See also: Festering Fester Festoon Festival Festive Fest Festivities Festooned Feisty Festal Festivus Festered Festinating Sausage Love Snooze Up
1. What does Festerings mean? Plural form of festering
Festerings, Form, Festering
2. Festerings in English translation and definition "Festerings", Dictionary English-English online
3. En.wiktionary.2016 [noun] plural of [i]festering[/i] Example sentences with "Festerings", translation memory
Festering, Festerings
4. Destiny 2 Exodus Evacuation Asset Interception Quest Step - Hive Ultras Solarium / Festerings HallsThis guide shows you Hive Ultras locations in Destiny 2 fo
Festerings, Fo
5. My whole body is apparently rotting from want of proper nourishment—frost-bitten fingertips, Festerings, mucous membrane of nose gone, saliva glands of …
From, Frost, Fingertips, Festerings
6. Catholics—rather than attempting to remove themselves from the Festerings wound in the Church—must recognize and claim those wounds, to the point of even becoming sacrificial victims if necessary
From, Festerings
7. Since its early Festerings in Toronto in 2005, Jew Hate Week has inflicted itself on the world, polluting universities from America to Australia and from South Africa to Northern Ireland
Festerings, From
8. Festering (plural Festerings) The condition of something that festers
Festering, Festerings, Festers
9. 1842, Bradshaw’s Journal, volume III, page 89: […] discontent would creep in and breed Festerings and mortifications in the New Moral World, or else decree its fate more rapidly by effecting its dissolution
Festerings, Fate
10. Fungal Festerings: Cavern Habitat - MAKING THE CAVES A BIT MORE HABITABLE While deep, dark underground areas usually provide shelter, a stable temperat
Fungal, Festerings
11. Who mended lepers, bore away the Festerings and plagues that cursed our mortal race and – in this very season – wrought a healing and a cure that may yet bring final close to every isolation, tear down the narrow walls of quarantine, and seat us, newly welcomed, round a common table where fresh bread is broken, rich new wine is generously
Festerings, Final, Fresh
12. Festerings effect only effects his E and while it does hit hard its overall damage over time considering 15s between use his Q does far more damage over all
Festerings, Far
13. Since its early Festerings in Toronto in 2005, Jew Hate Week has inflicted itself on the world, polluting universities from America to Australia and from South Africa to Northern Ireland
Festerings, From
14. Somehow it seems that when-even the fiction-film-makers become concerned about the responsibilities of society for the Festerings of crime they find themselves making tragic heroes out of the
Fiction, Film, For, Festerings, Find
15. Festerings (English) Noun Festerings Plural of festering
Festerings, Festering
16. They called him "Shaggorath, Foul Denizen of the Infernal Smellings, Lord and Duke of the Seven Festerings of Avuncularia"
Foul, Festerings
17. Since its early Festerings in Toronto in 2005, Jew Hate Week has inflicted itself on the world, polluting universities from America to Australia and from South Africa to Northern Ireland
Festerings, From
18. Not only can it lead to some nasty Festerings, but it can also cause serious damage to your pool components, which can be an expensive fix
Festerings, Fix
19. Oscarmitre's Festerings - Coppering Then and Now Personal reflections on policing in a bit of Australia - as it was and as it is
20. On April 13 Patricia DiMond presented "From the Treaty of 1868 the the Wounded Knee Massacre: Festerings from a Single Wound;" and I presented "Pele's Pen: Native Hawaiian Poetry." The symposium made us all more aware of the diversity and vitality of Native American literature as an integral part of the intellectual and creative life of our own
From, Festerings
21. At the end of the day we were full to the brim with Festerings of wisdom.
Full, Festerings
22. He described conditions in and around Savannah: "Imagine a compass of twenty miles … a pond in one place — a simple quagmire in another — a bog in another, with all the complex Festerings of
23. Unsavory Festerings from the damp, sordid corners of the internet started to get as much airtime as long-accepted points of view
Festerings, From
24. Two flower essence baths and a couple of internal doses later the ugly Festerings reared their head
Flower, Festerings
25. Since its early Festerings in Toronto in 2005, Jew Hate Week has inflicted itself on the world, polluting universities from America to Australia and from South Africa to Northern Ireland.
Festerings, From
26. Since its early Festerings in Toronto in 2005, Jew Hate Week has inflicted itself on the world, polluting universities from America to Australia and from South Africa to Northern Ireland
Festerings, From
27. In the Divine Comedy he unearths the most repulsive Festerings possible in the human soul as well as unveils (as well as words can tell) the radiant beauty promised to the lovers of God
28. Excretions from a wound Festerings in great numbers
From, Festerings
29. Recalls us, if we hearken, to another jagged headpiece pressed brutal down across the broken brow of one who mended lepers, bore away the Festerings and plagues that cursed our …
Definition of festering. 1 : contaminated by an infective agent (such as a bacterium) and producing pus a festering wound But if the patient can manage it, the whirlpool is a dandy way to handle festering bedsores.— Paul G. Donohue.
Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 festering, suppuration, maturation (noun)n(medicine) the formation of morbific matter in an abscess or a vesicle and the... 2 pus, purulence, suppuration, ichor, sanies, festering (noun)na fluid product of inflammation More ...
Fester definition is - to generate pus. How to use fester in a sentence. ... His wounds festered for days before he got medical attention. His feelings of resentment have festered for years. We should deal with these problems now instead of allowing them to fester. Noun.
A smell of scorched rags and festering wounds hung in the air. There were festering wounds and cheeks hot with the flush of fever. Tramptown, a festering sore on the south side of Litchfield. That time my foot was festering I had it doctored ever so long. You children, too, must beware of them; touch them not, they will give you festering wounds.