Use Enshrined in a sentence

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See also: Enshrined Enshadow Ensheath Enshrine Enshroud Enshadowed Ensheathe Ensheathed Enshrining Enshrouded Ensheathing Enshrouding Enshrinement

1. To contain or keep something as if in a holy place: A lot of memories are Enshrined in this photograph album


2. Enshrine definition, to enclose in or as in a shrine: His love for her is Enshrined forever in his poetry

Enshrine, Enclose, Enshrined

3. Verb If something such as an idea or a right is Enshrined in something such as a constitution or law, it is protected by it


4. The essentials of the deal will be Enshrined in a document

Essentials, Enshrined

5. [be VERB -ed + in] The apartheid system which Enshrined racism in law still existed.

Ed, Enshrined, Existed

6. In your radiant and immaculate bosom the divine spark may be Enshrined, a place without sullying where it may fitly nestle


7. BALSAMO, THE MAGICIAN ALEXANDER DUMAS She could hardly harbor that thought, for she felt also that Mysie's heart Enshrined but one man, and that was Robert


8. Inflections of 'enshrine' (v): (⇒ conjugate) enshrines v 3rd person singular enshrining v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." Enshrined v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man."

Enshrine, Enshrines, Enshrining, Example, Enshrined

9. ‘These are rights Enshrined in Article 10 of the European Convention.’ ‘This practice is actually Enshrined in the rules governing the national minimum wage.’ ‘The Constitution should be about enshrining rights, not discrimination.’ ‘Until recently the right to land traditionally worked was Enshrined in the Brazilian constitution.’

Enshrined, European, Enshrining

10. While I'm heartbroken that Grandma is gone, at least I've Enshrined her memory in my heart


11. While I'm heartbroken that Grandma is gone, at least I've Enshrined her memory in my heart


12. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English enshrine en‧shrine / ɪnˈʃraɪn / verb [transitive] formal KEEP/STORE if something such as a tradition or right is Enshrined in something, it is preserved and protected so that people will remember and respect it be Enshrined in something The right of free speech is Enshrined in the Constitution.

English, Enshrine, En, Enshrined

13. This was Enshrined in the Indo-Soviet friendship treaty signed in August 1971


14. The right to health is Enshrined in art


15. (verb) Other measures, such as compensation for victims, will be Enshrined in the proposed new law.


16. Enshrined v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man." "She laughed." Enshrined v past p verb, past participle: Verb form used descriptively or to form verbs--for example, "the locked door," "The door has been locked."

Enshrined, Example

17. We are pleased that such conditions are routinely included in warrants, but would prefer that such safeguards be Enshrined in legislation


18. Posthumously Enshrined were Filomeno Codinera (baseball/softball), Josephine dela Vina (athletics), Loreto Carbonell (basketball), Benjamin Arda (golf), Lita dela Rosa (bowling) and Sen


19. See 2 authoritative translations of Enshrined in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.

Enshrined, Example

20. If a political or social right is Enshrined in something, it is protected by being included in it.


21. Synonyms for Enshrined include preserved, cherished, exalted, treasured, consecrated, protected, revered, aggrandized, apotheosized and canonised

Enshrined, Exalted

22. It is Enshrined in the Constitution and provides that men and women are equal

Enshrined, Equal

23. Unlike most other federal government programs, Equalization is Enshrined in Canada's Constitution.

Equalization, Enshrined

24. Definition of Enshrined in the dictionary


25. What does Enshrined mean? Information and translations of Enshrined in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


26. The monks of Ely Enshrined his body, and of course miracles were wrought by it

Ely, Enshrined

27. Spenser married a Cork-woman, and has Enshrined her in the epithalamion, the most beautiful love-poem in the English language

Enshrined, Epithalamion, English

28. The Finnic peoples Enshrined their faith in the ballads collected under the …


29. Enshrine: 1 v enclose in a shrine “the saint's bones were Enshrined in the cathedral” Synonyms: shrine Type of: close in , enclose , inclose , shut in surround completely v hold sacred Synonyms: saint Type of: fear , revere , reverence , venerate regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of

Enshrine, Enclose, Enshrined, Exalted

30. A broad term leveled at those who have seen through lies regarding the COVID scamdemic – has been Enshrined in legal history and case law, at least in Canada


31. Torment Enshrined by Molten Chains, released 04 December 2020 1


32. Enshrine definition, to enclose in or as in a shrine: His love for her is Enshrined forever in his poetry

Enshrine, Enclose, Enshrined

33. What does Enshrined mean? Simple past tense and past participle of enshrine

Enshrined, Enshrine

34. The ne bis in idem principle, Enshrined in Article 54 of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders, signed in Schengen (Luxembourg) on 19 June 1990, is applicable to criminal …

Enshrined, Economic

35. Enshrined Achievement Points: 20 Description: Experienced all of the shrine effects

Enshrined, Experienced, Effects

36. Lover Enshrined was one of the book in this series that I wasn’t really looking forward to, I liked Phury but I wasn’t quite sure what his story could bring to the story or how strong of a main character he could be


37. Munson Review and Giveaway with Pine Enshrined Reviews and Goddess Fish Promotions


38. Enshrined is a conjugated form of the verb enshrine

Enshrined, Enshrine

39. Provided to YouTube by Believe SASEnshrined · SylosisMonolith℗ 2012 Nuclear BlastReleased on: 2012-10-05Composer: Alex BaileyComposer: Carl ParnellAuthor: Jo

40. Enshrined Lyrics: For heresy lives were devastated / The name of God their penalty / Crusades geared for destruction / Millions paid for a perverted creed / White-washed relics Enshrined / Stole the


41. Through the process that led to the Uluru Statement, a constitutionally Enshrined Voice is the only reform that has garnered the collective endorsement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Enshrined, Endorsement

42. According to historical sources, both brothers were covered in valuable textiles when Enshrined


43. Another way to say Enshrined? Synonyms for Enshrined (other words and phrases for Enshrined).


44. Tucker Carlson blames George Floyd’s death for “Enshrined open racism” against white people


45. The Aviation Museum of Kentucky in Lexington is home to the Kentucky Aviation Hall Of Fame where more than a dozen women have been Enshrined



ENSHRINED [inˈSHrīn, enˈSHrīn]


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Frequently Asked Questions

What does the name enshrined mean?

To preserve or cherish (something) as though in a shrine; to preserve or contain, especially with some reverence. Other measures, such as compensation for victims, will be enshrined in the proposed new law.

What is another word for enshrined?

Dictionary of English Synonymes(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate these synonyms: enshrine(v. a.) Synonyms: enclose in a shrine enshrine(v. a.) Synonyms: preserve (as something sacred), embalm, treasure, cherish, keep unimpaired

What does enshrine mean?

Definition of enshrine. transitive verb. 1 : to enclose in or as if in a shrine. 2 : to preserve or cherish as sacred.

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