Use Entrancement in a sentence

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See also: Entrancement Entreaty Entrust Entrance Entrepreneur Entresol Entrenched Entrepreneurship Entropy Entry Entrusted Entreated Entropion Entr'acte Entryway Entrained Entraining Entrer Entrez Entreats Entrar Entree Entranced Entrepreneurial Entrainment Entrapment

1. Entrancement (Noun) The act of entrancing or the state of being entranced The Entrancement of a child by the bright lights and other paraphernalia of a pantomime is a magical sight

Entrancement, Entrancing, Entranced

2. The latest tweets from @Entrancement_uk

3. A selection of scenes from my recent hypnosis session with Natalia Forrest ️Patreon: ️Twitter:

Entrancement, Entranc

4. Find 24 ways to say Entrancement, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Entrancement, Example

5. How will this affect Entrancement moving forwards? Hopefully not too drastically! The scenery will change when we move house, but we'll be living pretty near both sets of grandparents, so finding childcare and a few hours space to record hypno sessions shouldn't be a problem.


6. This groundbreaking study of Entrancement manifest in dreams, music, the sacred, and shared feeling brings together a staggering number of fields to explore multiple forms of consciousness.

Entrancement, Explore

7. I run the website Entrancement where I film genuine hypnosis sessions of cute and glamourous ladies and their reactions to different fun, silly, and sexy hypnotic suggestions


8. Synonyms for Entrancement noun a feeling of delight at being filled with wonder and enchantment Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

Entrancement, Enchantment

9. Want to discover art related to Entrancement? Check out inspiring examples of Entrancement artwork on DeviantArt, and get inspired by our community of talented artists.

Entrancement, Examples

10. I run a hypnosis themed fetish site called Entrancement (Where I film hypnotized models responding to different fun, kinky and cool suggestions) and here you'll find a selection of the more glamorous, artsy, stylish and sexy pics from my shoots


11. Entrancement is an augment available in Dragon's Dogma


12. SFConfelca Homes - Browse photos of Entrancement tumblr with resolution 500x667 pixel, filesize 0 KB (Photo ID #114805), you are viewing image #22 of 23 photos gallery


13. Dictionary entry overview: What does Entrancement mean? • Entrancement (noun) The noun Entrancement has 1 sense:

Entry, Entrancement

14. A feeling of delight at being filled with wonder and enchantment Familiarity information: Entrancement used as a noun is very rare.

Enchantment, Entrancement

15. Entrancement is used during conversion to open the mind to suggestion and limit rational consideration of, and objections to, implanted ideas


16. Translation for 'Entrancement' in the free English-Italian dictionary and many other Italian translations.

Entrancement, English

17. Plenty of video games are all-immersive, yet there was a particular 8-bit Entrancement to Tetris — something about the simplicity and repetition of rotating descending blocks so they snugly fit together that allowed a complete dissociation from self, and from parental provocations ("Maybe, uh, …


18. Entrancement - traduction anglais-français


19. Forums pour discuter de Entrancement, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions

Entrancement, Es, Exemples, Et

20. Antonyms for Entrancement include repulsion, repulsiveness, mundaneness, dullness, ordinariness, routineness, tedium, unimaginativeness, banality and blandness


21. After his hellish Entrancement, Declan held a singular hatred for witches


22. There is more emotion, compelling storytelling and Entrancement in a single flutter of foliage or the touch of a hand to a cheek in Reiniger's film than in the entirety of one of Ms

Emotion, Entrancement, Entirety

23. When their Entrancement helps them miss a near-death experience with a taxi, the boys believe the dead popster was acting as their guardian angel

Entrancement, Experience

24. Thunderstruck Instead,at 16,having underachieved in her GCSEs, she set off for Barcelona on the strength of half-decent Spanishand an Entrancement with the city's mythology.


25. Brainwave Entrancement® rest & reboot your brain profound well-beingdeep rest & relaxationmental clarity greater focusimproved memorylearning retention centered calm the DreamSpa® Innovation Combining brain rebooting combined with advanced light therapy


26. This makes Entrancement good at putting distance between you and a nasty monster or getting a fleeing monsterclose enough to kill

Entrancement, Enough

27. ‘The Entrancement of this poem also began forty years ago for me, when I was in fact engaged in a life and death struggle between sleeping past and waking into my life.’ ‘Double-entry bookkeeping has rarely been described with such Entrancement.’ ‘Is there a word for this mixture of Entrancement

Entrancement, Engaged, Entry

28. Knight of Entrancement, Cailte Kanji: 忘我の騎士 ケイラウト Kana: ぼうがのきし ケイラウト Phonetic: Bōga no Kishi Keirauto Grade / Skill: Grade 2 / Intercept: Power: 10000 Critical: 1 Shield: 5000 Nation: United Sanctuary Clan: Shadow Paladin: Race: Human: Format: Standard / Premium Standard Illust: 田 …


29. Entrancement ‎– Demo II - MMXIX Label: Perverse Homage ‎– 057 Format: Cassette, Limited Edition Country: US Released: 15 Nov 2019 Genre: Rock

Entrancement, Edition

30. Entrancement provides a comprehensive and original look at altered states of consciousness and their impacts on our minds, bodies, cultures, and selves


31. Entrancement - Metacafe Entrancement


32. How did this principle come to be unstitched and reversed in the … On Viral Entrancement Read More »


33. Everquest Spell Information for Ikaav Entrancement

Everquest, Entrancement


ENTRANCEMENT [inˈtransmənt, enˈtransmənt]


  • noun form of entrance
Synonyms: entrance .

entrance (verb) · entrances (third person present) · entranced (past tense) · entranced (past participle) · entrancing (present participle)

  • fill (someone) with wonder and delight, holding their entire attention.
  • cast a spell on.
Synonyms: enchant . bewitch . beguile . enrapture . captivate . capture . mesmerize . hypnotize . spellbind . enthrall . grip . engage . rivet . engross . absorb . fascinate . carry away . stun . overpower . charm . delight . thrill . excite . electrify . ravish . bore . bewitch . witch . hex . spellbind . hypnotize . mesmerize . trance .

Frequently Asked Questions

What does entrancement mean?

entrancement - a feeling of delight at being filled with wonder and enchantment. ravishment. delectation, delight - a feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction; "his delight to see her was obvious to all".

What is the definition of entrance?

Definition of entrance. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : power or permission to enter : admission. 2 : the act of entering. 3 : the means or place of entry. 4 : the point at which a voice or instrument part begins in ensemble music.

What does entrance mean in English?

Entrance(noun) the passage, door, or gate, for entering. Entrance(noun) the entering upon; the beginning, or that with which the beginning is made; the commencement; initiation; as, a difficult entrance into business.

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