar giving uniform dark black background with bronze standing out in contrast as gold sparkles
Gabbroitic, Gabbros, Gray, Giving, Gold
20. Gabbroitic galliambic gamotropic ganglionic gasometric gastralgic genealogic genethliac geobotanic geocentric geodynamic geognostic geographic geomorphic geotechnic
Gabbroitic, Galliambic, Gamotropic, Ganglionic, Gasometric, Gastralgic, Genealogic, Genethliac, Geobotanic, Geocentric, Geodynamic, Geognostic, Geographic, Geomorphic, Geotechnic
21. Decomposing granite, clay/Gabbroitic soils, muddy
Granite, Gabbroitic
22. Washerman essay scholarships Muffin, more popular and Gabbroitic, a story of units lesson 6 homework 41 what essays of henry david thoreau herald the ideas of conservation and preservation bloodied his Berliners in three languages and moaned
23. Matching words include gabapentin, gabardines, gabblement, Gabbroitic, gaberdines, gabionades, gabionages, gabionnade, Gabrielite and Gabriellis
Gabapentin, Gabardines, Gabblement, Gabbroitic, Gaberdines, Gabionades, Gabionages, Gabionnade, Gabrielite, Gabriellis
24. Poecilitic Gabbroitic bachelors-at-arms prompted manjak
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Gabbroitic, Goring
26. Achondrite Dhofar 007 is monomictic breccia with a Gabbroitic structure consisting of subhedral grains (0.2 …
Gabbroitic, Grains
noun, plural gab·bros. Petrology. a dark granular igneous rock composed essentially of labradorite and augite. Think you remember last week’s words? Take this quiz on the Words of the Day from April 6–12 to find out! a person who dances professionally, as on the stage. an example of writing or speech consisting of or containing meaningless words.
A usually dark, coarse-grained igneous rock composed mostly of plagioclase feldspar and clinopyroxene, and sometimes olivine. Gabbro is the coarse-grained equivalent of basalt. The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
noun, plural gab·bros. Petrology. a dark granular igneous rock composed essentially of labradorite and augite.