See also: Extrude Extruded Extruder Extraordinary Extremely Extraneous Extract Extravagant Extricate Extremist Extremity Extrovert Extra Extrinsic Extravagance Extravaganza Extroverted Extradite Extraterrestrial Extrapolate Extricated Extron
1. Extrude definition is - to force, press, or push out
2. How to use Extrude in a sentence.
3. Extrude definition, to thrust out; force or press out; expel: to Extrude molten rock
Extrude, Expel
4. (Cookery) (tr) to chop up or pulverize (an item of food) and re-form it to look like a whole: a factory-made rod of Extruded egg
Extruded, Egg
5. Extrude We continue to investigate possible methods for diapers to pierce through the convective stagnant lid and Extrude onto the surface
6. The pieces of cotton cloth are then carefully pressed to Extrude the oil
7. A DICTIONARY OF ARTS, MANUFACTURES AND MINES ANDREW URE Some mild eruptions merely discharge steam and other gases, whereas other eruptions quietly Extrude quantities of lava
Eruptions, Extrude
8. (Cookery) (tr) to chop up or pulverize (an item of food) and re-form it to look like a whole: a factory-made rod of Extruded egg
Extruded, Egg
9. Extrude® is a VPS impression system available in four viscosities. Extra is a thixotropic, non-slumping tray material that minimizes distortion while providing a flexible-firm set that promotes easy tray and die removal
Extrude, Extra, Easy
10. For product components with specialized deburring, polishing, radiusing, shaping or flow tuning requirements, the Extrude Hone® line of technologies, machines and services answers the call
11. Well, think of Extrude-A-Trim as the next best thing
12. We have one of the largest inventories of specialty aluminum extrusions in North America, with millions of feet of in-stock Extruded aluminum shapes
Ex, Extruded
13. Extruding with auxiliaries is a technique used to Extrude a tooth that has not erupted as desired to create an aesthetically aligned smile.Extrusions are one of the more difficult movements to achieve with clear aligners
Extruding, Extrude, Erupted, Extrusions
14. 17 synonyms of Extrude from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 23 related words, definitions, and antonyms
15. Extrude: to drive or force out.
16. Extrude is from the Latin word Extrudere, which itself can be broken into the roots ex-, meaning "out," and trudere, meaning "to thrust." In the noun form, the process is called extrusion.
Extrude, Extrudere, Ex, Extrusion
17. Extrude definition, to thrust out; force or press out; expel: to Extrude molten rock
Extrude, Expel
18. Extrudes selected objects along the positive or negative Z axis
19. In this tutorial, we'll get to know the Extrude Tool and manipulate shapes in a 3-D format
20. We'll learn how to apply gradients to each section, use the tool's features, and use the Interactive Fill Tool and the Drop Shadow Tool in conjunction with the Extrude Tool in order to create rendered designs with a sense of depth.
Each, Extrude
21. Inspire Extrude Metal is an easy-to-learn tool that enables simulation to be used by any engineer or designer to increase their understanding of how profile features and process variables interact for any particular metal alloy
Extrude, Easy, Enables, Engineer
22. Then select Extrude Boss/Base from the Feature tab
23. In this demonstration I introduce 3 ways to Extrude a face.There are s
24. 1) To Extrude only the surface of the line or polyline, after selecting the surface of the object do right-click and select ‘Mode’ from there and Select ‘Surface’ from there
25. 2) If object is not closed, it will Extrude the surface itself
26. For example, when you Extrude a face on a polygon mesh the existing face telescopes inwards or outwards as it creates new connecting faces on the sides of the extrusion
Example, Extrude, Existing, Extrusion
27. Note: The Extrude options window (Edit Mesh > Extrude > ) is context sensitive
Extrude, Edit
28. Extrude closed planar curves normal to the curve plane toward a boundary surface where the boundary surface is trimmed and joined to the Extruded objects
Extrude, Extruded
29. Extrude a curve on a surface in the surface normal direction
30. When Extrude Solid is selected at the time a sketch is open, Onshape automatically selects all the closed regions in the sketch, and if present, nested entities: Select a Result operation type: New - Create new material that results in a new part
Extrude, Entities
31. AutoCAD 3D Extrude Command Tutorial Complete Surface, Solid, Along Path, Taper Angle
32. This tutorial will teach you how to use 3D Extrude command to create
33. • They simply Extrude their internal organs
34. • The same is true of lava flows which are actually Extruded under water
35. • In the new process, the carpet is granulated and then mixed and Extruded with a catalyst
36. Origin Extrude (1500-1600) Latin Extrudere, from trudere “ to push ”
Extrude, Extrudere
37. If a substance is Extruded, it is forced or squeezed out through a small opening.
38. Extrude ¶ Extrusion tools duplicate vertices, while keeping the new geometry connected with the original vertices
Extrude, Extrusion
39. ‘Once you create shapes, you can Extrude them with the Push-Pull tool to produce 3D models.’ ‘Plastics are resinous substances molded, cast, or Extruded into desired shapes.’ ‘If things went really well they bought a tiny carton of over priced reconstituted potato, Extruded into little stick shapes.’
Extrude, Extruded
40. Extrude Hone® serves customers in many market segments, including automotive, aerospace, heavy industry, medical, and general engineering
Extrude, Engineering
41. From engineering to fully automated solutions, Extrude Hone supports its customers with edge blending, shaping and fine-flow tuning surfacing solutions through its engineered processes and state-of-the-art
Engineering, Extrude, Edge, Engineered
42. Extruded line features appear as walls
43. You can Extrude based on an attribute value to show walls of varying heights, which can be an effective way to represent the magnitude of flow or other movement.
Extrude, Effective
44. Extrude and Presspull Commands are probably the most used AutoCAD 3D tools if not the most used 3D tools
45. In this article, I will show you eight tips for making efficient use of these commands, let’s start with the Extrude command
Eight, Efficient, Extrude
46. Changing 3D mode: There are two modes available with the Extrude command, these are Solid and Surface.
47. What is the Extrude command for? Most simply said, the Extrude command allows you to turn the 2D objects into 3D objects by giving the object a hight dimension
48. The Extrude command is one of the numerous 3D tools that are available in AutoCAD
49. In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a sketch and Extrude it on AutoCAD
50. For this tutorial, let’s create a circle and Extrude it
51. The Extrude function gizmo is similar to the Move function gizmo
52. You can also Extrude with Rotate or Scale
53. Use the arrows to Extrude it in a particular direction
54. How to Extrude faces or lines to an exact size
Extrude, Exact
55. See authoritative translations of Extrude in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.
Extrude, Example
56. Learn how to create shapes in After Effects and Extrude them in 3D space — the basic building blocks of any 3D environment.
Effects, Extrude, Environment
57. I learned it a few years ago, I think when I discovered that we can Extrude 3d sketches, since you have to indicate a direction for those Extrudes
Extrude, Extrudes
58. The Extrude tool is one tool that I believe every single person who has ever played with or used SOLIDWORKS knows
Extrude, Every, Ever
59. The Extrude feature has some very interesting …
60. Poly Extrude Lesson 7 of 26 in ZModeler Polygon Actions
61. Learn the basics of the Extrude action with ZModeler Brush
62. #ZModeler #Joseph Drust #Polygon Actions #Single Poly #No sides Polys #Step by Brush #Step size #Poly Extrude
63. Extrude operation SyntaxExtrude(distance)Extrude(extrusionType, distance)Parameters distance—floatHow many units to Extrude
Extrude, Extrusiontype
64. ExtrusionType—selectorworld.up—Extrudes faces along the world coordinates system's y-axis
Extrusiontype, Extrudes
65. Face.normal—Each face is Extruded along its normal
Each, Extruded
66. The Cut-Extrude feature is a very useful tool
67. A standard plate size) and proceed to use the Cut-Extrude tool to remove material as you would during the machining phase.
68. Examples of Extrude in a sentence
Examples, Extrude
69. The volcano began to Extrude lava, shooting the hot liquid up and over its sides
70. 🔊 Pressing on the sides of the bag, the chef continued to Extrude icing all over the cupcakes
71. 🔊 The device was used to Extrude pasta so that it could be pushed out more quickly
72. To Extrude in both directions from the sketch plane in the PropertyManager, under Direction 1, select Through All - Both Directions.To Extrude as a thin feature, set the PropertyManager options in Thin Feature.When you drag the manipulator to set the size, an Instant3D ruler …
EXTRUDE [ikˈstro͞od]
Definition of extrude. transitive verb. 1 : to force, press, or push out. 2 : to shape (a substance, such as metal or plastic) by forcing through a die.
Extrude definition, to thrust out; force or press out; expel: to extrude molten rock. See more.
1. to force or press out: extruding molten rock. 2. to shape (metal, plastic, etc.) by forcing through a die.
Definition of extrusion. : the act or process of extruding; also : a form or product produced by this process.