See also: Festoons Festooned Festooning Festoon Fester Festival Festive Fest Festering Festivities Festal Festered Feisty Festivus Festination Sausage Snooze Love
1. Do you have puffy eyes or large bags under your eyes? You could have Festoons or malar mounds
2. Festoons—also called malar mounds or malar bags are not well understood by most people
3. Many who actually have Festoons are unaware of the condition or what is causing it
4. Festoons are generally defined as “ a curtain of fabric draped and bound at intervals to form graceful curves ”
Festoons, Fabric, Form
5. So, people having Festoons would also call them “graceful”
6. What are Festoons? Some people call them puffy eyes or severe bags, but Festoons, or Molar Mounds, are skin folds that swell and sag below the lower eyelids and upper cheek area
Festoons, Folds
7. Often Festoons look like a drape that is hung from one corner of the eye to another, with the lowest part hanging on the cheek.
Festoons, From
8. Festoons are a medical condition in which the skin of the lower eyelid becomes significantly damaged, usually by the sun
9. Festoons are composed of lax skin and orbicularis muscle that hang between the medial and lateral canthi, and the pathophysiology is likely multifactorial; some of the proposed mechanisms suggest stretching of the orbitomalar ligament and lymphatic imbalance
10. Because upper eyelid festooning is uncommon and the emphasis in the literature is on lower eyelid Festoons, the latter are the focus of this article
Festooning, Festoons, Focus
11. Festoons & Swags: Wikipedia defines a Festoon (from French feston, Italian festone, from a Late Latin festo, originally a festal garland, Latin festum, feast), as a wreath or garland, and in architecture typically a carved ornament depicting conventional arrangement of flowers, foliage or fruit bound together and suspended by ribbons
Festoons, Festoon, From, French, Feston, Festone, Festo, Festal, Festum, Feast, Flowers, Foliage, Fruit
12. A festoon is defined as �a curtain of fabric draped and bound at intervals to form graceful curves.� A patient with Festoons would hardly call them �graceful!� Festoons, also called malar mounds or cheek bags, are redundant folds of loose skin, muscle, fat, and/or fluid that appear at …
Festoon, Fabric, Form, Festoons, Folds, Fat, Fluid
13. Festoons are still the bane of the existence of plastic surgeons
14. Festoons are lower, protruding primarily from the upper part of the cheek
Festoons, From
15. Together, eye bags and Festoons can look like one big protrusion, but they’re separate issues
16. Here’s how to determine if you have bags or Festoons, as well as the causes and solutions of both.
17. Festoons are caused by several conditions happening at once
18. Healthy adults with realistic expectations are the best candidates for Festoons surgery
For, Festoons
19. Wulc’s cutting-edge Festoons treatment is more effective and consistent than almost any other treatment for this condition.
Festoons, For
20. For a malady that’s as common to aging as waning vision, Festoons—also called “malar mounds”—aren’t well understood by the public, says Adam J
For, Festoons
21. Scheiner, MD, an international eyelid and facial cosmetic surgeon specializing in the treatment of Festoons and featured on “The Dr
Facial, Festoons, Featured
22. Festoons are bags which occur anterior to the cheek bones in some individuals
23. The multitude for names may have something to do with the fact that Festoons aren’t well understood by the public, according to Adam J
For, Fact, Festoons
24. Festoons: to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming
25. Festoons, also called cheek Festoons, eyelid Festoons or malar Festoons, are pockets of swelling that usually form on the upper cheeks where they meet the thin skin of the eyelids
Festoons, Form
26. A festoon is defined as “a curtain of fabric draped and bound at intervals to form graceful curves.” A patient with Festoons would hardly call them “graceful!” Festoons, also called malar mounds or cheek bags, are redundant folds of loose skin, muscle, fat, and/or fluid that appear at …
Festoon, Fabric, Form, Festoons, Folds, Fat, Fluid
27. Festoons are folds of skin and muscle that look like a drape that is hung from one corner of the eye to the other with the lowest part of the sagging skin directly below the pupil
Festoons, Folds, From
28. There can be a single festoon or there can be multiple Festoons under one eye or both eyes.
Festoon, Festoons
29. Paul Stanislaw MD is an award-winning facial plastic surgeon in Connecticut known for providing natural-looking Festoons before and after results
Facial, For, Festoons
30. Cascading hammocks of lax skin and orbicularis muscle below the infraorbital rim are referred to as malar Festoons
31. Festoons are typically senile and have progressed from the above entities to become evident in the elderly
Festoons, From
32. Festoons are unattractive mounds situated at the lower eyelid/cheek junction and create a fatigued look to the face
Festoons, Fatigued, Face
33. ‘Non-biodegradable plastic Festoons would decorate the medians and would pose an adventurous journey for road users.’ ‘On this, the Swarovski crystal and pearls are strung like a festoon of flowers, with hanging clusters terminating in big pieces of aqua quartz.’
Festoons, For, Festoon, Flowers
34. Purpose: To investigate the safety and efficacy of direct, intralesional doxycycline hyclate injection for improving the appearance of cosmetically significant lower eyelid Festoons and malar edema
For, Festoons
35. Methods: An Institutional Review Board approved, retrospective review was performed of 15 consecutive patients with malar edema and/or Festoons injected with doxycycline hyclate at a concentration
36. ‘Non-biodegradable plastic Festoons would decorate the medians and would pose an adventurous journey for road users.’ ‘On this, the Swarovski crystal and pearls are strung like a festoon of flowers, with hanging clusters terminating in big pieces of aqua quartz.’
Festoons, For, Festoon, Flowers
37. Severe Festoons and Baggy Lids, Patient 4
38. This woman was bothered by severe Festoons and baggy eyelids
39. Bunin’s special technique to fix Festoons and came to see her
Fix, Festoons
40. Dr Bunin used her specialized surgery to treat her Festoons, tighten …
41. Festoons are an old and classic design feature that has been used for hundreds of years
Festoons, Feature, For
42. Many Festoons have extensive carved detail of flower, leaves and vines
Festoons, Flower
43. Festoons have a wide variety of uses as they come in many sizes and variations
44. Festoons & Filigree’s First Year Anniversary and Grand Reopening in our new location takes place this Friday and Saturday, March 12-13 from 10-4 each day
Festoons, Filigree, First, Friday, From
45. The diagrammatic nicely illustrates in the before photo the Juvederm-induced upper lid edema and Festoons (right greater than left) from a worm’s eye view
Festoons, From
46. Note the improved contour of the upper lids and almost complete resolution of the Festoons
47. Festoons of the eyelids are redundant folds of lax skin and orbicularis muscle of the upper or lower eyelids that hang, in hammocklike fashion, from canthus to canthus when the face is upright
Festoons, Folds, Fashion, From, Face
48. Festoons and Flourishes is a bespoke wedding and event planning business based in Howell, Southeast Michigan
Festoons, Flourishes
49. Festoons of the midface have been described in the literature, but little data exist regarding the ideal treatment for this difficult to manage problem
Festoons, For
50. We report successful treatment of Festoons with a modified subperiosteal midface lift.
FESTOONS [feˈsto͞on]
1 : a decorative chain or strip hanging between two points walls decorated with festoons of flowers. 2 : a carved, molded, or painted ornament representing a decorative chain Around the mirror were carved festoons of grapevines. festoon. verb.
1 : a decorative chain or strip hanging between two points walls decorated with festoons of flowers 2 : a carved, molded, or painted ornament representing a decorative chain Around the mirror were carved festoons of grapevines.
Lower eyelid bags are located directly below the lower eyelid lashes and are noticed to become more prominent when someone with these bags looks upwards. Conversely, festoons are minimally affected when a person looks upwards. The third difference is the feel of these conditions when they are touched.
Festoon of evergreens for Christmas. The definition of a festoon is a wreath or curved string of leaves or flowers, or something in such a shape.