See also: Entreaty Entrust Entrance Entrepreneur Entresol Entrenched Entrepreneurship Entropy Entry Entrusted Entreated Entropion Entr'acte Entryway Entrained Entraining Entrer Entrez Entreats Entrar Entree Entranced Entrepreneurial Entrainment Entrapment
ENTREATJOHN [inˈtrēt, enˈtrēt]
entreat (verb) · entreats (third person present) · entreated (past tense) · entreated (past participle) · entreating (present participle)
Kids Definition of entreat. : to ask in a serious and urgent way “Friends, I entreat you not to quarrel!”. — L. Frank Baum, The Marvelous Land of Oz. Keep scrolling for more.
beg, entreat, beseech, implore, supplicate, adjure, importune mean to ask urgently. beg suggests earnestness or insistence in the asking. they begged for help entreat implies an effort to persuade or to overcome resistance.
Keep him, therefore, I entreat you, in Edward Street. The public are entreated to bear in mind that thirteen years have passed since it was finished, many more since it was begun, and that during that period, places, manners, books, and opinions have undergone considerable changes.
"She wasn't in tears; she was if anything brusque, her tone between command and entreaty. "What had begun as a command, even a threat, ended up quite differently, came as close as John could get to entreaty. Please--" She extended a hand to Wheeler in a tentative gesture of entreaty.