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1. Emollient definition is - making soft or supple; also : soothing especially to the skin or mucous membrane

Emollient, Especially

2. How to use Emollient in a sentence.


3. 96 rows · The word Emollient means a preparation that softens the skin


4. An Emollient is one of the ingredients in a moisturizer


5. Soothing, softening, assuaging, palliative, balsamic, mollifying, moisturizing, demulcent, lenitive, assuasive an Emollient cream which I find invaluable for sunburn 2


6. Conciliatory, calming, disarming, appeasing, pacifying, pacific, mollifying, peaceable, placatory, irenic, propitiative The government's recent tone has been Emollient.


7. Adjective having the power of softening or relaxing, as a medicinal substance; soothing, especially to the skin: Emollient lotions for the face.

Especially, Emollient

8. Emollients are substances that soften and moisturize the skin and decrease itching and flaking


9. An Emollient product designed specifically for washing, or your usual leave-on Emollient as a soap substitute – simply apply it just before or during washing, showering or bathing, and then rinse it off


10. The term “Emollient can refer to a product, such as a moisturizer, or an ingredient in a product


11. The combination of ingredients in any Emollient


12. This non-greasy powerhouse Emollient has a distinct ability to penetrate the human skin and help to increase the absorption of other active substances (think botanical goodies)


13. Avocado oil is an Emollient often used in moisturizers


14. Vitamin E is another Emollient ingredient commonly used in moisturizers, as are soybean oil and avocado oil


15. All three of these Emollients provide protection for the skin and help it retain its moisture


16. An Emollient can help to fill those spaces and smooth out the skin," she says


17. On the flip side, the term Emollient can also (and often does) refer to a range of moisturizing products that contain these ingredients


18. Emollients consist primarily of one of two things: oil or water


19. Oil-based Emollients are greasier to the touch, are more easily seen on the face after application and stick around longer than water-based Emollients

Emollients, Easily

20. Water-based Emollients are easier to apply and make less of a mess.

Emollients, Easier

21. Theraplex Emollient contains the highest concentration of special petrolatum fraction for maximum effectiveness on dry skin, even eczema, without irritation

Emollient, Effectiveness, Even, Eczema

22. Emollients are medical moisturisers used to treat eczema

Emollients, Eczema

23. Emollients form an essential part of the therapy for all dry skin conditions.

Emollients, Essential

24. Emollient enhancement of the skin barrier from birth offers effective atopic dermatitis prevention

Emollient, Enhancement, Effective

25. Atopic dermatitis progression: evaluating intervention strategies Emollients Esters is the class of Emollients which forms a major component of personal care products.

Evaluating, Emollients, Esters

26. Making less harsh or abrasive; mollifying: the Emollient approach of a diplomatic mediator


27. Theraplex Exfoliating Emollient Cream - Salicylic Acid for Gentle Exfoliation, No Parabens or Preservatives, Noncomedogenic, Dermatologist Recommended, Peppermint (2.5 …

Exfoliating, Emollient, Exfoliation

28. An Emollient is an oily substance that fills in the spaces between dead skin cells, thus creating a smooth skin surface


29. Basically, an Emollient is a film forming substance that makes the skin feel and look smooth


30. While an Emollient will provide some occlusive effects, the primary function is to help soften the skin.

Emollient, Effects

31. An Emollient that leaves a non-greasy, soft finish on skin


32. Categories: Emollients, Skin-Softening


33. Mid 17th century from Latin Emollient- ‘making soft’, from the verb emollire, from e- (variant of ex- ‘out’) + mollis ‘soft’.

Emollient, Emollire, Ex

34. Castor Oil is an Emollient oil extracted from the castor bean (technically, a seed as it’s not part of the bean family)

Emollient, Extracted

35. Emollient Balm for IAFM and IASTM by Myofascial Releaser - Lubrication for Manual and Instrument Assisted Massage Techniques, Myofascial Release; Made from natural ingredients 202 $14 95 …


36. Cetiol 868 is an Emollient with medium spreading for cosmetic applications


37. Avene Emollient crème restores the oils and soothes the irritation


38. Neosalus Emollient cream is an anti-inflammatory that will reduce the rash


39. Aveeno makes an Emollient cream for children that will also work on adults


40. When using the two treatments, apply the Emollient first


41. Wait 10-15 minutes after applying an Emollient before applying a topical steroid


42. That is, the Emollient should be allowed to absorb before a topical steroid is applied


43. Most Emollient products are plain (that is, contain no active ingredients)


44. However, some Emollients contain: Urea (a keratin softener and hydrating agent), for example Aquadrate ®, Balneum ® Plus, Calmurid ®, E45 ® Itch Relief Cream, and Eucerin ® Intensive.

Emollients, Example, Eucerin

45. ‘It is an incredibly Emollient skin-shielding cream - perfect for preventing chapped skin.’ ‘The Emollient creams make the top layers of skin seem moister for a short time, but the other ingredients are actually drying the skin so you have to use more of the lotion, etc.’

Emollient, Etc

46. If you are allergic to clobetasol Emollient foam; any part of clobetasol Emollient foam; or any other drugs, foods, or substances


47. If you have thinning of the skin where you are putting clobetasol Emollient foam


48. If there is an infection where clobetasol Emollient foam will be used.


49. Graston Technique® Emollient increases the skin's ability to hold water, providing a layer of oil to prevent water loss, while lubricating the skin


50. An Emollient is a cream or ointment with a thick, gooey texture


51. When your hands are dry and cracked in the winter, you probably apply an Emollient to make them softer.


52. Emollients can serve several purposes beyond epidermal hydration

Emollients, Epidermal

53. Application of cream-based Emollients in infants older than 29 weeks' EGA has been shown to enhance skin barrier development (Keichl-Kohlendorfer et al., 2008).In infants at high risk for atopic dermatitis, early application of an

Emollients, Ega, Enhance, Et, Early

54. Emollient, any substance that softens the skin by slowing evaporation of water

Emollient, Evaporation

55. Modern Emollients include petrolatum, zinc oxide,


56. Find 18 ways to say Emollient, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Emollient, Example

57. Graston Technique® Emollient increases the skin's ability to hold water, providing a layer of oil to prevent water loss, while lubricating the skin


58. Theraplex Emollient contains the highest concentration of special petrolatum fraction for maximum effectiveness on dry skin, even eczema, without irritation

Emollient, Effectiveness, Even, Eczema

59. Emollient horse page with past performances, results, pedigree, photos and videos


60. Emollient horse rating and status


61. Emollients are topical moisturising agents used to alleviate itchiness and other discomforts associated with eczema

Emollients, Eczema

62. Dry skin (xerosis), a common feature of eczema, is highly responsive to treatment with Emollients [1].Emollients work by filling the cracks in dry skin and forming an occlusive barrier, promoting moisture retention, and maintenance of normal skin integrity

Eczema, Emollients

63. Emollient definition: An Emollient is a liquid or cream which you put on your skin to make it softer or to Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Emollient, Examples

64. As nouns the difference between Emollient and ointment is that Emollient is something which softens or lubricates the skin while ointment is (medicine) a viscous preparation of oils and/or fats, usually containing medication, used as a treatment or as an Emollient


65. As a adjective Emollient is moisturizing.


66. Emollients Although many people think an Emollient and a moisturiser are the same thing, they aren’t

Emollients, Emollient

67. An Emollient is one of the ingredients in a moisturiser.The other ingredients in a moisturiser bring water into your skin.Emollients are the part of a moisturiser that keep your skin soft and smooth.

Emollient, Emollients

68. Emollients have been used for over 5,000 years and they form an essential part of the

Emollients, Essential

69. Tretinoin (tretinoin Emollient, refissa, Renova) is an expensive drug used on the skin to treat mild to moderate acne.This drug is less popular than comparable drugs

Emollient, Expensive

70. Clinical trials proved that regular Emollient application moistens and hydrates the skin and helps the skin maintain a defensive barrier effect as well as reduces the amount of topical corticosteroids needed for atopic eczema in infants, children and adult patients

Emollient, Effect, Eczema

71. The results of trials and long clinical experience proved that Emollients are

Experience, Emollients


EMOLLIENT [əˈmälyənt]

emollient (adjective)

  • having the quality of softening or soothing the skin.
  • attempting to avoid confrontation or anger; soothing or calming.
Synonyms: moisturizing . palliative . balsamic . soothing . softening . humectant . irritating . conciliatory . conciliating . appeasing . soothing . calming . pacifying . assuaging . placating . mollifying . relaxing . propitiatory . aggravating .

emollient (noun) · emollients (plural noun)

  • a preparation that softens the skin.
Synonyms: moisturizer . cream . oil . ointment . rub . lotion . salve . unguent . balsam . humectant . pomade . irritant .
  • › Types of emollients
  • › List of emollients
  • › What is an emollient
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  • › Skin care emollient

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