See also: Foreknowledge Foreknow Foreknown Foreboding Foregoing Foremost Foreshadowing Foreign Forensic Foregone Foresee Foresight Forecasting Forefront Forest Foreground Forever Forestall To Science Do Define On
1. Foreknow definition is - to have previous knowledge of : know beforehand especially by paranormal means or by revelation
2. How to use Foreknow in a sentence
3. Synonym Discussion of Foreknow.
4. Foreknow delivers a platform fit for your business with the features you need to connect with your customers, and deliver the results you need.
Foreknow, Fit, For, Features
5. Foreknow is the turn-key solution for enhancing user engagement by bringing your digital and physical customer experiences full circle.
Foreknow, For, Full
6. In the sense of prescience Foreknowledge is an aspect of God's omniscience (see OMNISCIENCE)
7. Noun knowledge of something before it exists or happens; prescience: Did you have any Foreknowledge of the scheme?
8. Foreknowledge is the source or, at least, the pattern of election, sanctification the sphere within which it comes to effect or the means by which it is operative, and sprinkling of the blood of Christ, the end to which it is directed.
9. In the sense of prescience Foreknowledge is an aspect of God's omniscience (see OMNISCIENCE)
10. Foreknowledge is closely connected to election and predestination and to God's sovereign rule of his universe
11. Foreknowledge “For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brothers” (v
Foreknowledge, For, Foreknew, Firstborn
12. Although the term ‘foreknew’ is used seldom in the New Testament, it is altogether indefensible to ignore the meaning so frequently given to the word ‘know’ in the usage of Scripture; ‘Foreknow’ merely adds the thought of ‘beforehand’ to the word ‘know’.
Foreknew, Frequently, Foreknow
13. Foreknow synonyms, Foreknow pronunciation, Foreknow translation, English dictionary definition of Foreknow
14. Fore·knew , fore·known , fore·know·ing , fore·knows To have Foreknowledge of, especially by supernatural means or through revelation
Fore, Foreknowledge
15. In the sense of prescience Foreknowledge is an aspect of God's omniscience (see OMNISCIENCE)
16. Frequently Asked Questions About Foreknow How is the word Foreknow different from other verbs like it? Some common synonyms of Foreknow are anticipate, divine, and foresee
Frequently, Foreknow, From, Foresee
17. While all these words mean "to know beforehand," Foreknow usually implies supernatural assistance, as through revelation.
18. Question: "What is Foreknowledge in the Bible?" Answer: Foreknowledge is knowing things or events before they exist or happen
19. In Greek, the term for “Foreknowledge” is prognosis, which expresses the idea of knowing reality before it is real and events before they occur.In Christian theology, Foreknowledge refers to the all-knowing, omniscient nature of God whereby He knows reality before
For, Foreknowledge
20. Foresee -- Foreknow (ordain), know (before).
Foresee, Foreknow
21. Foreknow - realize beforehand foresee , previse , anticipate know - be aware of the truth of something; have a belief or faith in something; regard as true beyond any doubt; "I know that I left the key on the table"; "Galileo knew that the earth moves around the sun"
Foreknow, Foresee, Faith
22. What does the term "Foreknow" mean? While the noun "Foreknowledge" (Greek: prognōsis) means knowledge of future events with an implication of divine direction or control (see What does the Foreknowledge of God mean?), various scholars attempt to parse the sequence of divine thought.
Foreknow, Foreknowledge, Future
23. We Foreknow how others will act, and the Foreknowledge is the beginning of judgment passed on action
Foreknow, Foreknowledge
24. HUMAN NATURE AND CONDUCT JOHN DEWEY It is another man's error or fault that you Foreknow, and not your own; and therefore Foreknowledge maketh it not your own
Fault, Foreknow, Foreknowledge
25. 29 For whom he did Foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren
For, Foreknow, Firstborn
26. Foreknow, Foreknowledge: "a Foreknowledge" (akin to A.), is used only of Divine "Foreknowledge," Act 2:23 ; 1Pe 1:2
Foreknow, Foreknowledge
27. "Foreknowledge" is one aspect of omniscience; …
28. That “Foreknow” carries this sense seems evident in Romans 8:29 also, where it is used in connection with the concept of predestination
29. We Foreknow this, for God has plainly warned us
Foreknow, For
30. Synonyms for Foreknow include foresee, anticipate, divine, prevision, forefeel, predict, forecast, prophesy, prognosticate and foretell
For, Foreknow, Foresee, Forefeel, Forecast, Foretell
31. Definition of Foreknow in the dictionary
32. What does Foreknow mean? Information and translations of Foreknow in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
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Foreknow, Fatbike, Friends
34. "a Foreknowledge" (akin to A.), is used only of Divine "Foreknowledge," Acts 2:23; 1 Peter 1:2
35. "Foreknowledge" is one aspect of omniscience; it is implied in God's warnings, promises and predictions.
36. Foreknow προγινώσκω (transliterated proginōskō) may be the most significant term in a key New Testament soteriological passage, Romans 8:28–30
37. 1 In Warfield’s opinion, Foreknowledge “lies at the root of the whole process.” 2 Foreknowledge is also a frequent topic of discussion in theological periodicals
Foreknowledge, Frequent
38. Foreknow definition: to know in advance Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
39. KJV Dictionary Definition: Foreknow Foreknow
40. Who would the miseries of man Foreknow? For whom he did Foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son
Foreknow, For
41. See authoritative translations of Foreknow in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
42. The book, "How Much Does God Foreknow? A Comprehensive Biblical Study," is a fantastic work written by Steven C
Foreknow, Fantastic
43. The central issue of the book delves into the subject of God's Foreknowledge.
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Foreknow, Followers
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Foreknow, Fastest
46. ‘First, the short answer to the question whether God can Foreknow contingent events is no.’ ‘He had explained that, for the purposes of their discussion, he was assuming that God does not cause the events he Foreknows: he knows them because they happen, rather than their happening because he …
First, Foreknow, For, Foreknows
47. Foreknow - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
Foreknow, Forums
48. Whom he did Foreknow, that is, whom he designed for his friends and favourites.
Foreknow, For, Friends, Favourites
49. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation) And let it be noticed further that if Paul had here used the term "Foreknow" in the sense that election was based on mere Foreknowledge, it would have contradicted his statement elsewhere that it is according to the good pleasure of God.
Further, Foreknow, Foreknowledge
50. Foreknow (third-person singular simple present Foreknows, present participle Foreknowing, simple past foreknew, past participle Foreknown) To have knowledge of …
Foreknow, Foreknows, Foreknowing, Foreknew, Foreknown
51. ‘First, the short answer to the question whether God can Foreknow contingent events is no.’ ‘He had explained that, for the purposes of their discussion, he was assuming that God does not cause the events he Foreknows: he knows them because they happen, rather than their happening because he …
First, Foreknow, For, Foreknows
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Foreknow, Fat, Front, Fork
53. Find more ways to say Foreknow, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Find, Foreknow, Free
54. Foreknow; Foreknowledge: for-no', for-nol'-ej: 1
Foreknow, Foreknowledge, For
55. Foreknowledge Based on Foreordination 4
Foreknowledge, Foreordination
56. Foreknowledge as Equivalent to Foreordination LITERATURE 1
Foreknowledge, Foreordination
57. Meaning of the Term: The word "Foreknowledge" has two meanings
58. For whom he did Foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren
For, Foreknow, Firstborn
FOREKNOW [fôrˈnō]
foreknower definition: Noun (plural foreknowers) 1. One who foreknows.Origin foreknow + -er...
un-fōr-nōn', adj. not previously known or foreseen.-adj. Unforeknow'able, incapable of being known beforehand.