See also: Encroach Encroacher Encroaching Encroached Encroachment Encroachments Encre Encratic Encrust Encrypt Encrusted Encrusting Encrypted Encrimsoned Encryption Encrustation
1. Encroach definition is - to enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another
Encroach, Enter
2. How to use Encroach in a sentence
3. Did You Know? Synonym Discussion of Encroach.
4. To take another's possessions or rights gradually or stealthily: Encroach on a neighbor's land
5. Verb (used without object) to advance beyond proper, established, or usual limits; make gradual inroads: A dictatorship of the majority is Encroaching on the rights of the individual
Established, Encroaching
6. While all these words mean "to make inroads upon the property, territory, or rights of another," Encroach suggests gradual or stealthy entrance upon another's territory or usurpation of another's rights or possessions
Encroach, Entrance
7. The Encroaching settlers displacing the native peoples Where would infringe be a reasonable alternative to Encroach?
Encroaching, Encroach
8. / ɪnˈkroʊtʃ / to take control or possession of something in a gradual way and often without being noticed: Farmers Encroached on forest land to grow crops
9. These devices are Encroaching on people’s privacy.
10. Find 29 ways to say Encroach, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Encroach, Example
11. Definition of Encroach in the dictionary
12. What does Encroach mean? Information and translations of Encroach in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
13. The easiest way to understand Encroachment in real estate is to envision a line drawn in the sand
Easiest, Encroachment, Estate, Envision
14. Environmental Encroachment (EE) uses a mobile brass band, costumes, performance art and theatrics to create unique entertainment environments for any event
Environmental, Encroachment, Ee, Entertainment, Environments, Event
15. Encroach is a crossword puzzle clue
16. Encroach is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted over 20 times
17. The crossword clue Encroach with 8 letters was last seen on the January 11, 2021
18. Encroach (v.) late 14c., "acquire, get," from Old French encrochier "seize, fasten on, hang on (to), cling (to); hang up, suspend," literally "to catch with a hook," from en- "in" (see en- (1)) + croc "hook," from Old Norse krokr "hook" (see crook (n.))
Encroach, Encrochier, En
19. Definition of Encroach to slowly move into another person’s area Examples of Encroach in a sentence My coworker is always leaning on my desk and trying to Encroach upon my personal space
Encroach, Examples
20. Many species are on the verge of extinction as cities Encroach upon their habitats.Muchas especies están al borde de la extinción mientras las ciudades invaden sus hábitats.
Extinction, Encroach, Especies, Est, Extinci
21. To take another's possessions or rights gradually or stealthily: Encroach on a neighbor's land
22. Encroach 'Encroach' is a 8 letter word starting with E and ending with H Crossword clues for 'Encroach' Clue Answer; Gradually intrude (8) Encroach: Advance beyond the usual limit (8) Advance gradually (on) (8) Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for Encroach
Encroach, Ending
23. Encroach To seize; take; take possession of; get; obtain.; Encroach To enter, intrude, or trespass upon the possessions, jurisdiction, rights, province, domain, or limits of some other person or thing; infringe upon or restrict another's right in any way; specifically, in law, to extend one's possession of land so as to transgress the boundary between it and the rightful possession or
Encroach, Enter, Extend
24. Gradually strings Encroach, playing at a different tempo and seemingly to a different tune
25. Personal media, in a variety of forms, will increasingly Encroach on mass media
26. Increased tourist flow may increase conflict with tigers and Encroach on their habitat.
27. En‧croach /ɪnˈkrəʊtʃ $ -ˈkroʊtʃ/ verb [ intransitive always + adverb/preposition] 1 to gradually take more of someone’s time, possessions, rights etc than you should Encroach on/upon Bureaucratic power has Encroached upon the freedom of the individual
En, Etc, Encroach, Encroached
28. Encroach: 1 v advance beyond the usual limit Synonyms: impinge , infringe Type of: advance , go on , march on , move on , pass on , progress move forward, also in the metaphorical sense v impinge or infringe upon Synonyms: entrench , impinge , trench Type of: take advantage , …
Encroach, Entrench
29. [intransitive] Encroach (on/upon something) (disapproving) to begin to affect or use up too much of somebody’s time, rights, personal life, etc
Encroach, Etc
30. I won't Encroach on your time any longer
31. He never allows work to Encroach upon his family life
32. Gradually the negative feelings Encroached into her work.
33. Encroach (up)on (something) To approach or cross a literal or figurative boundary
34. That fool next door totally Encroached upon my land when he built his new fence.
35. What does Encroach mean? To Encroach is defined as to move into or invade someone else's space or territory
Encroach, Else
36. (verb) An example of Encroach is whe
Example, Encroach
37. Encroach - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions
38. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Encroach⇒ vi intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (infringe on land) traspasar⇒, infringir⇒ vtr verbo transitivo: Verbo que requiere de un objeto directo ("di la verdad", "encontré una moneda").
Espa, Encroach, Example, Encontr
39. Verb If one thing Encroaches on another, the first thing spreads or becomes stronger, and slowly begins to restrict the power, range, or effectiveness of the second thing.
Encroaches, Effectiveness
40. Seybert, after stating his indisposition to Encroach on the rights of the citizen, which, however, must yield to the superior rights of the nation, which required them to act in this case, suggested the propriety of recommitting this person to the custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms until further order should be taken by the House, and preventing him in the mean time from communicating with those
41. Q: Local authorities issue bonds, partake in joint ventures, lend to SME's - in short, Encroach on turf previously exclusively occupied by banks, the capital markets, and business
Encroach, Exclusively
42. If you stand in that area, you can now look out across the subdivisions, which are beginning to Encroach, which is the explanation for my recommendation to the President that we …
Encroach, Explanation
43. To advance or extend toward or into something beyond its proper or former limits: The weeds in my neighbor's yard are Encroaching on my lawn
Extend, Encroaching
44. At the edge of the village, the desert Encroaches upon grassland
Edge, Encroaches
45. Synonyms for Encroach on include infringe, invade, overstep, trespass, interfere with, impinge on, intrude on, trespass on, disturb and disrupt
46. ‘Gradually strings Encroach, playing at a different tempo and seemingly to a different tune.’ ‘Humanity is being squeezed between deserts expanding outward and rising seas Encroaching inward.’
Encroach, Expanding, Encroaching
47. Encroach, presume, and the game is up
48. (Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë) My uncle has been too good for me to Encroach
Eyre, Encroach
49. (Emma, by Jane Austen) Do not be afraid of my running into any excess, of my Encroaching on your privilege of universal good-will
Emma, Excess, Encroaching
50. Encroach - traduction anglais-français
51. Forums pour discuter de Encroach, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions
Encroach, Es, Exemples, Et
52. 1 [intransitive] Encroach (on/upon something) (disapproving) to begin to affect or use up too much of someone's time, rights, personal life, etc
Encroach, Etc
53. I won't Encroach on your time any longer
54. He never allows work to Encroach upon his family life.
55. She has no right to Encroach on my time
56. His new farm buildings Encroach on his neighbour's land
57. I won't Encroach on your time any longer
58. The new institutions do not Encroach on political power
59. Translation for 'to Encroach' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations.
Encroach, English
60. Definition and synonyms of Encroach from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.
Encroach, English, Education
61. This is the British English definition of Encroach.View American English definition of Encroach.
English, Encroach
62. Sopheak said the two had 'incited others to Encroach on community land and start violence' during an April 9 protest where some 100 people demanded the release of the 14 villagers.
63. To Encroach; Encroach area; Encroach space; Encroach the forest; Encroach water; Encroached land; Encroaching darkness; Encroaching water; Encroachment of forest; Encroachment of government; encrust; Moreover, provides the English-Romanian dictionary for more translations.
Encroach, Encroached, Encroaching, Encroachment, Encrust, English
64. How to say Encroach in English? Pronunciation of Encroach with 3 audio pronunciations, 17 synonyms, 1 meaning, 15 translations, 15 sentences and more for Encroach.
Encroach, English
65. Then you discover your neighbor is Encroaching
66. Synonyms for Encroach in Free Thesaurus
67. 15 synonyms for Encroach: intrude, invade, trespass, infringe, usurp, impinge, trench, overstep, make
ENCROACH [inˈkrōCH, enˈkrōCH]
Encroach(verb) to enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another; to trespass; to intrude; to trench; -- commonly with on or upon; as, to encroach on a neighbor; to encroach on the highway.
Encroach: to advance gradually beyond the usual or desirable limits. Synonyms: creep, inch, worm... Find the right word.
encroacher, noun encroachingly, adverb encroachment, noun Word Origin for encroach C14: from Old French encrochier to seize, literally: fasten upon with hooks, from en- 1 + croc hook, of Germanic origin; see crook
Encroachment refers to the process by which spinal spaces, such as the foramina or the spinal canal, become occupied by a piece of tissue that does not belong there.