See also: Fomenting Fomented Fomentation Fomentar Fomenter Foments Fomento Fomentor Foment Fermenting Aforementioned Fermented Forment Formentera Format Fome
1. English words for Fomentum include foment, fomentation, alleviation, dressing, mitigation, poultice and bandage
For, Fomentum, Foment, Fomentation
2. About My name is Fomentum and I’m a DJ & Producer from Austin, Texas. My roots in music stem back to early childhood, growing up in a family that loves music just as much as they do dancing— it’s my goal to bring that same energy to both the tracks I produce and the sets I play.
Fomentum, From, Family
3. Cytosan Fomentum Gel is a regenerating product containing humate potassium, lignohumate potassium, silymarin and succinic acid designed for the external use only
Fomentum, For
4. Fomentum is made up of four highly accomplished musicians: Graham Jones is a wonderful double bass player, with a deep resonant sound that gives you butterflies, and beautiful strong rhythm
Fomentum, Four
5. Foment also came to English from Latin, from Fomentum meaning “compress” (“a folded cloth”) and ultimately from fovēre, meaning “to heat” or “to soothe.” Its original meaning in English was “to apply a warm substance to,” and it was still in use when Noah Webster published his dictionary in 1828:
Foment, From, Fomentum, Folded, Fov
6. Late Middle English (in foment (sense 2)): from French fomenter, from late Latin fomentare, from Latin Fomentum ‘poultice, lotion’, from fovere ‘to heat, cherish’.
Foment, From, French, Fomenter, Fomentare, Fomentum, Fovere
7. Cytosan Fomentum gel harmonizuje především dráhy tlustého a tenkého střeva, žaludku, jater, žlučníku, sleziny a dráhu řídící
8. CYTOSAN Fomentum gel je bioinformační regenerační přípravek obsahující vysokomolekulární humát draselný, lignohumát draselný, kyselinu jantarovou a silymarin.
9. Early 15c., "apply hot liquids," from Old French fomenter "apply hot compress (to a wound)" (13c.), from Late Latin fomentare, from Latin Fomentum "warm application, poultice," contraction of *fovimentum, from fovere "to warm; cherish, encourage" (see fever).
From, French, Fomenter, Fomentare, Fomentum, Fovimentum, Fovere, Fever
10. Fomentum 1 point 2 points 3 points 3 years ago Hey mate no I like the post, but I didn’t downvote you
11. Fomentum Soma Trifling thoughts of a wondering body worker in massage therapy, Qi Gong, and business
12. Late Middle English (in foment (sense 2)): from French fomenter, from late Latin fomentare, from Latin Fomentum ‘poultice, lotion’, from fovere ‘to heat, cherish’
Foment, From, French, Fomenter, Fomentare, Fomentum, Fovere
13. Word Origin late Middle English (originally meaning to bathe with warm or medicated lotions): from French fomenter, from late Latin fomentare, from Latin Fomentum ‘poultice, lotion’, from …
From, French, Fomenter, Fomentare, Fomentum
14. Cytosan Fomentum Gel is a regenerating product containing humate potassium, lignohumate potassium, silymarin and succinic acid designed for the external use only
Fomentum, For
15. Fomentum itself derived from the Latin verb fovere to heat, while fermentum derived from fervere, to boil
Fomentum, From, Fovere, Fermentum, Fervere
16. Fomentum and Impulse - Attempt 1 cties Box 9.1 Drawing a Before-and-After Visual Overview 130 15 Review Constants Periodic Table earning Goat brace The Box 1 Drawing a before-and-ar visu Draw the most appropriate xxis for this problem in the diagram below The orientation of your vector will be graded.
Fomentum, For
17. 2 (Med) to apply heat and moisture to (a part of the body) to relieve pain and inflammation (C15: from Late Latin fomentare, from Latin Fomentum a poultice, ultimately from fovere to foster) ♦ fomentation n ♦ fomenter n Both foment and ferment can be used to talk about stirring up trouble: he was accused of fomenting/fermenting unrest.
From, Fomentare, Fomentum, Fovere, Foster, Fomentation, Fomenter, Foment, Ferment, Fomenting, Fermenting
18. It finds its origins in Late Middle English (in foment (sense 2)): from French fomenter, from late Latin fomentare, from Latin Fomentum ‘poultice, lotion’, from fovere ‘to heat, cherish’.
Finds, Foment, From, French, Fomenter, Fomentare, Fomentum, Fovere
19. Cytosan Fomentum Gel is a bio-information regenerative product containing humic substances (potassium humate, potassium lignohumate), silymarin (Milk Thistle seed extract) and succinic acid
20. Fomentarius is derived from the latin word Fomentum, meaning kindling or tinder
Fomentarius, From, Fomentum
21. Foment early 15c., "apply hot liquids," from Old French fomenter "apply hot compress (to a wound)" (13c.), from Late Latin fomentare, from Latin Fomentum "warm application, poultice," contraction of *fovimentum, from fovere "to warm; cherish, encourage" (see fever).Extended sense of "stimulate, instigate" (1620s), on the notion of "encourage the growth of," as if by heat, probably was taken
Foment, From, French, Fomenter, Fomentare, Fomentum, Fovimentum, Fovere, Fever
22. Fomentum (Latin) Featured Games 2
Fomentum, Featured
23. Cytosan Fomentum gel je bioinformační regenerační přípravek obsahující vysokomolekulární humát draselný, lignohumát draselný, kyselinu jantarovou a silymarin
24. The Latin origin of the genus and species name – Fomes fomentarius – comes from Fomentum, indicating tinder
Fomes, Fomentarius, From, Fomentum
25. The word derives from the Latin word Fomentum, meaning a poultice or a lotion
From, Fomentum
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Fomentum, Focus, For, First, Fulfilment
27. Cytosan Fomentum gel pomáhá organismu zbavovat se škodlivých, odpadních a toxických látek, zlepšuje okysličení a prokrvení kůže, ale i hlouběji uložených tkáňových struktur
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Fomentum, Focus, For, First
FOMENTUM [mōˈmen(t)əm, məˈmen(t)əm]