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See also: Endorse Endow Endowment Endocrinologist Endogenous Endocrine Endorphins Endothermic Endoplasmic Endo Endorsement Endoscopy Endora Endorsee Endogeny Endotherms Endorsed Endocrinology Endowed Endogamy Endocardium Endocytosis Endodontics

1. Endopterygota (from Ancient Greek endon “inner” + pterón, “wing” + New Latin -ota “having”), also known as Holometabola, is a superorder of insects within the infraclass Neoptera that go through distinctive larval, pupal, and adult stages.

Endopterygota, Endon

2. The word Endopterygota refers to the development of the wings inside the body. Insects that develop in this way are said to show complete metamorphosis


3. In the Endopterygota, the larval stage is totally different from that of the adult, and it is wingless until it reaches the last instar.


4. Other articles where Endopterygota is discussed: insect: Annotated classification: Superorder Endopterygota (Holometabola) Metamorphosis complex, accompanied by a pupal instar; immature stages differ from adult in structure and habits; wings develop internally during larval stages


5. The word Endopterygota refers to the development of the wings inside the body. Insects that develop in this way are said to show complete metamorphosis


6. In the Endopterygota, the larval stage is totally different from that of the adult, and it is wingless until it reaches the last instar.


7. Endopterygota All these higher insects have a well-defined metamorphosis from larva via a pupa to adult, hence the alternative name of Holometabola, meaning a complete metamorphosis.


8. 16 rows · Endopterygota (bees, beetles, flies, moths and other insects with wings developing …


9. Characteristics of the Superorder Endopterygota: These insects undergo a complete metamorphosis with four stages – egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The pupal stage is inactive (a rest period)

Endopterygota, Egg

10. Endopterygota (meaning literally "internal winged forms") develop wings inside the body and undergo an elaborate metamorphosis involving a pupal stage. Exopterygota ("external winged forms") develop wings on the outside of their bodies without going through a true pupal stage, though a few have something resembling a pupa (e.g., Aleyrodidae).

Endopterygota, Elaborate, Exopterygota, External

11. Endopterygota meaning A taxonomic superorder within the infraclass Neoptera — various winged insects that undergo radical metamorphosis.


12. Endopterygota, de asemenea cunoscute și ca Holometabola, sunt insectele din subclasa Pterygota care trec prin diferite stadii ca să devină adulți: larvă, pupă.Suferă o metamorfoză radicală (completă), stadiul de larvă și de adult fiind foarte diferite ca structură și comportament.


13. Division Endopterygota (=HOLOMETABOLA) Order COLEOPTERA (koleos=sheath; pteron=wing) (Beetles and weevils) This is the largest of insect orders having over 300,000 species in the world


14. Endopterygota In the Endopterygota, there is a complete metamorphosis


15. The Endopterygota (or Holometabola), are insects of the subclass Pterygota


16. The Endopterygota, also known as Holometabola, are insects of the subclass Pterygota which go through distinctive larval, pupal, and adult stages.They undergo a radical metamorphosis, with the larval and adult stages differing considerably in their structure and behaviour


17. The Endopterygota are among the most diverse insect superorders


18. Definition of Endopterygota in the dictionary


19. What does Endopterygota mean? Information and translations of Endopterygota in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


20. Endopterygota (class Insecta, subclass Pterygota) A division of insects in which the wings develop internally until the final moult, when they undergo a pupal stage and complete metamorphosis


21. Source for information on Endopterygota: A Dictionary of Zoology dictionary.


22. Endopterygota synonyms, Endopterygota pronunciation, Endopterygota translation, English dictionary definition of Endopterygota

Endopterygota, English

23. Endopterygota is a division of the class Insecta in the phylum Arthropoda


24. Adjective belonging or pertaining to the superorder Endopterygota, comprising the insects that undergo complete metamorphosis.


25. Endopterygota Taxonomic Serial No.: 109215 (Download Help) Endopterygota TSN 109215 Taxonomy and Nomenclature Kingdom: Animalia : Taxonomic Rank: Superorder : Common Name(s): Valid Name: Neoptera : Taxonomic Status: Current Standing: invalid - other, see comments


26. Endopterygota, also known as Holometabola, is a superorder of insects of the subclass Pterygota which go through distinctive larval, pupal, and adult stages.They undergo a radical metamorphosis, with the larval and adult stages differing considerably in their structure and behaviour


27. The Endopterygota are among the most diverse insect


28. Endopterygota, also known as Holometabola, is a superorder of insects of the subclass Pterygota which go through distinctive larval, pupal, and adult stages.They undergo a radical metamorphosis, with the larval and adult stages differing considerably in their structure and behaviour


29. The Endopterygota are among the most diverse insect


30. Looking for Endopterygota? Find out information about Endopterygota


31. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Explanation of Endopterygota

Explanation, Endopterygota

32. Endopterygota (bees, beetles, flies, moths and other insects with wings developing internally) may be included in 'fed on by' relations listed under the following higher taxa:


33. The neopterous insects include the Hemipteroid Assemblage, Endopterygota, as well as the "lower Neoptera"


34. The Exopterygota differ from the Endopterygota in that they generally undergo an "incomplete" metamorphosis

Exopterygota, Endopterygota

35. In winged species the nymphs (larvae) generally bear external wing rudiments, which immature members of the Endopterygota

External, Endopterygota

36. Entomology List/Holometabolous and Endopterygota

Entomology, Endopterygota

37. Quite commonly the funicle beyond the pedicel is quite complex in Endopterygota such as beetles, moths and Hymenoptera, and one common adaptation is the ability to fold the antenna in the middle, at the joint between the pedicel and the flagellum


38. Endopterygota (redirected from Endopterygotes) Also found in: Medical

Endopterygota, Endopterygotes

39. Endopterygota [¦en·dō‚ter·ə′gäd

Endopterygota, En

40. Synonyms for Endopterygota in Free Thesaurus


41. What are synonyms for Endopterygota?


42. Endopterygota ou Holometabola é um clado de insetos da sub-classe Pterygota que apresentam metamorfose completa ou holometabolia, em oposição aos exopterygota (ortopteróides e hemipteróides), que apresentam metamorfose incompleta ou hemimetabolia.

Endopterygota, Em, Exopterygota



  • › Endopterygota lower classifications
  • › Insect phylum and class

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