See also: Entreaty Entrust Entrance Entrepreneur Entresol Entrenched Entrepreneurship Entropy Entry Entrusted Entreated Entropion Entr'acte Entryway Entrained Entraining Entrer Entrez Entreats Entrar Entree Entranced Entrepreneurial Entrainment Entrapment
1. Entresol definition: a low story or floor just above the street floor; Mezzanineorigin of Entresolfrench from entre-, between + sol, ground from Classical Latin solum from source soil: 2
Entresol, Entresolfrench, Entre
2. Entresol definition: a low story or floor just above the street floor; mezzanineOrigin of Entresolfrench from entre-, between + sol, ground from Classical Latin solum from source soil.
Entresol, Entresolfrench, Entre
3. Mezzanineorigin of Entresolfrench from entre-, between + sol, ground from Classical Latin solum from source soil: 6
Entresolfrench, Entre
4. Mezzanineorigin of Entresolfrench from entre-, between + sol, ground from Classical Latin solum from source soil: 6
Entresolfrench, Entre