Use Exemplariness in a sentence

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See also: Exemplariness Exemplary Exemplify Exemplification Exempt Exemptions Exemplo Exemia Exemplars Exemplifier Exempted Exempting Exemptive Exemplum Exemplarily Exemplarity Exemplifying Exemplified

1. The Exemplariness of French culture, as she describes it, consists in its successful harmonization of the apparently incompatible polar attitudes of curiosity and reverence--an achievement she is keen to explain. "Interested in Big Things, and Happy in Small Ways": Curiosity in Edith Wharton

Exemplariness, Explain, Edith

2. Exemplariness meaning The state or condition of being exemplary, serving as a shining example.

Exemplariness, Exemplary, Example

3. Exemplariness (noun) the state or quality of being exemplary; fitness to be an example How to pronounce Exemplariness?

Exemplariness, Exemplary, Example

4. Synonyms for Exemplariness include perfection, excellence, exquisiteness, flawlessness, sublimity, superbness, superiority, brilliance, distinction and faultlessness

Exemplariness, Excellence, Exquisiteness

5. Exemplariness (uncountable) The state or condition of being exemplary, serving as a shining example.

Exemplariness, Exemplary, Example

6. Synonyms for Exemplariness in English including definitions, and related words.

Exemplariness, English

7. See authoritative translations of Exemplariness in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.

Exemplariness, Example

8. ‘Those who are inspired by the Exemplariness of his work, one hopes, will only gather strength as we remember him in the years to come.’ ‘The model, in selling the image of her body, sells at the same time, by virtue of her Exemplariness, the image of the body of Algerian women as a whole.’


9. The model, in selling the image of her body, sells at the same time, by virtue of her Exemplariness, the image of the body of Algerian women as a whole


10. This aspect is the representation of Exemplariness , a representation designed to work always, although it sometimes does so literally, sometimes figuratively.


11. The Exemplariness consists in an apparent David-and-Goliath struggle, the result of which is an unspecified dreamed-of victory


12. What a wonderful word so full of meaning: Exemplariness


13. Bessie and Annie waited at table, the former with demure Exemplariness, the latter with her usual


14. Transmuted into that model or exemplary text: one whose Exemplariness, paradoxically, lies in its representations of the uniqueness and singularity of the individual life." (2) Marginalized groups and marginalized experiences have claimed their space among the body of autobiographical narratives.

Exemplary, Exemplariness, Experiences

15. A student willing to demonstrate Exemplariness as a student should know his or her area of strength and weakness


16. Exemplariness How many syllables? 5 Syllables How it's divided? ex-em-pla-ri-ness

Exemplariness, Ex, Em

17. Exemplariness - find the meaning and all words formed with Exemplariness, anagrams with Exemplariness and much more.


18. Search Exemplariness and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso

Exemplariness, English

19. You can complete the definition of Exemplariness given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster

Exemplariness, English

20. Synonyms for Exemplariness in Free Thesaurus


21. Exemplariness (uncountable) The state or condition of being exemplary, serving as a shining example

Exemplariness, Exemplary, Example

22. Definition of Exemplariness in the D dictionary


23. Words created with Exemplariness, words starting with Exemplariness, words start Exemplariness


24. But they also suggest the viability of a refigured Javanese notion of Exemplariness in a modern yet ``naturally'' distinctive New Order discourse.


25. Exemplariness and the american revolution - volume 41 issue 1 - christopher clark Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites.

Exemplariness, Experience

26. How to attain Exemplariness You can attain Exemplariness by making detailed, honest but polite feedback and testing a submission before assessing it


27. Don't be afraid to give a hard assessment, as provided your feedback is justified, you have a higher chance of achieving Exemplariness.


28. The originality and the Exemplariness of activities promoting [] interfaith dialogue without boundaries and bringing together representatives of different cultures and beliefs practiced by people of Marseille, constitute the merit action of this Association.


29.Exemplariness n exemplary damages pl n (Law) damages awarded to a plaintiff above the value of actual loss sustained so that they serve also as a punishment to the defendant and a deterrent to others English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus

Exemplariness, Exemplary, English

30. Exemplariness Total Number of words made out of Exemplariness = 1392 Exemplariness is a 13 letter long Word starting with E and ending with S

Exemplariness, Ending

31. 10 letter Words made out of Exemplariness


32. Exemplariness tính chất dẫn chứng, tính chất gương mẫu, tính chất làm mẫu, tính chất mẫu mực


33. You have searched the English word Exemplariness meaning in Spanish ejemplaridad

English, Exemplariness, Ejemplaridad

34. Exemplariness meaning has been search 1848 (one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight) times till 3/13/2021

Exemplariness, Eight

35. You can also find Exemplariness meaning and Translation …


36. We found 13 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Exemplariness: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Exemplariness" is defined

English, Exemplariness

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EXEMPLARINESS [iɡˈzemplərēnəs]


  • noun form of exemplary
Synonyms: exemplary .

exemplary (adjective)

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