See also: Feigning Feign Feigned Freight Feignedly Feig Faint
1. Find 30 ways to say Feigning, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Find, Feigning, Free
2. Definition of Feigning in the dictionary
3. What does Feigning mean? Information and translations of Feigning in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …
4. Actually, Feigning is to act like something such as faking to care, sleep or orgasm.
Feigning, Faking
5. If you haven't solved the crossword clue Feigning yet try to search our Crossword Dictionary by entering the letters you already know! (Enter a dot for each missing letters, e.g
Feigning, For
6. “P.ZZ..” will find “PUZZLE”.) Also look at the related clues for crossword clues with similar answers to “Feigning…
Find, For, Feigning
7. 21 synonyms and near synonyms of Feigning from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 2 antonyms and near antonyms
Feigning, From
8. Find another word for Feigning.
Find, For, Feigning
9. On “Feigning,“ Gunna goes into detail about his money, drugs, and fame
Feigning, Fame
10. See authoritative translations of Feigning in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
11. The official audio for Gunna’s “Feigning” from his “WUNNA” album - Out Now!Stream “WUNNA” on all platforms: Gunna:https
For, Feigning, From, Ffm
12. Feigning (2 Occurrences) Luke 20:20 And, having watched 'him', they sent forth liers in wait, Feigning themselves to be righteous, that they might take hold of his word, to deliver him up to the rule and to the authority of the governor, (YLT) Hosea 11:12 Compassed Me with Feigning hath Ephraim, And with deceit the house of Israel
Feigning, Forth
13. Synonyms: dissembling; Feigning; pretence; pretense
14. Hypernyms ("Feigning" is a kind of): deceit; deception; misrepresentation (a misleading falsehood)
Feigning, Falsehood
15. Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Feigning"): bluff (pretense that your position is stronger than it really is)
Following, Feigning
16. How to say Feigning in English? Pronunciation of Feigning with 1 audio pronunciation, 10 synonyms, 1 meaning, 11 translations, 4 sentences and more for Feigning.
Feigning, For
17. The adaptation of death-Feigning (thanatosis), a subject that has been overlooked in evolutionary biology, was inferred in a model prey-and-predator system
18. We studied phenotypic variation among individuals, fitness differences, and the inheritance of death-Feigning behaviour in the red flour beetle …
Fitness, Feigning, Flour
19. There is a psychological term for Feigning intelligence
For, Feigning
20. The blue death Feigning beetle is one of the most popular pet insects! We limit sales to one per customer until we restock in the spring/summer, sorry
21. (Consider the similar smooth death Feigning beetles as an alternative or addition since they can live in the same tank
22. ‘When was the last time we heard a manager berate one of his own players on TV for Feigning injury, diving, time-wasting or abusing the referee?’ ‘They are awarded for offences such as grabbing, holding, Feigning injury, pushing and turning one's back on an opponent.’
For, Feigning
23. When taken to the point of “intentionally producing (or Feigning) disease in oneself to relieve emotional distress by assuming the role of a sick person,” it is called factitious disease.
Feigning, Factitious
24. Feigning Illness Learn everything you want about Feigning Illness with the wikiHow Feigning Illness Category
25. The Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms, 2nd Edition (SIRS-2) is a tool to better assess Feigning of psychiatric symptoms
26. This article discusses the prevalence of Feigning in both criminal and civil settings and various psychological assessments useful in detecting Feigning
27. He thought of Feigning illness and beating a hasty retreat but, after much deliberation, decided to chance it.: The utter tedium of the actual games didn't stop everyone from Feigning excitement over them.: Footballers here are less inclined to tumble over in an exaggerated fashion or writhe around Feigning injury.: The singer is admitting to the listener that he is Feigning the innocence of a
Feigning, From, Footballers, Fashion
28. The degree to which Feigning certitude impressed investors: 13
29. They were widely criticized for Feigning injuries to stop the clock: 14
For, Feigning
30. He thumbed through a couple of pages Feigning just a slight interest: 15
31. Who will flatter you Feigning to be cunning in Philosophy: 16
Flatter, Feigning
32. The criminal tried to at a straw by Feigning mental disorder: 17
33. Through what I call the Seven Secrets of Feigning Objectivity: 1) Topic Selection
34. Asbolus verrucosus, also known as the desert ironclad beetle or blue death Feigning beetle, is a species of darkling beetle native to the deserts of the Southwestern United States, mainly the Sonoran desert.It is highly adaptable to hot environments and feeds on fruit, dead insects, and sometimes even plant matter
Feigning, Feeds, Fruit
35. Synonyms for Feigning include faking, simulating, pretending, shamming, affecting, dissembling, counterfeiting, acting, assuming and bluffing
For, Feigning, Faking
36. (18) Feigning surprise, the British and French issued an ultimatum to both sides to cease fire
Feigning, French, Fire
37. (19) In January Pyongyang, Feigning anger at the latest unanimous censure from …
Feigning, From
38. “Feigning intimacy was the perfect way to allow real intimacy to grow,” Dr
39. Blue Death Feigning Beetles Class: Insecta
40. Gunna "Feigning": (Tay Keith, fuck these niggas up) Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Oh, woah
Feigning, Fuck
41. DEATH Feigning: "Deaf Feigning is a popular trait many animal lovers try to teach their pets."
42. You will receive: (1) LIVE Beetle (Asbolus verrucosus,) also known as the Desert Ironclad Beetle or Blue Death Feigning Beetle
43. Re: Why are Democrats Feigning outrage re Cruz? Posted by SugarAggie on 2/18/21 at 6:47 pm to lsufball19 Not good optics but this isn’t like the mayor of Austin or other progressive idiots telling everyone they can’t leave their homes and travel during a pandemic, meanwhile they are literally saying that while in Mexico or some other
44. That’s right! After over a year of Feigning interest in helping out drafting the story to Hidetaka Miyazaki’s latest title Elden Ring, George R.R
45. "This was the biggest discussion we've had [on Feigning injuries] since I joined the rules committee," Shaw said
46. Self-Fulfilling Fakery: Feigning Mental Illness Is a Form of Self-Deception
Fulfilling, Fakery, Feigning, Form
47. Footballers Feigning injury, referees in the action and Clay v Liston
Footballers, Feigning
48. We've got 39 rhyming words for Feigning » What rhymes with Feigning? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Feigning.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.
For, Feigning
The definition of feigned is pretended or simulated. If you pretended to be fascinated with your sister's 100 slides from her vacation but really you didn't care at all, this is an example of a time when you had feigned interest. YourDictionary definition and usage example. "feigned.".
To give a mental existence to something that is not real or actual; to imagine; to invent; to pretend; to form and relate as if true. He feigned that he had gone home at the appointed time.
Definition for "feigner". One who feigns or pretends. View More. Sentence for "feigner". For instance, the "fever worm," the…. View More. Urban Dictionary for "feigner" person who feigns or fakes things.
Synonyms for feeling include emotion, sentiment, reaction, sensibility, affection, response, sensation, sensitivity, affectivity and susceptibility. Find more similar ...