See also: Explosives Explosions Explosive Explosively Explosiveness High Low Exploit Explanation Explain Explicate Explore Explicitly Explode Expletive Exploitable Exploitative Exploiter Exploitation Explicar Explicated Explored Explicits Exploder Exploitate Exploud Explorer Explosion Exploiting Explication Explicative
1. Explosives Explosives are any chemical compound, mixture, or device, the primary or common purpose of which is to function by explosion. The term includes, but is not limited to, black powder, pellet powder, initiating Explosives, ammonium nitrate fuel oil (ANFO) mixtures, safety fuses, squibs, mixed binary Explosives, and igniters.
Explosives, Explosion
2. TNT is one of the most commonly used Explosives for military, industrial, and mining applications. TNT has been used in conjunction with hydraulic fracturing, a …
3. Explosive-actuated power device - any tool or special mechanized device which is actuated by Explosives, but not including propellant-actuated power devices. Examples of explosive-actuated power devices are jet tappers and jet perforators
Explosive, Explosives, Examples
4. Explosives chemical compounds or mixtures of substances that can undergo rapid chemical reaction, with the liberation of a large amount of heat and the formation of gases.
5. 10 Pounds of Plastic Explosives Reportedly Missing from Marine Combat Training Base C-4 explosive is wrapped with detonation cord during demo day at …
Explosives, Explosive
6. Ammunition and Explosives accidents most commonly occur when: Dropping or inadvertently firing pyrotechnic flares while riding in vehicles
7. Playing around and/or trying to modify or disassemble ammo or Explosives.
8. Individuals who carry Explosives or objects that contain Explosives are likely to be contaminated with traces of Explosives, microscopic residues that are invisible to the naked eye
Explosives, Eye
9. Handheld explosive trace Explosives detectors are small and light enough to be held and operated in the hand, and can be used to detect homemade, commercial, or military Explosives, although not all detectors can
Explosive, Explosives, Enough
10. Explosive Storage is a brand of Armag Corporation, the premier manufacturer of explosive storage magazines and weapon storage armories.All US Explosives brand products are engineered to meet the required needs and specifications for safe storage of weapons & ammunition, Explosives, pyrotechnics, detonators, caps, fuses, and more.
Explosive, Explosives, Engineered
11. Explosives are a component item used in construction
12. The explosion radius of a stack of Explosives is 10 cm * (number of Explosives in a stack), scales linearly (up to 1 km and above), and causes roughly 54% damage to a Light Armor Block
Explosion, Explosives
13. Explosives are orange and are rather compact for their punch
14. Explosives can be detonated from an Automatic
15. Vet's Explosives is an Explosives supplier and blasting contractor in southern New England and New York State
Explosives, England
16. Powder, pellet powder, initiating Explosives, detonators, safety fuses, squibs, detonating cord, igniter cord, and igniters
17. The Federal Register a list of these and any additional Explosives the purposes of subsections (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), and (i) of section 844 of this title, the term “explosive” is …
Explosives, Explosive
18. The year 1955, marking the beginning of the most revolutionary change in the Explosives industry since the invention of dynamite, saw the development of ammonium nitrate–fuel oil mixtures (ANFO) and ammonium nitrate-base water gels, which together now account for at least 70 percent…
19. Division 1.3 Explosives which have a fire hazard and either a minor blast hazard or a minor projection hazard or both, but not a mass explosion hazard
Explosives, Either, Explosion
20. Division 1.4 Explosives which present no significant blast hazard
21. Division 1.5 Very insensitive Explosives with a mass explosion hazard
Explosives, Explosion
22. Explosives - Compositions In general, high Explosives are compositions and mixtures of ingredients capable of instantaneously releasing large amounts of energy and doing work of various kinds on
Explosives, Energy
23. So far, we have discussed Explosives by when they were invented, and later, to some extent, by their sensitivity to heat, friction, or shock
Explosives, Extent
24. We will be primarily discussing high Explosives, since almost all Explosives since black
25. Explosives: The law of Explosives covers dangerously volatile substances, including gasoline, oil, dynamite, and blasting caps filled with highly explosive compounds
Explosives, Explosive
26. Explosives - Nitroaromatics Nitroaromatics form an important group of recalcitrant xenobiotics
27. Chemical Explosives are traditionally divided into two categories: low Explosives and high Explosives
28. Low Explosives are mixtures of chemicals that burn very rapidly, but subsonically (as opposed to supersonically), meaning that they “deflagrate.” They consist typically of fuel and an oxidizer
29. Explosives are a placeable, consumable mechanism that can be triggered using wiring
30. Explosives drivers shall also take the AMMO-18-DL, "Basics of Naval Explosive Hazard Control"
Explosives, Explosive
31. Explosives packaged to protect the ingredients from water intrusion
32. Water-resistance ratings are available from manufacturers of Explosives and should be used as a guideline when selecting Explosives for rock blasting
33. Additionally, he creates new, environmentally friendly priming Explosives and works in the field of detonation and ignition technology
Environmentally, Explosives
34. Born in Braunschweig (Germany) in 1962, Josef Kohler trained as a pyrotechnician and an authorized user of Explosives, completing his degree in …
35. EP approves tighter rules on homemade Explosives BRUSSELS, April 16 (KUNA) -- The European Parliament Tuesday approved plans to update and tighten rules on the use and sale of chemicals that could be used to make homemade Explosives
Ep, Explosives, European
36. EP approves tighter rules on homemade Explosives
Ep, Explosives
37. Weapons-grade Explosives used by both the military and special divisions of some police units
38. High Explosives are conventionally subdivided into two classes and differentiated by sensitivity: Primary
39. The Explosives that can be crafted are the Sticky Bomb, Sticky Grenade and the Explosives block; the others can only be purchased from the Demolitionist
40. Unstable Explosives: When an explosive has deteriorated to an extent that it is an unstable or dangerous condition or if nitroglycerin leaks from any explosive then the person in possession of such explosive shall immediately report the fact to the fire official and upon his authorization shall proceed to destroy such Explosives and clean
Explosives, Explosive, Extent
41. We are a society of professionals promoting safety, security and the controlled use of Explosives
42. Training - International Society of Explosives Engineers ISEE
Explosives, Engineers
43. Explosives Engineering by Paul Cooper is a well written book that will give anyone with a master's level in fluid dynamics, thermochemistry and the likes (don't expect this book to bring you up to speed on these subjects) a good understanding of the physics and a bit of the chemistry behind Explosives …
Explosives, Engineering, Expect
44. Explosives are used in crafting of cliff Explosives and explosive weapons and ammunition
Explosives, Explosive
45. Explosives cannot be used by themselves
46. 0.16.0: Explosives now produce 2 per craft
47. Raw Explosives are an uncommon crafting material found at military locations.It is used to craft explosive traps such as the Landmine, Trip Mine and MOAB, and hand-held Explosives, such as the Frag Grenade.In order to craft these Explosives, raw Explosives have to be combined with a variety of items, based on their use.
Explosives, Explosive
48. What is the health and safety problem? Detonating Explosives release toxic gases, primarily oxides of nitrogen and carbon monoxide
49. Can I legally buy Explosives? I need to blow a tree up
50. There has to be some way to legally buy Explosives
51. Explosives and pyrotechnics manufacturing is an inherently hazardous process
52. USD(I&S) SUBJECT: Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives
53. Explosives which detonate and propagate at velocities greater than 1000 m/s, are high Explosives and include the secondary Explosives RDX, HMX, HNS, DIPAM, TETRYL, DATB, TATB, PETN, TNT
54. PROPERTIES of Explosives are measurable physical attributes typical of a …
55. The fundamental concept behind Explosives is very simple
56. Explosives are a type of consumable weapon.Explosive devices are thrown from stacks in the player's inventory, after which there is a short delay before they explode
Explosives, Explosive, Explode
EXPLOSIVES [ikˈsplōsiv, ikˈsplōziv]
Definition of explosive (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : an explosive substance. 2 : a consonant characterized by explosion in its articulation when it occurs in certain environments : stop.
An explosive (or explosive material) is a reactive substance that contains a great amount of potential energy that can produce an explosion if released suddenly, usually accompanied by the production of light, heat, sound, and pressure. An explosive charge is a measured quantity of explosive material,...
explosive. noun. /ɪkˈspləʊsɪv/, /ɪkˈspləʊzɪv/. /ɪkˈspləʊsɪv/, /ɪkˈspləʊzɪv/. [countable, uncountable] jump to other results. a substance that is able or likely to cause an explosion. plastic explosives. The bomb was packed with several pounds of high explosive.
• EXPLOSIVE UNIT (noun) Sense 1. Meaning: Any unit for measuring the force of explosions. Classified under: Nouns denoting quantities and units of measure. Hypernyms ("explosive unit" is a kind of...): unit; unit of measurement (any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange)