See also: Exarchate Exarchy Exarate Exarch
1. Definition of Exarchal in the dictionary
2. What does Exarchal mean? Information and translations of Exarchal in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …
3. Exarchal definitions Of or relating to an exarch.
Exarchal, Exarch
4. Exarchal (not comparable) Of or relating to an exarch.
Exarchal, Exarch
5. A list of words that start with Exarchal (words with the prefix Exarchal)
6. We search a large scrabble dictionary for scrabble words starting with Exarchal - we take the letter or word you enter, and generate all words starting with Exarchal.In addition there is a list of Words that end with Exarchal, words that contain Exarchal.
Exarchal, Enter, End
7. Exarchal is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 21 points
8. Exarchal is a 8 letter medium Word starting with E and ending with L
Exarchal, Ending
9. 6 letter Words made out of Exarchal
10. A list of lyrics, artists and songs that contain the term "Exarchal" - from the website.
11. Exarchal 'Exarchal' is a 8 letter word starting with E and ending with L Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for Exarchal
Exarchal, Ending
12. We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word Exarchal will help you to finish your crossword today.
13. Demesnes incorporating your soul stones open Exarchal Verges attuned to your master
14. A Byzantine title in a post-Byzantine world: local aspirations and the theory of translatio imperii in the use of the Exarchal title by the archbishops of Ravenna through the Middle Ages
15. We found 6 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Exarchal: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Exarchal" is defined
English, Exarchal
16. General (5 matching dictionaries) Exarchal: [home, info] Exarchal: Collins English Dictionary [home, info] Exarchal: Wiktionary [home, info]
Exarchal, English
17. Synonyms for Exarchal in Free Thesaurus
18. What are synonyms for Exarchal?
19. A list of words that contain Exarchal, and words with Exarchal in them.This page brings back any words that contain the word or letter you enter from a large scrabble dictionary
Exarchal, Enter
20. We also have lists of Words that end with Exarchal, and words that start with Exarchal
End, Exarchal
21. The Exarchal Republic contains 8 nations, the 2,388th most in the world
22. Today's World Census Report The Healthiest Citizens in The Exarchal Republic A measure of the …
23. Words created with Exarchal, words starting with Exarchal, words start Exarchal
24. Exarchal How many syllables? 3 Syllables How it's divided? ex-arch-al
Exarchal, Ex
25. (United Trek) 1 Government 2 Military 2.1 Military ranks 2.1.1 Starforce ranks 2.1.2 Exarchal Guard ranks 2.1.3 Paladin ranks The Exarch was the head of the Alshain government
Exarchal, Exarch
26. Exarchal - find the meaning, anagrams and hook words with Exarchal and much more
27. The word Exarchal uses 8 letters: a, a, c, e, h, l, r, x
28. Exarchal is playable in: Words With Friends 21
29. Exarchal (exˈarchal) adjective
Exarchal, Ex
30. The Exarchal Republic is founded - 1 SF Secessionist movements from Republic of Arbiture, caused by two years' worth of terrible government, result in the founding of The Exarchal Republic.The region is founded by Prianthe, as Exarch of Dominion, with Zenter as Archon of Foreign Affairs, Tibbs as Archon of Internal Affairs, and Berthin as Archon of Security.
Exarchal, Exarch
31. After a crisis in 2018, when the Ecumenical Patriarchate summarily removed the Exarchal status of the Archdiocese, after several pastoral meetings and a majority vote of the Archdiocesan Assembly, the Archdiocese became a part of the Patriarchate of Moscow
Ecumenical, Exarchal
32. Leo's Exarchal title, however, is not mentioned in Cosentino, Prosopografia dell'Italia bizantina, II, 278
33. But synods, approaching nearer to the modern signification of a plenary council, are to be recognized in the synodical assemblies of bishops under primatial, Exarchal, or patriarchal authority, recorded from the fourth and fifth centuries, and possibly earlier.
Exarchal, Earlier
34. Exarchate definition in English dictionary, exarchate meaning, synonyms, see also 'exarate',exarch',eparchate',Exarchal'
Exarchate, English, Exarate, Exarch, Eparchate, Exarchal
1. in the early church, the head of a major diocese or province. 2. a bishop inferior to a patriarch but superior to a metropolitan. 3. a deputy of a patriarch, either a priest or a bishop. 4. the head of an autonomous church. — exarchal, adj.
Definition of exarch (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a Byzantine viceroy 2 : an Eastern bishop ranking below a patriarch and above a metropolitan specifically : the head of an independent church
Late Latin exarchus, from Late Greek exarchos, from Greek, leader, from exarchein to begin, take the lead, from ex- + archein to rule, begin — more at arch- What made you want to look up exarch? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words?
History and Etymology for exarch. Noun. Late Latin exarchus, from Late Greek exarchos, from Greek, leader, from exarchein to begin, take the lead, from ex- + archein to rule, begin — more at arch-.