1. Epispadias is a rare congenital (present at birth) abnormality that involves the opening of the urethra (the tube from which urine exit the bladder)
Epispadias, Exit
2. In boys with Epispadias, the urethra opens in top of the penis rather than the tip
3. In girls with Epispadias, the urethral opening is towards the clitoris or
4. The causes of Epispadias are unknown at this time
5. Epispadias is associated with bladder exstrophy, an uncommon birth defect in which the bladder is inside out, and sticks through the abdominal wall.Nearly all boys with bladder exstrophy will also have Epispadias.
Epispadias, Exstrophy
6. Epispadias is a rare defect that is present at birth
7. In Epispadias patients, as in those with classic bladder exstrophy, bladder capacity is the single most important indicator of eventual continence
Epispadias, Exstrophy, Eventual
8. Medical definition of Epispadias: a congenital defect in which the urethra opens upon the upper surface of the penis.
9. Epispadia glispular, yaitu ketika meatus urin ditemukan di kepala penis, tetapi di bagian atas dari lokasi umum di ujung
10. Pada perempuan, Epispadia biasanya dayang bersama dengan kondisi lain
11. Epispadias is a rare congenital anomaly that is almost always associated with bladder exstrophy
Epispadias, Exstrophy
12. Learn and reinforce your understanding of Hypospadias and Epispadias through video
13. In boys with Epispadia, the penis might be short and broad or abnormally curved
14. Girls with Epispadia might have a narrow vaginal opening, split clitoris, wide labia and a short urethra.
15. Epispadias: [ ep″ĭ-spa´de-as ] a congenital malformation with absence of the upper wall of the urethra; it occurs in both sexes, but more commonly in the male, with the urethral opening somewhere on the dorsum of the penis
Epispadias, Ep
16. Exstrophy-Epispadias complex (EEC) refers to a spectrum of birth defects that includes Epispadias, classical bladder exstrophy, and exstrophy of the cloaca and several variants
Exstrophy, Epispadias, Eec
17. Epispadias is basically a developmental disorder that arises during the first trimester.At that time, the primitive cloaca is supposed to divide into the urogenital sinus and the hindgut
18. El complejo extrofia-Epispadias comprende varias anormalidades que incluyen Epispadias (posición anormalmente alta de la uretra en el pene), extrofia vesical clásica (vejiga expuesta para fuera del abdomen) y/o extrofia de la cloaca (intestinos y vejiga expuestos para fuera del abdomen) y sus varias variantes
El, Extrofia, Epispadias, En, Expuesta, Expuestos
19. Introduction • An Epispadias is a rare type of malformation • of the penis in which the urethra ends in an opening on the upper aspect (the dorsum) of the penis.
Epispadias, Ends
20. Diagnosis Epispadia dapat ditegakkan berdasarkan pemeriksaan klinis atau pemeriksaan antenatal
21. Epispadias [ep″ĭ-spa´de-as] a congenital malformation with absence of the upper wall of the urethra; it occurs in both sexes, but more commonly in the male, with the urethral opening somewhere on the dorsum of the penis
Epispadias, Ep
22. What is Epispadias? How Epispadias effects urinary system? What are operative techniques for Epispadias treatment and which are the best? Video contains a lo
Epispadias, Effects
23. Epispadias - a congenital abnormality in males in which the urethra is on the upper surface of the penis
24. Epispadia synonyms, Epispadia pronunciation, Epispadia translation, English dictionary definition of Epispadia
Epispadia, English
25. Epispadias - a congenital abnormality in males in which the urethra is on the upper surface of the penis birth defect, congenital abnormality,
26. (anatomy) A deformity in which the urethra opens upon the top of the penis, instead of at its extremity.··(medicine) Epispadias
Extremity, Epispadias
27. Italian: ·(medicine) Epispadias··Alternative form of Epispadias 2015 October 8, “¿Una erección natural de 4 horas? No es una leyenda urbana”, in El País[1]: En el caso de las hipospadias y las Epispadias, un tipo de anomalías congénitas (de nacimiento), que suceden porque la apertura de la uretra no se encuentra en la punta del pene, como
Epispadias, Erecci, Es, El, En, Encuentra
28. Epispadia •Glandular: La uretra se abre sobre la cara dorsal del glande
29. Looking for Epispadia? Find out information about Epispadia
30. McGraw-Hill Explanation of Epispadia
Explanation, Epispadia
31. The condition is more common in males (3:1 male to female ratio), and is associated with Epispadias, a condition in which the urethra is opened dorsally as a plate
32. Synonyms for Epispadias in Free Thesaurus
33. 5 words related to Epispadias: birth defect, congenital abnormality, congenital anomaly, congenital defect, congenital disorder
34. What are synonyms for Epispadias?
35. Hypospadia, Epispadia Variant Image ID: 1372 Add to Lightbox
36. The exstrophy-Epispadias complex comprises a spectrum of congenital abnormalities that includes classic bladder exstrophy, Epispadias, cloacal exstrophy, and several variants
Exstrophy, Epispadias
37. HIPOSPADIAS Detail 2 introducción Epispadia E HIPOSPADIA Objetivo Determinar cuáles son las malformaciones congénitas que se presentan en niños Objetivos especificos *Dar a conocer que es la Epispadia e hipospadia *Reconocer cuales son los signos y síntomas que presenta un niño
Epispadia, En, Especificos, Es
38. Hypospadia, Epispadia Variant Image ID: 7424 Add to Lightbox
39. The bladder exstrophy-Epispadia complex (BEEC) includes malformations with midline closing defects of the lower abdomen and external genitalia
Exstrophy, Epispadia, External
40. Synonyms for Epispadia in Free Thesaurus
41. 5 words related to Epispadias: birth defect, congenital abnormality, congenital anomaly, congenital defect, congenital disorder
42. What are synonyms for Epispadia?
43. Epispadia dimana lubang uretra terdapat pada permukaan dorsum penis, dan tampak sebagai celah atau alur tanpa tutup
44. Epispadia parsialis di mana muara uretra terdapat di sebelah atas dan di belakang glans penis, permukaan dorsal penis biasanya bertarik sampai ujungnya tetapi lubang uretra dapat berakhir pada corona atau di sebelah proksimalnya.
ep·i·spa·di·as. A malformation in which the urethra opens on the dorsum of the penis; frequently associated with exstrophy of the bladder.
What is Epispadias? Epispadias is a rare congenital (present at birth) abnormality that involves the opening of the urethra (the tube from which urine exit the bladder). In boys with epispadias, the urethra opens in top of the penis rather than the tip.
Epispadias. Epispadias is a rare defect that is present at birth. In this condition, the urethra does not develop into a full tube. The urethra is the tube that carries urine out of the body from the bladder. The urine exits the body from the wrong place with epispadias.
[ep″ĭ-spa´de-as] a congenital malformation with absence of the upper wall of the urethra; it occurs in both sexes, but more commonly in the male, with the urethral opening somewhere on the dorsum of the penis. adj., adj epispa´diac, epispa´dial.