See also: Frolicky Frolicking Frolicsome Follicly Frolicked Frolicsomeness Frolic Follicle Roll
1. Frolicly (adverb) in a frolicsome manner; with mirth and gayety How to pronounce Frolicly?
Frolicly, Frolicsome
2. Define Frolicly by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary.
3. Synonyms for Frolicly include vivaciously, buoyantly, effervescently, frolicsomely, bouncily, exuberantly, gaily, gamesomely, livelily and spiritedly
For, Frolicly, Frolicsomely
4. Looking for phrases related to the word Frolicly? Find a list of matching phrases on! The Web's largest and most authoritative phrases and idioms resource.
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5. Frolicly meaning (obsolete) In a frolicsome manner; with mirth and gaiety.
Frolicly, Frolicsome
6. Frolicly (comparative more Frolicly, superlative most Frolicly) In a frolicsome manner; with gaiety and mirth
Frolicly, Frolicsome
7. Antonyms for Frolicly include sullenly, depressedly, bluely, lowly, sadly, unhappily, miserably, gloomily, dejectedly and despondently
For, Frolicly
8. We've got 31 anagrams for Frolicly » Any good anagrams for Frolicly? This page list all the various possible anagrams for the word Frolicly.Use it for solving word puzzles, scrambles and for writing poetry, lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.
For, Frolicly
9. Frolicly related words and phrases
10. Related words and phrases for Frolicly.
For, Frolicly
11. We've got 0 rhyming words for Frolicly » What rhymes with Frolicly? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Frolicly.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.
For, Frolicly
12. Bits of fluffy gently dance and are Frolicly carried by the wind in the air
Fluffy, Frolicly
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15. Definitions of Frolicly, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of Frolicly, analogical dictionary of Frolicly (English)
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1. Playful behavior or merriment: fun and frolic. 2. A playful movement or act. 3. A sexual act or encounter: "his frolics with silver screen divas" (Michael Blaine). 1. To move about or behave playfully; romp: dogs frolicking in the park. 2. To engage in lovemaking. Merry.
verb (used without object), frol·icked, frol·ick·ing. to gambol merrily; to play in a frisky, light-spirited manner; romp: The children were frolicking in the snow. to have fun; engage in merrymaking; play merry pranks.
Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective After check-in, visitors can leave any carry-ons with the hotel bell staff, and then go frolic in the theme parks.