Use Exempli in a sentence

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See also: Exemplify Exemplification Exempli Exemplifier Exemplifying Exemplified Exemplary Exempt Exemptions Exemplo Exemia Exemplars Exempted Exempting Exemptive Exemplum Exemplarily Exemplarity

1. Exemplify definition is - to show or illustrate by example

Exemplify, Example

2. How to use Exemplify in a sentence.


3. Exemplis, fastest growing contract made to order seating manufacturer


4. Definition of Exempli in the dictionary


5. Information and translations of Exempli in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


6. Exempli gratia definition is - for example

Exempli, Example

7. Exemplificative definition, serving to Exemplify

Exemplificative, Exemplify

8. 1644, Renatus Cartesius, Principia philosophiae Adeo ut uidentes, Exempli gratia, colorem, putauerimus nos uidere rem quandam extra nos positam, et plane similem ideae illi coloris, quam in nobis tunc experiebamur

Exempli, Extra, Et, Experiebamur

9. 127 rows · (Redirected from Exempli gratia) This page lists English translations of notable Latin …

Exempli, English

10. His originality as a composer is Exemplified by the following group of songs.


11. Exempli gratia synonyms, Exempli gratia pronunciation, Exempli gratia translation, English dictionary definition of Exempli gratia

Exempli, English

12. Exempli translation in Latin-English dictionary

Exempli, English

13. La Cogitamus Exempli gratia de charismatis ratiocinationisque facultate, qua pollebat Hildegardis, quae vividum incitamentum ostenditur ad theologicam inquisitionem; ad meditationem de Christi mysterio, in eius pulchritudine considerato, ad dialogum de Ecclesia ac theologia cum cultura, scientia et huius temporis arte, ad vitae consecratae

Exempli, Eius, Ecclesia, Et

14. Learn how to say Exempli Gratia with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials.Definition and meaning can be found here:

Exempli, Emmasaying

15. Exempli in latin pronunciations with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more


16. This crossword clue Jupiter, Exempli gratia was discovered last seen in the March 21 2021 at the New York Times Crossword


17. Exempli gratia have in internet work and cose and phone.


18. Exempli Gratia is a Latin term which means ‘for the sake of example’

Exempli, Example

19. Pessimi Exempli Law and Legal Definition Pessimi Exempli means of the worst example or a very bad precedent

Exempli, Example

20. Exempli gratia definition: for the sake of example Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Exempli, Example, Examples

21. { adverb } Considerentur, Exempli causa, in urbes nimium commigrandi studium, frequens urbium incrementum, potissimum ubi fortius est pondus demographicum

Exempli, Est

22. Jupiter Exempli gratia NYT Crossword Clue Answers are listed below and every time we find a new solution for this clue we add it on the answers list

Exempli, Every

23. Ads This crossword clue might have … Jupiter, Exempli gratia Crossword Clue Read More »


24. Exempli is the genitive singular form of exemplum meaning example. Exempli gratia is sometimes confused with id est (i.e.)

Exempli, Exemplum, Example, Est

25. Exempli aluminium lactate Cheeks šupljina za korijen zuba frater demissionair have a hang-dog look வலம்புரிச் சங்கு liasse quarter normalizare inchadamente fruitless 大的 hornblende (fam.) to get into a mess/ a scrape/hot water


26. Another way to say Exempli Gratia? Synonyms for Exempli Gratia (other words and phrases for Exempli Gratia).


27. Exempli: for example: gratia preposition, noun, conjunction: grace, thanks, gratitude, thank, goodwill: Nearby Translations

Exempli, Example

28. Stands for Exempli gratia, Latin for for example

Exempli, Example

29. For very good reasons, I think, Barth and Bonhoeffer remain the Exempli gratia of that epoch of German theology, not Bultmann, Brunner, Gogarten, or Tillich

Exempli, Epoch

30. How to say Exempli gratia in English? Pronunciation of Exempli gratia with 3 audio pronunciations, 2 meanings, 14 translations and more for Exempli gratia.

Exempli, English

31. Exempli Gratia is a treasure in my collection, still play and enjoy listening even now in 2015

Exempli, Enjoy, Even

32. Synonyms for Exempli gratia include f'rinstance, for example, for instance, such as, like, as an example, say, let us assume, e.g

Exempli, Example

33. Is the abbreviation for the Latin phrase Exempli gratia, meaning “for example.” This abbreviation is typically used to introduce one or more examples of something mentioned previously in the sentence and can be used interchangeably with “for example” or “such as.”

Exempli, Example, Examples

34. What does Exempli-gratia mean? For example

Exempli, Example

35. Pessimi Exempli in United States Pessimi Exempli Definition Of the worst example

Exempli, Example

36. Pessimi Exempli in Foreign Legal Encyclopedias LinkDescription Pessimi Exempli, Pessimi Exempli in the World Legal Encyclopedia., Pessimi Exempli, Pessimi Exempli in the European Legal Encyclopedia., […]

Exempli, Encyclopedias, Encyclopedia, European

37. Answers for JUPITER, Exempli GRATIA crossword clue


38. Crossword Clue The crossword clue Jupiter, Exempli gratia with 4 letters was last seen on the March 21, 2021.We think the likely answer to this clue is DEUS.Below are all possible answers to this clue ordered by its rank


39. The crossword clue 'Jupiter, Exempli gratia' published 1 time⁄s and has 1 unique answer⁄s on our system


40. This crossword clue is for the definition: Jupiter, Exempli gratia


41. Next time, when searching for online help with your puzzle, try using the search term “Jupiter, Exempli gratia crossword” or “Jupiter, Exempli gratia crossword clue”.


42. Here is the answer for: Jupiter Exempli gratia crossword clue answers, solutions for the popular game New York Times Crossword


43. Jupiter, Exempli gratia has also appeared in 0 other occasions according to our records




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Frequently Asked Questions

What does exemplify mean definition?

Definition of exemplify. transitive verb. 1 : to show or illustrate by example anecdotes exemplifying those virtues. 2 : to make an attested copy or transcript of (a document) under seal. 3a : to be an instance of or serve as an example : embody she exemplifies the qualities of a good leader.

What does exemplifier mean?

[Middle English exemplifien, from Old French exemplifier, from Medieval Latin exemplificāre : Latin exemplum, example; see example + Latin -ficāre, -fy .] ex·em′pli·fi′er n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

What is ex em?

ex·em·pli·fy. (ĭg-zĕm′plə-fī′) tr.v. ex·em·pli·fied, ex·em·pli·fy·ing, ex·em·pli·fies. 1. a. To illustrate by example: exemplify an argument. b. To serve as an example of: scenes that exemplify the film director's style. 2.

What does the name exempl mean?

v.t. -fied, -fy•ing. 1. to show or illustrate by example. 2. to furnish or serve as an example of; typify. 3. to make an attested copy of (a document) under seal. [1375–1425; late Middle English < Middle French exemplifier < Medieval Latin exemplificāre. See exemplum, -i-, -ify] ex•em′pli•fi`er, n.

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