See also: Exhibiting Exhibition Exhibited Exhibitioner Exhibitionistic Exhibitive Exhibitively Exhibit Exhibits Exhibitor Exhilarated Exhilarating Exhilaration Exhilarant Exhilarator Exhilarative Exhilaratingly Exhibitory
EXHIBITEN [ˌeksəˈbiSH(ə)n]
exhibition (noun) · exhibitions (plural noun)
Exhibit(noun) any article, or collection of articles, displayed to view, as in an industrial exhibition; a display; as, this exhibit was marked A; the English exhibit. Exhibit(noun) a document produced and identified in court for future use as evidence.
exhibit(Noun) An article formally introduced as evidence in a court. Exhibit A is this photograph of the corpse. exhibit(Verb) To display or show (something) for others to see, especially at an exhibition or contest. He wanted to exhibit his baseball cards.
exhibition(Noun) An instance of exhibiting, or something exhibited. exhibition(Noun) A large scale public showing of objects or products. exhibition(Noun) A financial award or prize given to a student (who becomes an exhibitioner) by a school or university, usually on the basis of academic merit.
An exhibit refers to the display or show of something for others to see. A common example of an exhibit is a group of artworks you see. An exhibition most often refers to a single item being displayed.