See also: Fling Flinch Flint Flinty Flinched Flinching Flinging Flinders Flink Flintstone Flinted Flinter Linkedin Flintlock
1. Flinging synonyms, Flinging pronunciation, Flinging translation, English dictionary definition of Flinging
2. 17 synonyms of Flinging from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 16 related words, definitions, and antonyms
Flinging, From
3. Flinging: to send through the air especially with a quick forward motion of the arm.
Flinging, Forward
4. Verb flings, Flinging or flung (flʌŋ) (mainly tr) to throw, esp with force or abandon; hurl or toss to put or send without warning or preparation to fling someone into jail (also intr) to move (oneself or a part of the body) with abandon or speed he flung …
Flings, Flinging, Flung, Fl, Force, Fling
5. Synonyms for Flinging include throwing, tossing, casting, hurling, launching, pitching, slinging, chucking, lobbing and catapulting
For, Flinging
6. Flinging is a conjugated form of the verb fling
Flinging, Form, Fling
7. Hemiballismus: wild, large-amplitude, Flinging movements on one side of the body, commonly affecting proximal limb muscles but can also affect the trunk
8. Definition of Flinging in the dictionary
9. What does Flinging mean? Information and translations of Flinging in the most comprehensive …
10. Sitting at the campsite, eating, talking, hanging out and Flinging birds at each other
11. Flinging meaning Present participle of fling.
Flinging, Fling
12. Synonyms for Flinging in Free Thesaurus
For, Flinging, Free
13. Flinging looks like it is a form of the word fling
Flinging, Form, Fling
14. Flinging It - Kindle edition by Benson, G
15. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Flinging It.
Features, Flinging
16. What's the definition of Flinging in thesaurus? Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Flinging meaning and usage.
17. For non-PGS Flinging, it’s a lot more reliable, as it doesn’t let you go through walls
For, Flinging
18. • Now only the sea thunders rhythmically through the grotto, Flinging up fans of salty spray
Flinging, Fans
19. • Implemented gameplay; players fight friends by Flinging sticky hands at each
Fight, Friends, Flinging
20. Flinging (plural Flingings) The act by which something is flung
Flinging, Flingings, Flung
21. Definition of Flinging their caps over the windmill in the Idioms Dictionary
22. Flinging their caps over the windmill phrase
23. What does Flinging their caps over the windmill expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary
24. Flinging their caps over the windmill - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Flinging, Free
25. BodyGyro I got to stop the humanoid from Flinging too much, but for some reason the Humanoid RAGDOLLS itself FOR NO REASON
From, Flinging, For
26. Jupiter is being accused of actively Flinging dangerous objects into the inner solar system that could impact Earth
27. Flinging some books into her bag, the student hurried out of the door
28. While the MQM was not Flinging any shoes, or even gunning down any leaders, it was busy with the Senate elections
29. It is suspected that Rajesh may have taken the ornaments, Flinging only the bag and its remaining contents into the drain.
30. A gantlet of emotions is the best way I can describe of Flinging It by G
31. A penguin escaped a pod of chasing killer whales by leaping into a dinghy full of tourists after Flinging itself headfirst into the side of the boat.
Full, Flinging
32. Benson is a really good author and “Flinging It” is well written, engaging, pleasant and even brilliant
33. A shit-Flinging-monkey (simular to a douche pelican) refers to a person who is complaining/ mooching/ or just being an ass hole
34. "Flinging their shit at everyone"
35. We've got 13 rhyming words for Flinging » What rhymes with Flinging? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Flinging.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.
For, Flinging
36. This battery-operated, action-packed, string-Flinging machine hangs on any standard door knob
37. Some astronomers believe that Jupiter, instead of protecting Earth from dangerous comets and asteroids, is actively Flinging objects into the inner solar system
From, Flinging
38. According to the Internet dictionary Wikipedia, “shoe-Flinging” is the American and Canadian practice of throwing shoes whose shoelaces have been tied together so that they hang from overhead wires such as power lines or telephone cables
Flinging, From
39. Shoe Flinging occurs throughout the United States, in rural as well as in urban areas.
40. Synonyms for Flinging into in Free Thesaurus
For, Flinging, Free
41. "Mud-Flinging" being used when Mudslinging is meant
Define flinging. flinging synonyms, flinging pronunciation, flinging translation, English dictionary definition of flinging. v. flung , fling·ing , flings v. tr. 1. To throw with violence: flung the dish against the wall. See Synonyms at throw. 2. To put or send suddenly or...
All rights reserved. 2. to put or send without warning or preparation: to fling someone into jail. 3. ( also intr) to move (oneself or a part of the body) with abandon or speed: he flung himself into a chair. 5. to cast aside; disregard: she flung away her scruples.
(flɪŋ) vb (mainly tr) , flings, flinging or flung (flʌŋ) 1. to throw, esp with force or abandon; hurl or toss. 2. to put or send without warning or preparation: to fling someone into jail.