See also: Fenestration Fenestrated Fenestella Finestra Fine Fenecer Fender Fenecio Frenetic Finesse
1. Fenestral meaning (archaeology) A casement or window sash closed with cloth or paper instead of glass.
2. Fenestral Limited specialises in the maintenance and refurbishment of aluminium, steel, pvc-u and glass architectural systems
3. Fenestral fabric: pores that are large compared to the size of expected intergranular pores, forming an elongate or domal shape parallel with bedding plane; often associatated with cyanobacterial mats
Fenestral, Fabric, Forming
4. Η Fenestral είναι πιστοποιημένος κατασκευαστής σε κουφώματα αλουμινίου EUROPA
5. Fenestral otosclerosis is the most common cause of conductive hearing loss in adults and is bilateral in 80% of cases. Early CT changes may subtle as seen in this example on the left side
6. Fenestral cavities may become filled with sparry calcite (sparite)
Fenestral, Filled
7. If they remain unfilled, the fenestrae are responsible for the development of Fenestral porosity in the sediment
Fenestrae, For, Fenestral
8. Fenestral (plural Fenestrals) (archaeology) A casement or window sash closed with cloth or paper instead of glass
Fenestral, Fenestrals
9. Fenestral Meaning: "pertaining to windows," from Old French Fenestral, from fenestre "window," from Latin fenestra (see… See definitions of Fenestral.
Fenestral, From, French, Fenestre, Fenestra
10. Dictionary entry overview: What does Fenestral mean? • Fenestral (adjective) The adjective Fenestral has 2 senses:
11. Of or relating to windows Familiarity information: Fenestral used as an adjective is rare.
Familiarity, Fenestral
12. The appearance of the otic capsule was graded as follows : grade 1, solely Fenestral, either spongiotic or sclerotic lesions, evident as a thickened stapes footplate, and/or decalcified, narrowed, or enlarged round or oval windows; grade 2, patchy localized cochlear disease (with or without Fenestral involvement) to either the basal cochlear
Follows, Fenestral, Footplate
13. Fenestral How many syllables? 3 Syllables How it's divided? fe-nes-tral
Fenestral, Fe
14. In the Fenestral form, fixation of the stapes occurs when the otosclerotic lesion involves the annular ligament or footplate, thus resulting in conductive hearing loss
Fenestral, Form, Fixation, Footplate
15. Thirty-five consecutive patients with the clinical diagnosis of Fenestral otosclerosis were evaluated with high-resolution computed tomography (CT)
Five, Fenestral
16. Fenestral porosity Porosity developed in carbonates due to the presence of fenestrae
Fenestral, Fenestrae
17. Rocks with Fenestral porosity will not form good reservoir rocks unless the fenestrae are interconnected to permit a good permeability to be established
Fenestral, Form, Fenestrae
18. Multiple CT images are shown from a patient with bilateral Fenestral and retroFenestral otosclerosis
From, Fenestral
19. We found one answer for the crossword clue Fenestral
Found, For, Fenestral
20. If you haven't solved the crossword clue Fenestral yet try to search our Crossword Dictionary by entering the letters you already know! (Enter a dot for each missing letters, e.g
Fenestral, For
21. Fenestral otoscierosis is the more common type, and it is thought to begin in the fissula ante fenestram (anterior oval window margin).' [1] In the lytic phase, the oval window can appear to be too wide on computed tomography (CT) as a result of the osteoclastic resorption of its margins (figure).
Fenestral, Fissula, Fenestram, Figure
22. Synonyms for Fenestral in Free Thesaurus
For, Fenestral, Free
23. 2 words related to Fenestral: anatomy, general anatomy
24. What are synonyms for Fenestral?
For, Fenestral
25. Fenestral otosclerosis is treated with stapedectomy and insertion of a stapes prosthesis
26. The most common finding on CT in the early stage of Fenestral otosclerosis is a lucent area just anterior to the stapedial footplate
Finding, Fenestral, Footplate
27. Fenestral otoscierosis is the more common type, and it is thought to begin in the fissula ante fenestram (anterior oval window margin).' [1] In the lytic phase, the oval window can appear to be too wide on computed tomography (CT) as a result of the osteoclastic resorption of its margins (figure).
Fenestral, Fissula, Fenestram, Figure
28. Fenestral porosity Porosity developed in carbonates due to the presence of fenestrae
Fenestral, Fenestrae
29. Rocks with Fenestral porosity will not form good reservoir Access to the complete content on Oxford Reference requires a subscription or purchase.
Fenestral, Form
30. Fenestral pore size in the internal elastic lamina affects transmural flow distribution in the artery wall
Fenestral, Flow
31. PCF binding to the Fenestral diaphragms and the basal lamina in the adult intestine and the renal glomerulus, respectively, have been reported by Simionescu et al
32. Otospongiosis involving the oval window of the ear is known as Fenestral
33. Fenestral diaphragms and PLVAP expression in LSEC during liver ontogeny
34. Fenestral Porosity-This type of porosity is due to the lense shaped or globular pores formed chiefly by the decay of sediment covered algal mats, shrinkage during drying and …
Fenestral, Formed
35. Fenestral otosclerosis findings on HRCT include ill-defined osseous lucency typically centered at the oval window and cochlear promontory (Figures 1-3)
Fenestral, Findings, Figures
36. In systemic endothelial fenestrations, the intracellular pathways through which VEGF acts to induce fenestrations include a key role for the Fenestral diaphragm protein plasmalemmal vesicle-associated protein-1 (PV-1)
Fenestrations, For, Fenestral
37. The role of PV-1 in GEnC is less clear, not least because of controversy over existence of GEnC Fenestral diaphragms.
38. Fenestral otosclerosis is the most common form of otosclerosis
Fenestral, Form
39. Otosclerosis is categorised into two types, Fenestral (stapedial type) and retroFenestral (cochlear type)
40. Cochlear otosclerosis represents a continuation of the Fenestral otosclerotic process and rarely occurs without Fenestral involvement
41. 2.1 km long Alpine trail connecting the Plain of Euloi (Grands-Prés) to the Fenestral Pass and vice versa
42. Ascent: After crossing the Plain of Euloi, hike your bike to Fenestral…
43. Col de Fenestral (2453m), Fully
Fenestral, Fully
44. Le col de Fenestral est un lieu de passage à la frontière entre les communes de Saillon et Fully
Fenestral, Fronti, Fully
45. Col de Fenestral (2453m), Fully
Fenestral, Fully
46. Le col de Fenestral est un lieu de passage à la frontière entre les communes de Saillon et Fully
Fenestral, Fronti, Fully
fenestral - of or relating to or having a fenestra. anatomy, general anatomy - the branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animals.
(archaeology) A casement or window sash closed with cloth or paper instead of glass. (architecture) Relating to a window or windows. (anatomy) Of or relating to a fenestra. English Wiktionary. Available under CC-BY-SA license. "Fenestral." YourDictionary. LoveToKnow. Fenestral. (n.d.). In YourDictionary.
fe·nes·tra 1 Anatomy A small anatomical opening, as in a bone. 2 An opening in a bone made by surgical fenestration. 3 Zoology A transparent spot or marking, as on the wing of a moth or butterfly. More ...
1,7,8) The word fenestration is derived from the Latin word fenestra, meaning window, which describes how the defect clinically presents. In this stage, the basicranial fenestra is small and separated from the pituitary fossa by the crista sellaris.