See also: Foliage Folio Folic Foliation Foliated Folie Foliar Foliole
1. Definition, Synonyms, Translations of Foliolately by The Free Dictionary
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5. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Explanation of Foliolately
6. Leaves are alternate and tri-Foliolately compound (Figure 3) with leaflets covered with golden hairs and typically lobed
Foliolately, Figure
7. Leaves are alternate and tri-Foliolately compound (Figure 3) with leaflets covered with golden hairs and typically lobed
Foliolately, Figure
8. Leaf blades digitately 5-7 Foliolately compound, leaflets sessile, 2-5(-10) mm wide, 20-60 mm long, lanceolate or elliptic, obtuse to acute apically, mucronulate, mostly attenuate basally, glabrous or glandular or less commonly stellate pubescent, glabrescent.
9. Leaves are alternate and tri-Foliolately compound (Figure 2) with leaflets covered with golden hairs and typically lobed
Foliolately, Figure
legal Definition of folio. : a certain number of words taken as a unit or division in a document for purposes of measurement or reference. Note: A folio by statutory provision generally consists of 100 words.
: to put a serial number on each leaf or page of Examples of folio in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web: Noun This case covers your entire phone with a folio that keeps your screen clear and doubles as a wallet.
Legal Definition of folio. : a certain number of words taken as a unit or division in a document for purposes of measurement or reference. Note: A folio by statutory provision generally consists of 100 words. Comments on folio.