See also: Exhortation Exhortatory Exhortative Exhorts Exhortar Exhorted Exhorter Exhorteth Exhorting Exhort
1. Examples of Exhortation in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web The re-recording of the title track from a 2003 album by LoPresti and her band, The Masses, is a passionate Exhortation of hope and courage, slightly reworded from the original composition by LoPresti and Matthew Stewart.
Examples, Exhortation
2. The Greek word translated "Exhortation" (paraklesis) signifies, originally, "a calling near or for" (as an advocate or helper who should appeal on one's behalf), and carries the twofold sense of "Exhortation" and "consolation" (which see).
3. Exhortation Definition In modern usage, exhort can mean “to incite by argument or advice: urge strongly.” One might use exhort interchangeably with summon, beseech, entreat, or encourage
Exhortation, Exhort, Entreat, Encourage
4. Exhortation is defined as the act or process of making a strong urging or appeal. An example of an Exhortation is an emotional speech that inspires people to act.
Exhortation, Example, Emotional
5. The word most often translated “exhort” or “Exhortation” comes from the Greek word paraklésis, which means “to call to one’s side; to summon, encourage, admonish, entreat.” To exhort is to develop relationships with other believers for the purpose of encouraging them in their spiritual growth.
Exhort, Exhortation, Encourage, Entreat, Encouraging
6. The gift of Exhortation is often called the “gift of encouragement.” The Greek word for this gift is Parakaleo
Exhortation, Encouragement
7. The guides for this gift of Exhortation, given in Romans 12:12, is: 1
8. Exhortation (Crossword clue) We found 3 answers for “Exhortation”
9. This page shows answers to the clue Exhortation, followed by 5 definitions like “ The act of exhorting ”, “ The act of practice of exhorting ” and “ An earnest attempt at persuasion ”
Exhortation, Exhorting, Earnest
10. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB The worker, who audits machinery at the warehouse to make sure it functions properly, says Amazon sends her multiple text messages a day, with Exhortations to work with management
Example, Exhortations
11. An Exhortation is a loud or enthusiastic urging
Exhortation, Enthusiastic
12. Use an Exhortation any time you really want to encourage someone to do something.
Exhortation, Encourage
13. Paul used the word Exhortation in a way that matches the definition of the word
14. He writes to Timothy “Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to Exhortation, to teaching” (1 Tim 4:13).)
15. / ˌeɡ.zɔːrˈteɪ.ʃ ə n / the act of strongly encouraging or trying to persuade someone to do something: Despite the Exhortations of the union leaders the workers voted to strike
Encouraging, Exhortations
16. The necessary balance in Exhortation is best achieved by “speaking the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15)
Exhortation, Ephesians
17. An Exhortation is a persuasive or inspirational speech or text that strongly advises the audience how to feel or act about a certain subject
18. Often used in reference to biblical matters, an Exhortation can be made about anything that you are passionate about and want to encourage others to feel strongly about as well.
Exhortation, Encourage
19. Exhortation (countable and uncountable, plural Exhortations) The act or practice of exhorting ; the act of inciting to laudable deeds; incitement to that which is good or commendable
Exhortation, Exhortations, Exhorting
20. Exhortation may be over, but the five of us still love making art together
21. The word “Exhortation” comes from the Greek word PAPAKALEO which means to ” appeal to, urge, exhort, or to encourage” someone to take a certain action
Exhortation, Exhort, Encourage
22. Exhortation is something that pastors, teachers, and at times every Christian should do.
Exhortation, Every
23. The Gift of Exhortation is a neglected necessity for an effective church
Exhortation, Effective
24. An Exhortation is a speech that attempts to encourage, motivate or incite an audience through strong emotional appeals
Exhortation, Encourage, Emotional
25. Exhortation and encouragement is a beautiful aspect of our Christian life
Exhortation, Encouragement
26. Now we will spend most of our time, if that was the pattern, or the example, we will spend most of our time in the rest of the verses looking at the Exhortation, or the priorities
Example, Exhortation
27. ‘It ends with an Exhortation for better communication from all to help establish interdisciplinary collaboration for the ultimate benefit of patients.’ ‘Paradoxically, there is a preacherly tone to his Exhortations that, now more than ever, celebrate and justify secularism and non-belief.’
Ends, Exhortation, Establish, Exhortations, Ever
28. Exhortation: A Spiritual Gift Definition
29. Exhortation is a spiritual gift used to challenge people to pursue their faith in Jesus Christ
30. The book is essentially an Exhortation to religious tolerance
Essentially, Exhortation
31. The planned Exhortation died on my lips
32. The government has moved beyond Exhortation to compulsion and thus removed yet another strand of local discretion.
33. Exhortation (n.) late 14c., exhortacioun, "incitement by means of argument, appeal, or admonition; the argument or appeal made," from Old French exhortacion and directly from Latin Exhortationem (nominative exhortatio) "an Exhortation, encouragement," noun of action from past-participle stem of exhortari "to exhort, encourage," from ex-"thoroughly" (see ex-) + hortari "encourage, urge" (from
Exhortation, Exhortacioun, Exhortacion, Exhortationem, Exhortatio, Encouragement, Exhortari, Exhort, Encourage, Ex
34. Synonyms for Exhortation in Free Thesaurus
35. 18 synonyms for Exhortation: urging, warning, advice, counsel, lecture, caution, bidding
36. Exhortation definition: the act or process of exhorting Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Exhortation, Exhorting, Examples
37. Paul introduces the spiritual gift of Exhortation by using the Greek noun "paraklesis." or he who exhorts (parakaleō), in his Exhortation (paraklesis); he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.(Much of what is understood about "paraklesis" is influenced by the passage in Acts describing Barnabas as the "son of
Exhortation, Exhorts
38. ‘no amount of Exhortation had any effect’ ‘It ends with an Exhortation for better communication from all to help establish interdisciplinary collaboration for the ultimate benefit of patients.’ ‘Paradoxically, there is a preacherly tone to his Exhortations that, now more than …
Exhortation, Effect, Ends, Establish, Exhortations
39. Exhortation to Christian Giving
40. The well-intentioned Exhortation to replace anthropocentrism with biocentrism, if pushed very far, becomes a curious contradiction.: To you our discourse is addressed, and for you our Exhortation is intended.: It's an imperative and ornate Exhortation to lay open your nerves and unabashedly, unapologetically feel.: It will take more than Exhortation to persuade him or his successors to do
41. Another word for Exhortation: urging, warning, advice, counsel, lecture Collins English Thesaurus
Exhortation, English
42. Exhortation, Encouragement, and Prayer - I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to agree in the Lord
Exhortation, Encouragement, Entreat, Euodia
43. Exhortation, Encouragement, and Prayer - I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to agree in the Lord
Exhortation, Encouragement, Entreat, Euodia
44. Exhortation to the Greeks The Rich Man's Salvation To the newly Baptized or Exhortation to Endurance Appendix on the Greek Mysteries Exhortation to the Greeks reads like a modern `new atheist' criticism of Christianity, except that it is a Christian critique of the various pantheons of Greek gods.
Exhortation, Endurance, Except
EXHORTATION [ˌeɡzôrˈtāSH(ə)n, ˌeksôrˈtāSH(ə)n]
exhortation (noun) · exhortations (plural noun)
Exhort is a 15th-century coinage. It derives from the Latin verb hortari, meaning "to incite," and it often implies the ardent urging or admonishing of an orator or preacher.
Exhortation Definition. In modern usage, exhort can mean “to incite by argument or advice: urge strongly.” One might use exhort interchangeably with summon, beseech, entreat, or encourage.
Exhortation is to exhort someone or to urge by a strong, often stirring argument, admonition, advice, or appeal. In our exhortations we might use speech or discourse that encourages, incites, or earnestly advises someone to do something and that matches very nicely with the biblical definition of exhortation as we will read later on.
Bible Term: Exhortation. Exhortation is a fancy word that includes the ideas of teaching, instruction, encouragement, and urging. As followers of Jesus, this is something that we are instructed to do to each other, as Paul taught in Romans 15:14 and 1 Thessalonians 5:14. [Read Bible verses about exhortation.]