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See also: Folklorist Folklorism Define Folklore Folk Folktale Folkways Folksy

1. Folklorists publish scholarly articles, in-depth books, and engaging exhibition catalogs


2. Folklorists—many of whom are members of the American Folklore Society or of similar associations around the world—live and work throughout the world

Folklorists, Folklore

3. Folklorists’ interests range from local family traditions to

Folklorists, From, Family

4. Folklorists work in a wide variety of settings and in a wide variety of modes! For instance, some are scholars, teachers, and librarians at colleges and universities; some are public humanists working in arts and cultural organizations; and some are community members involved in the work of sharing and preserving the folk and traditional arts throughout the United States.

Folklorists, For, Folk

5. The key figures in charting new directions in folklore studies in the 1930s were New Deal Folklorists B

Figures, Folklore, Folklorists

6. View All Notable Folklorists of Color


7. Local Learning connects Folklorists, artists, and educators across the nation and advocates for the full inclusion of folklife and folk arts in education to transform learning, build intercultural understanding, and create stronger communities.

Folklorists, For, Full, Folklife, Folk

8. Those who have reported information (e.g., artists, Folklorists, other topical experts), or if the skill or art form being described is imbued with emphasis on ties to specific communities or to tradition

Folklorists, Form

9. Folklorists 1935 - 1942: Federal Writers' Project Stetson Kennedy · Florida WPA Writers’ Project 1937---1942 · Palmetto Country · subject of Peggy Bulger's dissertation · South Florida Folklife (with Bulger and Bucuvalas) · lifetime work for social justice and exposing the Klu Klux Klan

Folklorists, Federal, Florida, Folklife, For

10. Independent Folklorists provide professional consulting services ranging from fieldwork to strategic planning and are increasingly important to arts, cultural, educational, academic, and tourism organizations

Folklorists, From, Fieldwork

11. Folklorists, Archivists, Cultural Leaders & Communities Respond to the Pandemic


12. Today, however, most Folklorists don’t care as much about the origins of a given text or genre, though of course there are those that do


13. At the end of the day, most Folklorists are keen observers of human behaviour.


14. Folklorists, Musicians, & Activists


15. The Indiana University Press has just announced that What Folklorists Do: Professional Possibilities in Folklore Studies, edited by former AFS executive director Timothy Lloyd, will be available for pre-order this week with an official publication date of October 5 (though the book is

Folklorists, Folklore, Former, For

16. This blog post about the novelist Ralph Ellison is part of a series called “Hidden Folklorists,” which examines the folklore work of surprising people, including people better known for other …

Folklorists, Folklore, For

17. This guest blog post by Matthew Barton about the playwright Arthur Miller is part of a series called “Hidden Folklorists,” which examines the folklore work of surprising people, including people better known for other pursuits

Folklorists, Folklore, For

18. What Folklorists Do examines a wide range of professionals—both within and outside the academy, at the beginning of their careers or holding senior management positions—to demonstrate the many ways that folklore studies can shape and support the activities of those trained in it

Folklorists, Folklore

19. Noted African American women Folklorists and storytellers to speak (February 1, 2005) The Philadelphia Folklore Project announces, in honor of ODUNDE's 30th Anniversary and Art Sanctuary's 21st Annual Celebration of Black Writing, an afternoon gathering of Folklorists and …

Folklorists, February, Folklore

20. Folklorists synonyms, Folklorists pronunciation, Folklorists translation, English dictionary definition of Folklorists


21. The Folklorists provide answers to some of the games’ most important supernatural mys- teries, thereby advancing the plot and helping the protagonists eventually overcome their ghostly adversaries


22. Among contemporary Folklorists you’ll find a willingness to embrace and address every aspect of folk life, tangible and intangible

Folklorists, Find, Folk

23. Tall tales, Folklorists, art, and more Discover the fun stories of American folklore, from tall tales to literary classics

Folklorists, Fun, Folklore, From

24. A Deeper Level of Knowing: Folklorists Tackle Global Issues


25. Folklorists are better at everything because we are Folklorists and it’s our job to prove that in our actions and work


26. Don’t get caught up in telling people what Folklorists do – show them in ways that can be meaningfully applied.


27. First shown at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Folklore Society (AFS), Notable Folklorists of Color: Remembering Our Ancestral Legacies was developed to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Cultural Diversity Committee (CDC)

First, Folklore, Folklorists, Founding

28.Folklorists generally associate five qualities with true folklore: (1) its content is oral (usually verbal), or custom-related, or material; (2) it is traditional in form and transmission; (3) it exists in different versions; (4) it is usually anonymous ; and (5) it tends to become formularized.

Folklorists, Five, Folklore, Form, Formularized

29. Folklorists Of Bengal by Gupta, Sankar Sen


30. Folkloristics is the term preferred by academic Folklorists for the formal, academic discipline devoted to the study of folklore.The term itself derives from the nineteenth-century German designation folkloristik (i.e., folklore)

Folkloristics, Folklorists, For, Formal, Folklore, From, Folkloristik

31. Since the advent of the Florida Folklife Program in 1976, many prominent Folklorists began their careers in the Sunshine State

Florida, Folklife, Folklorists

32. What does Folklorists mean? Plural form of folklorist

Folklorists, Form, Folklorist

33. Folklorists are active in all areas of our society, studying topics such as education, healthcare, poverty, and immigration


34. Folklorists usually employ descriptive and analytical prose, but they, like scholars in other social sciences, have increasingly sought new, creative and reflexive modes of discourse


35. Many Folklorists are also creative writers, some well known as such, and the folk traditions they research often provide shape and substance to their work.

Folklorists, Folk

36. Today most Folklorists and anthropologists regard folk customs, legends, and beliefs as an imaginative expression by a people of its desires, attitudes, and cultural values

Folklorists, Folk

37. Association of Western States Folklorists (AWSF) December 14, 2020 at 11:43 AM · Cheers to Washington State folklorist Langston Collin Wilkins for collaborating with University of Oregon alumna Elaine Vradenburgh of Window Seat Media on a statewide survey that documents not only longstanding deep ties to communities, but those that have

Folklorists, Folklorist, For

38. ‘Seán, who died at the age of 93 in 1966, was one of Ireland's most renowned Folklorists.’ ‘According to Folklorists, the play in Thrissur is almost a century old.’ ‘But in 1828 Elias, a country doctor and folklorist, began collecting tales from the peasant class - they had a meter but no rhyme.’

Folklorists, Folklorist, From

39. Synonyms for Folklorists in Free Thesaurus

For, Folklorists, Free

40. What are synonyms for Folklorists?

For, Folklorists

41. Media in category "Folklorists" The following 60 files are in this category, out of 60 total

Folklorists, Following, Files


FOLKLORISTS [folklorists]

  • › Folklorists define folk songs as
  • › How to become a folklorist
  • › What is a folklore
  • › What do folklorists do

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the best definition of a folklorist?

n. 1. The traditional beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a people, transmitted orally. 2. The comparative study of folk knowledge and culture. Also called folkloristics. 3. a. A body of widely accepted but usually spurious notions about a place, group, or institution: Rumors of their antics became part of the folklore of Hollywood. b.

Which is the best dictionary definition of folklore?

Definition of folklore 1 : traditional customs, tales, sayings, dances, or art forms preserved among a people The coyote appears in much of Native American folklore. 2 : a branch of knowledge that deals with folklore a specialist in folklore

Who are some famous people associated with folklore?


Who are the folklorists of the New Deal?

Although much of the Living Lore and other Federal Writers' Project folklore material remained unpublished, Botkin would draw on it in A Treasury of American Folklore (1944), and in his later regional and topical folklore treasuries. In the 1950s, he argued for applied folklore, a new term that embodied the values of New Deal folklorists.

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