Use Erratics in a sentence

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See also: Erratics Erratic Erratically Erraticism Erraticity Erraticness Errant Erratum Erra Erratas Errada Errare Erratci Erration Errancy Errand Errantly Errantry

1. Glacial Erratics, often simply called Erratics, or erratic boulders, are rocks that have been transported by ice and deposited elsewhere

Erratics, Erratic, Elsewhere

2. Erratics are boulders which have been transported by glaciers to locations of a different geology


3. Some Erratics are found hundreds of miles from their source area


4. There is no need to know a named example of an erratic for GCSE Geography, but if you must know, the best-known examples in England are the Norber Erratics in Yorkshire

Example, Erratic, Examples, England, Erratics

5. These migrating stones, once deposited, are called Erratics — they stick out among their new surroundings


6. Erratics is Hannah Perrine Mode, Nina Elder, and Tyler Rai.

Erratics, Elder

7. Glacial Erratics are stones and rocks that were transported by a glacier, and then left behind after the glacier melted. Erratics can be carried for hundreds of kilometers, and can range in size from pebbles to large boulders


8. Scientists sometimes use Erratics


9. The Erratics historical and cultural significance is evident by the pictographs present on one of the largest Erratics in North America known as “Big Rock”

Erratics, Evident

10. Erratics end up in glaciers by many different means

Erratics, End

11. Erratics may be embedded in till or occur on the ground surface and may range in size from pebbles to huge boulders weighing thousands of tons.

Erratics, Embedded

12. These boulders are called Erratics, and they are usually a different type of rock from the rock in the place where they end up. Erratics are one of the many …

Erratics, End

13. The Erratics have been playing friendly cricket, mostly in Devon, since 1934


14. The importance of Erratics discussed herein is demonstrated by two examples

Erratics, Examples

15. Roomusoks (1970) listed some sponge taxa from Estonia, both as Erratics, and collected in situ

Estonia, Erratics

16. Anderson (1957) and Rhebergen (1985) discussed the provenance and transport of fluvial Erratics in the Netherlands.


17. Erratics from a given area are nearly always more numerous near their source and diminish in number with distance from the source


18. A large-scale example of a boulder train that can be observed in Iowa is the distribution of glacial Erratics composed of the distinctive Sioux Quartzite, a very hard, uniformly pink rock.

Example, Erratics

19. Often, these Erratics can be seen along country fence rows where farmers have cleared them from their fields


20. Although the glaciers left Illinois about 13,500 years ago, they left behind many kinds of Erratics, including quartzite, schist, granite, and gabbro.


21. Erratics is the off spring of Sunshine, my clay creations and stones needed a home of their own! The pottery beads that you find here are totally unique


22. Erratic (plural Erratics) A rock moved from one location to another, usually by a glacier

Erratic, Erratics

23. Erratics record the story of a glacier's travels


24. Looking for the bedrock units that correspond with Erratics can reveal complex flow patterns.


25. Erratics perched on top of other glacially transported rocks or on top of steep, narrow bedrock outcrops, provide an indication of near-ground ice velocity that is not solely tangential to bedrock


26. Many Erratics are smoothed or rounded, indicating that they were dragged along at the base of a glacier, continuously wearing against basal rocks.


27. The Erratics is a memoir by Vicki Laveau-Harvie, a début author in her mid-seventies


28. The Erratics won the 2019 Stella Prize, for the best book by an Australian woman published in the preceding year


29. The Erratics is a memoir by Canadian-born Australian translator and author, Vicki Laveau-Harvie


30. The Erratics is a totally different twist on the prairie stories of Margaret Lawrence, Alice Munro and, more recently, Esi Edugyan: written from the perspective of someone who lived through trauma and, simply, one who left to make a new life

Erratics, Esi, Edugyan

31. Numerous Erratics glacial Erratics were ice-rafted and deposited in the Vancouver Basin, Clark County, Washington


32. The glacier Erratics silently watch over the park entrance and most people do not even notice them (they are visible from the Denali hotels!)

Erratics, Entrance, Even

33. If you are in good hiking condition I would highly suggest you make the trek to the Erratics.


34. The Erratics is a totally different twist on the prairie stories of Margaret Lawrence, Alice Munro and, more recently, Esi Edugyan: written from the perspective of someone who lived through trauma and, simply, one who left to make a new life

Erratics, Esi, Edugyan

35. Learn about glacial Erratics; About the Author


36. Large U-shaped valleys, ridges of debris (moraines), and out-of-place boulders (Erratics) are evidence of a glacier’s passing

Erratics, Evidence

37. “The Erratics grabbed me by the throat and never let go


38. Synonyms for Erratics in Free Thesaurus


39. The fact that Erratics’ points of origin can be determined with precision is useful to glacial geologists, who sometimes refer to deposits of such rocks as boulder trains


40. Ascending the hill one begins to see the glacial Erratics half buried in the forest floor


41. Many Erratics are of notable size and beauty


42. A gripping memoir, Vicki Laveau-Harvie’s The Erratics mines the psychological damage wrought on a nuclear family by a monstrous personality, set against the bitter cold of a Canadian winter.Vicki Laveau-Harvie’s narrative voice is detached, slightly numb and darkly humorous


43. The Erratics doesn’t drip with pathos or gaze shudderingly into its navel, and yet there are moments of tenderness springing up like flowers in …


44. Vicki Laveau-Harvie’s The Erratics is a beautifully crafted, unblinkingly honest, often darkly funny lament for a loving family that never was


45. ‘Huge glacial Erratics, boulders unlike most of the other rocks in their surroundings, stand in mute testimony to their cross-country transport by advancing ice.’ ‘In the absence of other sources of building stone, glacial Erratics have been extensively used in Finland and northern Poland.’

Erratics, Extensively

46. Erratics (religion, spiritualism, and occult) The Erratics, or erratic stars, was a term used in traditional astrology to refer to the planets, as distinct from the fixed stars.

Erratics, Erratic

47. “Yeah, Erratics are pretty cool,” agrees David Williams, urban geologist and author of “The Seattle Street-Smart Naturalist and Stories in Stone.” “They reveal the power of ice, not only to sculpt the land, but also to act as giant trucks moving huge rocks, tens or hundreds of miles


48. Erratics range from pebble-size to larger than a house and usually are of a different composition that the bedrock or sediment on which they are deposited


49. Erratics can be found overlying bedrock or embedded in till in areas that were previously glaciated

Erratics, Embedded

50. Glacial Erratics may range in size from pebbles to “house-sized” boulders; however, most scientists and casual observers equate glacial Erratics with boulder-sized rocks

Erratics, Equate

51. Erratics are generally considered to be a nuisance, especially by farmers who must clear fields

Erratics, Especially

52. But some gravel pit opera-tors have found a ready market for “fieldstone” cobbles and larger boulder Erratics for landscaping, architectural, and specialty construction


53. Erratics also help geologists recon-struct the flow directions of glacial ice.


54. Drumlins and Erratics are just two of the fascinating glacial artifacts that we can observe while we wait for the ice sheet to come back with another load


55. Glacial Erratics are only too well known to most North Dakota farmers, who have laboriously piled them in the corners of their fields



ERRATICS [əˈradik]


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  • › Erratic definition sentence definition
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  • › Erratic definition antonyms
  • › Synonyms for erratic

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the definition of erratic?

Definition of erratic. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : having no fixed course : wandering an erratic comet. 2a : characterized by lack of consistency, regularity, or uniformity erratic dieting keeps erratic hours. b : deviating from what is ordinary or standard : eccentric an erratic genius.

What does erratic growth mean?

Erratic is the fastest growth rate meaning it needs the least exp to get to lv 100 (600,000). On the other hand Fluctuating is the slowest growth rate. (1,640,000 at lv 100)

What does glacial erratic mean?

glacial erratic(Noun) A rock that differs from the size and type of rock native to the area in which it rests, usually large and transported there by a glacier. Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: A glacial erratic is a piece of rock that differs from the size and type of rock native to the area in which it rests.

What is an an erratic rock?

Erratic, glacier -transported rock fragment that differs from the local bedrock. Erratics may be embedded in till or occur on the ground surface and may range in size from pebbles to huge boulders weighing thousands of tons.

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