See also: Exemplified Exemplifier Exemplifies Exemplary Exemplify Exemplification Exempt Exemptions Exemplo Exemia Exemplars Exempted Exempting Exemptive Exemplum Exemplarily Exemplarity Exemplifying
1. If a view such as theistic activism is true, then every property (or Exemplifiable) will be a product of God's creative activity
Every, Exemplifiable
2. IN DEFENSE OF ABSOLUTE CREATIONISM While kinds and properties are multiply Exemplifiable, they exist in their instances and are contingent upon the existence of their instances.
Exemplifiable, Exist, Existence
3. Definition of Exemplifiable in the dictionary
4. What does Exemplifiable mean? Information and translations of Exemplifiable in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
5. Exemplifiable (comparative more Exemplifiable, superlative most Exemplifiable) That can be exemplified
Exemplifiable, Exemplified
6. A haecceity is a property which is necessarily unshareable, that is, which is necessarily Exemplifiable by only one entity
Exemplifiable, Entity
7. Haecceity: An Ontological Essay Such a result is absurd, however, since (among other worries) properties are by their nature Exemplifiables, whereas God is not an Exemplifiable.
Essay, Exemplifiables, Exemplifiable
8. Individuals are therefore said to be non-repeatable or not multi-Exemplifiable
9. Exemplifiable meaning That can be exemplified.
Exemplifiable, Exemplified
10. Clearly only one of these two is directly Exemplifiable while the other refers to reality through the mediation of the directly Exemplifiable one
11. Considering that the ontic properties of an object relate to that aspect of it from which the concept of existence is derived, we can conclude that existence is the directly Exemplifiable of the two
Existence, Exemplifiable
12. The word "Exemplifiable" backwards: elbaifilpmexe; Anagrams of "Exemplifiable": 0 (Not exist) Definition of "Exemplifiable" Words that rhyme with Exemplifiable
Exemplifiable, Elbaifilpmexe, Exist
13. Synonyms for "Exemplifiable" Acrostic of "Exemplifiable"
14. Not Exemplifiable Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
15. Since H is a particular existing hole, it cannot be part of H's multiply Exemplifiable nature that it depend for its existence on the particular piece of cheese it is a hole in
Existing, Exemplifiable, Existence
16. Exemplifies definition in English dictionary, exemplifies meaning, synonyms, see also 'exemplifier',Exemplifiable',exemplificative',exemplariness'
Exemplifies, English, Exemplifier, Exemplifiable, Exemplificative, Exemplariness
17. Exemplification definition in English dictionary, exemplification meaning, synonyms, see also 'exemplificative',emulsification',Exemplifiable',exemplify'
Exemplification, English, Exemplificative, Emulsification, Exemplifiable, Exemplify
18. There are 2 words containing A, B, F, M and X: Exemplifiable & FLAMBEAUX
19. Neutralities weightily dungbird Exemplifiable float-cut ragule pachyrhynchous suprascript strouds sacramenter
20. This exception is only partial, since Swinburne shares the common assumption that holiness is Exemplifiable only by God
Exception, Exemplifiable
21. For any Exemplifiable F, God’s creating an Exemplifiable is logically prior to F
22. C1: God’s creating an Exemplifiable is logically prior to the Exemplifiable being able to create an Exemplifiable.[from 3] Our argument so far depends only on A1.
23. Question or another q~ relevantly like it is multiply Exemplifiable and E-neutrallY belongs to any number of other beings