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See also: Extravagantes Extraordinary Extremely Extraneous Extract Extravagant Extricate Extremist Extremity Extrovert Extra Extrinsic Extravagance Extravaganza Extroverted Extradite Extraterrestrial Extrapolate Extricated Extron

1. Extravagantes synonyms, Extravagantes pronunciation, Extravagantes translation, English dictionary definition of Extravagantes

Extravagantes, English

2. Those of John XXII and the so-called Extravagantes communes form part


3. Extravagantes definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation


4. Extravagantes (extra, outside; vagari, to wander).—This word is employed to designate some papal decretals not contained in certain canonical collections which possess a special authority, i.e

Extravagantes, Extra, Employed

5. Definition of Extravagantes in the dictionary


6. What does Extravagantes mean? Information and translations of Extravagantes in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


7. Extravagantes — The term Extravagantes (from the Latin extra , outside; vagari , to wander) is applied to the canon law of the Roman Catholic Church, to designate some papal decretals not contained in certain canonical collections which possess a special

Extravagantes, Extra

8. Extravagantes Extravagantes is a term introduced after the publication of the Decretum of gratian to describe all papal texts not found in, but "circulating outside" (Extravagantes ), that collection


9. After Gregory IX had promulgated his authentic series of Extravagantes in 1234 (see gregory ix, decretals of), suppressing all others, the term was used with reference to texts that appeared


10. The others were known as "Extravagantes communes", a title given to the collection by Jean Chappuis in the Paris edition of the "Corpus Juris" (1499 1505)

Extravagantes, Edition

11. He adopted the systematic order of the official collections of canon law, and classified in a similar way the "Extravagantes" commonly met with (hence "Extravagantes communes") in the


12. Extravagantes definition: decretals circulating outside some recognized collection of canon law


13. Synonyms for Extravagantes in Free Thesaurus


14. The others were known as "Extravagantes communes", a title given to the collection by Jean Chappuis in the Paris edition of the "Corpus Juris" (1499 1505)

Extravagantes, Edition

15. He adopted the systematic order of the official collections of canon law, and classified in a similar way the "Extravagantes" commonly met with (hence "Extravagantes communes") in the


16. Listen to music by Extravagantes on Apple Music


17. Find top songs and albums by Extravagantes including Promessas, Love Song and more.


18. Conoce las bebidas más Extravagantes que encontramos en la Feria del Vino y Destilados de Prissa#Vino #Gastronomía #destilados #Prissa

Extravagantes, Encontramos, En

19. 23-sep-2020 - Explora el tablero "zapatos Extravagantes" de Gisela Campbell, que 1228 personas siguen en Pinterest

Explora, El, Extravagantes, En

20. 15-ago-2017 - Explora el tablero de Ana Paulina "Peinados Extravagantes" en Pinterest

Explora, El, Extravagantes, En

21. Ver más ideas sobre peinados Extravagantes, peinados, peinados con trenzas.


22. A estas alturas, no es sorpresa que las celebridades le pongan nombres Extravagantes a sus hijos, sin embargo, todo parece indicar que cada vez se esfuerzan más por superarse entre sí

Estas, Es, Extravagantes, Embargo, Esfuerzan, Entre

23. Let's Play YO-KAI WATCH 2 KRÄFTIGE SEELEN [ Blind German / Deutsch 1080P HD 60 FPS ] YO-KAI WATCH 2: KRÄFTIGE SEELEN Spezialpart: Extravagantes YO-KAIM


24. Extravagantes & Extravagantes Communes of John XXII (1500)


25. Odd People Out (English title for Seres Extravagantes) is a documentary about the process of marginalization, repression and denial of the gay community during the first two decades of the Cuban Revolution, through the eyes and voice of Cuban writer Reinaldo Arenas.

English, Extravagantes, Eyes

26. Seres Extravagantes (Odd People Out). 2004


27. Las Extravagantes obras de arte de Cristiano Ronaldo son tendencia


28. Etimologia [] Do francês extravagant, e este do latim medieval extravagans -antis (composto de extra, 'fora', mais o particípio presente de vagare, 'vagar'), no sentido de algo que está fora de um conjunto principal ou oficial.Particularmente, na linguagem canônica medieval, o termo aplicava-se aos decretos pontifícios (em latim, Extravagantes) emanados após a publicação de uma

Etimologia, Extravagant, Este, Extravagans, Extra, Est, Em, Extravagantes, Emanados

29. Listen to Extravagantes on Spotify


30. Collection of leis Extravagantes, apparently originally published separately, bound in three volumes with various paginations and collations John Carter Brown Library copy quarter bound in calf over marbled boards John Carter Brown Library copy acquired with the assistance of the Metcalf Fund Addeddate 2011-09-30 14:24:27


31. 17 hours ago · Emprendedores – 12 Negocios exitosos que venden productos o servicios tan Extravagantes como disparatados

Emprendedores, Exitosos, Extravagantes



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Frequently Asked Questions

What does the name extravagant mean?

1. spending much more than is necessary or wise: an extravagant shopper. 2. excessively high: extravagant prices. 3. exceeding the bounds of reason or moderation: extravagant demands. 4. going beyond what is deserved or justifiable: extravagant praise. 5. elaborate or showy.

What does extravagance mean?

Definition of extravagance. 1a : an instance of excess or prodigality specifically : an excessive outlay of money. b : something extravagant a new car is an extravagance we can't afford. 2 : the quality or fact of being extravagant the extravagance of the decorations.

What is another word for extravagant?

extravagant, prodigal, profligate, spendthrift(adj) recklessly wasteful. "prodigal in their expenditures". Synonyms: profligate, excessive, debauched, prodigal, libertine, degraded, riotous, dissolute, fast, dissipated, spendthrift, overweening, exuberant, degenerate.

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