See also: Florescence Fluorescence Fluorescent Flora Florid Floral Florist Floret Florida Florence Flourish Floriculture Floridly Florin Flor Florentine
1. It is biological immunostimulant for growth of the plants, the root system, and also inductor for development and Florescencen of the plants
For, Florescencen
2. It is biological immunostimulant for growth of the plants, the root system, and also inductor for development and Florescencen of the plants
For, Florescencen
3. Flor,flour=flower,表示花 florala花的,似花的(flor+al) floretn小花(flor+et 小东西小花) florida(文章)华丽的(flor+id像花一样华丽的) Florescencen开化期(flor+escence开始-开花(期)) floricu
Flor, Flour, Flower, Florala, Floretn, Florida, Florescencen, Floricu
4. Florescencen開化期(flor+escence開始…-→開花(期)) floriculturen花卉栽培(flori+culrure栽培) floraln植物群(flor+a表示複數→花群→植物群) deflorationn摘花;姦污(de去掉+flor+ation→去掉花→摘花,引申為姦污) efforescen(花)開放(ef出+flor+esce→出花→開花)
Florescencen, Flor, Floriculturen, Flori, Floraln
5. Florescencen [flo͝o(ə)ˈresəns, flôrˈesəns] NOUN fluorescence (noun) the visible or invisible radiation emitted by certain substances as a result of incident radiation of a shorter wavelength such as X-rays or ultraviolet light
Florescencen, Flo, Fl, Fluorescence
6. It is biological immunostimulant for growth of the plants, the root system, and also inductor for development and Florescencen of the plants.
For, Florescencen
7. 全盛时期,在世期(尤用于人物生卒年代不明的场合)扩展资料: floruit近义词 (1)Florescencen
Floruit, Florescencen
8. It is biological immunostimulant for growth of the plants, the root system, and also inductor for development and Florescencen of the plants.
For, Florescencen
9. Florescencen toimittama alusten ja kiinnitysvälineiden suojelemiseksi, ja niitä on 1992 lähtien käytetty tehokkaasti maailmanlaajuisiin laiva laiturille ja laiva-laiva -sovelluksiin, on osoitettu toimivan turvallisesti, vaikka niihin kohdistuu ylimääräinen kuorma
10. Flor,flour=flower,表示花 florala花的,似花的(flor+al) floretn小花(flor+et 小东西小花) florida(文章)华丽的(flor+id像花一样华丽的) Florescencen开化期(flor+escence开始-开花(期)) floricu
Flor, Flour, Flower, Florala, Floretn, Florida, Florescencen, Floricu
11. Oxalis växthöjd, grundläggande sidor och vita blommor är blommande, den röda rosen, rosa, Florescencen i November Rhizomar av rota av jordningen med en scalelike stam Helhetsväxten har cilia för vit fint, och dess stamgrund har att krypa Förutom dess höga lövverkeffekt finns det härliga blommor och rosa rosa röda blommor, från April till slutet av Oktober, med härliga färger och
Florescencen, Fint, Finns, Fr
12. 扩展资料:floruit近义词(1)Florescencen.开花,全盛期,花期例句:However, it would not affect the floral bud differentiation and florescence.补光后,植株健壮,但对花芽分化和花期影响不大。(2)heydayn.盛世,全盛期;壮年例句:a fine example from the heyday of Italian cinema.意大利电影业全盛
Floruit, Florescencen, Floral, Florescence, Fine, From
FLORESCENCEN [flo͝o(ə)ˈresəns, flôrˈesəns]
Common materials that fluoresce
Fluorescent lights cause eye problems and the symptoms are eye strain, inflammation and excessive squinting. Some medical professionals have also theorized that retinal damage, myopia or astigmatism can also be due to the brightness of fluorescent lights.
Definition of fluorescent 1 : having or relating to fluorescence 2 : bright and glowing as a result of fluorescence fluorescent inks broadly : very bright in color 1 : giving out visible light when exposed to external radiation a fluorescent substance a fluorescent coating
Both fluorescence and phosphorescence are chemical processes in which light absorption and emission occurs. The difference between fluorescence and phosphorescence is that Fluorescence stops as soon as we take away the light source whereas phosphorescence tends to stay little longer even after the irradiating light source is removed.