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See also: Enfilade Enfiladed Enfin Enfield Enfilading Enfisema

1. Enfilade definition is - an interconnected group of rooms arranged usually in a row with each room opening into the next.

Enfilade, Each

2. Enfilade synonyms, Enfilade pronunciation, Enfilade translation, English dictionary definition of Enfilade

Enfilade, English

3. Enfilade definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation


4. Enfilade - • Accept Enfilade from Frostwolf Champion, and The Master Siegesmith from Frostwolf Champion


5. Enfilade! Enfilade! is our flagship event, held annually over Memorial Day weekend

Enfilade, Event

6. Enfilade Lyrics: Hello? / Hello mother leopard, I have your cub / You must protect her, but that will be expensive / 10,000 kola nuts, wrapped in brown paper / Midnight, behind the box / I'll be

Enfilade, Expensive

7. Enfilade 10 pearls round mother-of-pearl ROSE VIF 25mm/cuentas de concha madreperla,mother of pearl beads,sirène,marin, earrings LesBijouxDeLuna

Enfilade, Earrings

8. Enfilade nf une Enfilade de a series of, a line of en Enfilade [pièces] linked → Salons, salles à manger en Enfilade ouvrent sur la cheminée monumentale et la terrasse

Enfilade, En, Et

9. → le corps de logis Renaissance comprend trois pièces en Enfilade, communiquant entre elles

En, Enfilade, Entre, Elles

10. French Early 20th Century Louis XV Style Painted Enfilade $ 4,995.00 $ 2,995.00

Early, Enfilade

11. But 'Enfilade' is in my top 5 most awesomest things ever, and 'one armed scissor' rocks my world

Enfilade, Ever

12. The master bath, dining space and living space are arranged Enfilade about a centerline that leads through a double-height window wall to a sculpture garden and the park beyond.


13. An Enfilade is the formal alignment of rooms and their doors


14. Physical Manifestation of Aristocracy An Enfilade creates a stunning effect in a large home as you can see from one end to the other

Enfilade, Effect, End

15. Synonyms for Enfilade include pepper, rake, shoot, spray, strafe, fusillade, cannonade, bombard, sweep and blitz


16. *Enfilade.* French Baroque [1] alignment of all the doorways in a series or suite of rooms so as to create a vista when the doors were open, as in a palace


17. Les chambres en Enfilade sont douillettes et luxueuses.: The rooms in a row are cozy and luxurious.: Vue en Enfilade sur les Gorges de la Diosaz.: Seen in a row on the Gorges of Diosaz.: Les fortifications de Louisbourg étaient en fort mauvais état même avant le siège, exposées du côté de terre et en Enfilade sur presque toute leur longueur.: Even before the siege the fortifications at

En, Enfilade, Et, Expos, Es, Even

18. ‘Nineteen exhibition spaces are arranged as an Enfilade of rooms that define an L-shaped route through the building, with its Italian marble columns and high ceilings.’ ‘There is a wonderful flow of space and light, with Enfilades leading the eye through double doors and wafting curtains to the azure sea.’

Exhibition, Enfilade, Enfilades, Eye

19. The principal ‘served’ rooms are laid out ‘Enfilade’; a dark painted study room leads to the hallway where large pocket doors open into the new earthy green painted play room

Enfilade, Earthy

20. Definition of Enfilade in the dictionary


21. What does Enfilade mean? Information and translations of Enfilade in the most comprehensive …


22. Sep 14, 2016 - Explore A-Gent of Style's board "Enfilade", followed by 510 people on Pinterest

Explore, Enfilade

23. Enfilade (n.) 1706, a string of things in a straight line, from French Enfilade, from Old French enfiler (13c.) "to thread (a needle) on a string; pierce from end to end," from en-"put on" (see en-(1)) + fil "thread" (see file (v.1))

Enfilade, Enfiler, End, En

24. At The Drive-In Lyrics "Enfilade" this could last us all a lifetime limbs intact, untouched on the screen of a video tape confined to bedposts we wait as lepers upheld at knife's reach we covet all the status quo this syringe will take a lifespan it's filled with bait and tackle


25. Enfilade is an Amazon Javelin tree skill that throws a javelin which shatters into toxic razor spikes, far different from its 2017 counterpart that was a channeling skill


26. Enfilade does not spawn on any items except Cornerstone of the World

Enfilade, Except

27. Find 79 ways to say Enfilade, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Enfilade, Example

28. What does Enfilade mean? Gunfire directed along the length of a target, such as a column of troops


29. Handsome 19th century Enfilade with three raised panel doors, adorned with indented corners, and superb painted patina all topped with beautifully worn oak top


30. Enfilade definition: a position or formation subject to fire from a flank along the length of its front Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Enfilade, Examples

31. English Translation of “Enfilade” The official Collins French-English Dictionary online

English, Enfilade

32. Enfilade and defilade are concepts in military tactics used to describe a military formation's exposure to enemy fire

Enfilade, Exposure, Enemy

33. Jun 15, 2020 - In architecture, an Enfilade is a suite of rooms formally aligned with each other

Enfilade, Each

34. Watch the video for Enfilade from At the Drive-In's Relationship of Command for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists.


35. 1 day ago · Enfilade


36. Enfilade is a Rock group from Cavite, Philppines


37. See authoritative translations of Enfilade in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.

Enfilade, Example

38. Enfilade song meanings Add Your Thoughts 56 Comments


39. Provided to YouTube by Redeye Worldwide Enfilade · At The Drive-In Relationship Of Command ℗ At The Drive-In Released on: 2012-04-17 Music Publisher: At The


40. Polyhex Quarantine Blues by Enfilade Fandoms: The Transformers (IDW Generation One), Transformers - All Media Types Teen And Up Audiences; No Archive Warnings Apply; M/M; Work in Progress; 29 Jan 2021


41. Antique French Louis XVI style solid walnut Enfilade buffet, circa early 1900s, found in Mont Saint-Michel, an island commune in Normandy

Enfilade, Early

42. This elegant Enfilade with its straight lines and wonderful patina, has three drawers over four paneled doors

Elegant, Enfilade

43. Synonyms for Enfilades in Free Thesaurus


44. 1 synonym for Enfilade: Enfilade fire


45. What are synonyms for Enfilades?


46. An early 19th century French Empire Period Enfilade, or sideboard, made of solid cherry

Early, Empire, Enfilade

47. Enfilade is a garter stitch shawl that plays with two colours


48. Watch Enfilade tube sex video for free on xHamster, with the superior collection of Mature & Anal hardcore porn movie scenes to download and stream!


49. Enfilade Figures is a small producer of miniatures for wargaming, specialising in 20mm Miniatures (1/72 Scale) for modern conflicts (1945+)



ENFILADE [ˈenfəläd, ˈenfəˌlād]

enfilade (noun) · enfilades (plural noun)

enfilade (verb) · enfilades (third person present) · enfiladed (past tense) · enfiladed (past participle) · enfilading (present participle)

  • direct a volley of gunfire along the length of (a target).
Synonyms: bombard . pelt . shower . attack . assail . batter . strafe . rake . sweep . blitz . hit . cannonade . fusillade .
  • › Defilade vs enfilade
  • › Definition of enfilade fire
  • › Defilade definition military
  • › Enfilade fire diagram

Frequently Asked Questions

What does enfilade and defilade mean?

Diagram showing units "in enfilade" (red) and "in defilade" (blue) with another unit (green) providing enfilading fire. Enfilade and defilade are concepts in military tactics used to describe a military formation's exposure to enemy fire. A formation or position is "in enfilade" if weapons fire can be directed along its longest axis.

What is a British enfilade?

British history clicks into a long enfilade of discrete, identifiable periods. In minutes they had gained the top, fell prone, and began to pour deadly repeater-fire into the enemy below while their compatriots raked the top of the coulee with an enfilade. ( architecture) A series of doors that provide a vista when open.

When is a formation or position in enfilade?

A formation or position is "in enfilade" if weapons fire can be directed along its longest axis. For instance, a trench is enfiladed if the opponent can fire down the length of the trench. A column of marching troops is enfiladed if fired on from the front or rear such that the projectiles travel the length of the column.

What is a door enfilade?

The doors entering each room are aligned with the doors of the connecting rooms along a single axis, providing a vista through the entire suite of rooms. The enfilade may be used as a processional route and is a common arrangement in museums and art galleries, as it facilitates the movement of large numbers of people through a building.

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