See also: Federalists Federalists/anti-federalists Anti The Papers Did Federalist Federalism Federation Federated Federal
1. The name Federalists was adopted both by the supporters of ratification of the U.S
2. The Federalists had more than an innovative political plan and a well-chosen name to aid their cause
3. Many of the most talented leaders of the era who had the most experience in national-level work were Federalists
4. Federalists The Federalists were originally those forces in favor of the ratification of the Constitution (text) and were typified by: A desire to establish a strong central government (unlike that which existed under the Articles of Confederation) A …
Federalists, Forces, Favor
5. The Federalists were instrumental in 1787 in shaping the new US Constitution, which strengthened the national government at the expense, according to the AntiFederalists, of the states and the people.
6. Federalists vs Anti-Federalists
7. Between Federalists and anti-Federalists, we can see differences in their views and opinions of a federal government.It was in July 1783 that America broke away from the rule of Great Britain but the big question that confronted people was, to develop a new system of governance to protect the rights of the people and also to maintain the law and order.
Federalists, Federal, From
8. Federalists believed the central power had to be strong TGSD (To get stuff done) The Constitution would lead to a loss of state and local control. Anti-Federalists were afraid of states losing power The Constitution gave too much power to the executive branch (President)
9. The Federalists and Anti-Federalists were effectively the first political parties of the United States
Federalists, First
10. Federalists included George Washington and John Adams, while Anti-Federalists included Thomas
11. Federalists supported the ratification of the new Constitution and believed a more robust national government with greater powers was necessary to unite the individual states and create a stronger country
12. Anti-Federalists opposed ratification and believed power should be concentrated with the states rather than with the federal government.
Federalists, Federal
13. While we’ve referenced the Anti-Federalists, the Federalists actually spent far more of their time opposing the Democratic-Republicans
Federalists, Far
14. This is mostly because, like we said before, the Anti-Federalists were not actually a …
15. The Federalists, led by John Adams and Alexander Hamilton, believed in a strong national government
16. Federalists synonyms, Federalists pronunciation, Federalists translation, English dictionary definition of Federalists
17. Section VII: General Powers: Federalists No
18. 41-46 (Madison) Section VIII: Structure of New Government: Federalists No
19. 47–51 (Madison or Hamilton) Section IX: House of Representatives: Federalists No
20. 52–61 (Madison or Hamilton) Section X: United States Senate: Federalists No
21. Anti-Federalists: Down with Central Government! In a system where a central government shares power with smaller units of government, such as states, the term federal refers to the central government
Federalists, Federal
22. On one side of the Constitution debate, anti-Federalists wanted a small central government.
23. Federalists Were in favor of having a new constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation.
Federalists, Favor
24. The Federalists were mainly led by Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton
Federalists, Franklin
25. Besides his inventing genius, he was an avid supp orter of the Federalists.
26. The Federalists pointed out that under the Articles of Confederation, the Confederation government could not directly tax the people, thus it could not repay foreign debts, it could not mount a
Federalists, Foreign
27. Federalists and Anti-Federalists, past and present Rich Elfers
28. Do you know that attitudes created in the 1787-88 ratification of the Constitution are still with us today in our two major parties? Back then they were called Federalists and Anti-Federalists
29. Anti-Federalists were concerned about excessive power of national government
30. The Anti-Federalists included small farmers and landowners, shopkeepers, and laborers
Federalists, Farmers
31. Federalists believed the violence there was specifically aimed at intimidating those who challenged President Madison’s war declaration
32. In addition, Federalists often disagreed with the president’s wartime strategy
33. Both Federalists and Anti-Federalists promoted their positions during ratification
34. The Anti-Federalists joined behind these real contentions keeping in mind the end goal to ideally get the Federalists to amend the constitution and alter it concurring the things it was deficient
35. The Federalists trusted that the new constitution was a remarkable record which would accommodate a compelling government.
36. The Anti-Federalists were a group of Americans who objected to the creation of a stronger U.S
37. The Anti-Federalists generally preferred a government as formed in 1781 by the Articles of Confederation, which had granted the predominance of power to the state …
Federalists, Formed
38. John Quincy Adams - John Quincy Adams - Break with the Federalists: Up to this time John Quincy Adams was regarded as belonging to the Federalist Party, but he found its general policy displeasing
Federalists, Federalist, Found
39. Tyrant Anti-Federalists Part Two: Answer each of the following questions (3-4 sentences each): (5 points each) • Why did the Anti-Federalists oppose the proposed Constitution? They complained that the new system threatened liberties
Federalists, Following
40. Federalists are people who are advocates of the Federalist Party, On the other hand we have the Anti-Federalists
Federalists, Federalist
41. As previously stated, Federalists were supporters of the proposed Constitution
42. Federalists were aware that the country’s problems were coming from the fact that the central government government had many weaknesses stemming from the Articles of Confederation.
Federalists, From, Fact
43. The Federalists wanted a strong national government (out of fears that the United States would either break up and/or be invaded by European powers without one), but they also wanted this strong national government to be limited in its power over ordinary life - and these two aims may not be compatible.
Federalists, Fears
44. Federalists supported the first American Bank believing that credit building would benefit the economy
Federalists, First
45. Levy, New York Times Book Review), indisputably established the importance of the Anti-Federalists' writings for our understanding of the Constitution.As Storing wrote in his introduction, "If the foundation of the American polity was laid by the Federalists, the Anti-Federalist
Federalists, For, Foundation, Federalist
46. Common Core: Federalists versus Anti-Federalist 2 Introduction The political philosophies of Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists and those of Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans, commonly termed as Anti-Federalists, had many similarities as well as differences
Federalists, Federalist
47. The paper will throughout focus on the way both the Anti-Federalists and Federalists, together with their political factions, came
Focus, Federalists, Factions
FEDERALISTS [ˈfed(ə)rələst]
Federalists tended to be businessmen, merchants, or wealthy plantation owners. They favored a strong central government that would have more control over the people than the individual state governments. Anti-Federalists worked mainly as farmers.
• Federalists were those who were in favor of the American Constitution that declared a stronger federal government. • Anti-federalists were those who were against the American Constitution, which created a strong federal government.
Anti-federalists believed in a strong state government. They also believed that the Constitution would give too much power to the president and the legislative with the rights of pardon and necessary and proper clause.
Anti-Federalism refers to a diverse group of Americans who opposed the ratification of the 1787 United States Constitution. Anti-Federalists believed a strong central government could become corrupt and tyrannical, as they believed England had become. They wanted a weak central government just as they had with the Articles of Confederation.