See also: Entail Entangle Entact Entangled Entangler Entask Entailed Entailing Entandem Entallar Entasis Entangling Entailment Entanglement Entactogen Entamoeba Entactogenic Entablature
1. Entablaturemiddle Ages for Kids: Byzantine Empire Turkey History and Timeline Overview Aug 24, 2010 · The Byzantine Empire was a vast and powerful civilization with …
Entablaturemiddle, Empire
2. Any structure like thisOrigin of Entablaturemiddle French from Italian intavolatura from intavolare from in-, in + tavola, ta: 10
3. Byzantine Empire - WikipediaDefinition With Examples of an Entablaturemiddle Ages for Kids: Byzantine EmpireAgathius - Wikipedia In 330, he founded Constantinople as a second Rome on the site of Byzantium, which was well-positioned astride the trade routes between east and west; it …
Empire, Examples, Entablaturemiddle, Empireagathius, East
Definition of entablature. : a horizontal part in classical architecture that rests on the columns and consists of architrave, frieze, and cornice.
Entablatures at Caesarea Maritima. An entablature (/ɛnˈtæblətʃər/; nativization of Italian intavolatura, from in "in" and tavola "table") is the superstructure of moldings and bands which lies horizontally above columns, resting on their capitals.
entablature - (architecture) the structure consisting of the part of a classical temple above the columns between a capital and the roof. architrave - the lowest part of an entablature; rests immediately on the capitals of the columns. attic - (architecture) a low wall at the top of the entablature; hides the roof.
Entablature. Entablatures are major elements of classical architecture, and are commonly divided into the architrave (the supporting member immediately above; equivalent to the lintel in post and lintel construction), the frieze (an unmolded strip that may or may not be ornamented), and the cornice (the projecting member below the pediment ).