Use Embowed in a sentence

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See also: Embowed Embodiment Embody Embolus Embosom Embolden Embolization Embox Embolo Embolia Embolio Embow Embole Emboss Embosomed Emboldened Emboldener Embolic Embolize Embolized Embound Embodied Embossed Embolism

1. The first known use of Embowed was in the 15th century


2. A chevron in point Embowed will be found in the arms of Trapaud quartered by Adlercron (Fig


3. A Complete Guide to Heraldry Arthur Charles Fox-Davies It consists of two lions' paws Embowed , the outer edge of each being adorned with fleurs-de-lis issuant therefrom.

Embowed, Edge, Each

4. Embowed synonyms, Embowed pronunciation, Embowed translation, English dictionary definition of Embowed

Embowed, English

5. A serpent Embowed biting its tail occurs in the arms of Falconer, and a serpent on its back in the crest of Backhouse


6. A COMPLETE GUIDE TO HERALDRY ARTHUR CHARLES FOX-DAVIES The Cobbs of Adderbury bore "Sable, a chevron argent between three dolphins naiant Embowed or, a chief of the last." NOTES AND QUERIES, NUMBER 235, APRIL 29, 1854 VARIOUS


7. Embowed is a term in heraldry and architecture which means: ⁕curved like a bow ⁕bent, or ⁕having an arch or arches but, in the Anglophone heraldries, concave ones, not bulging out convex ones


8. Embowed (not comparable) (heraldry) Bent, curved or arched like a bow.


9. Embowed - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums

Embowed, English

10. Human arm (Embowed) Human Arm (Erect) Human Arm (Misc) Human Figures (Demi) Human Figures (Head) Human Figures (Kneeling) Human Figures (Sitting) Human Figures (Standing) Ibex

Embowed, Erect

11. At the other end, though partly muffled by a curtain, it was more powerfully illuminated by one of those Embowed hall windows which we read of in old books, and which was provided with a deep and cushion seat.

End, Embowed

12. It was a wooden figurehead carved in the shape of an Embowed, cheerfully grinning dolphin—worn, wormholed, its paint flaking with age; the original figurehead of


13. The term Embowed is also applied to bent arms and legs, arched fish, and serpents in circles.


14. What is the definition of Embowed? What is the meaning of Embowed? How do you use Embowed in a sentence? What are synonyms for Embowed?


15. Definition of high-Embowed in the dictionary


16. What does high-Embowed mean? Information and translations of high-Embowed in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


17. And love the high Embowed roof, With antique pillars massy proof, And storied windows richly dight, Casting a dim religious light


18. Embowed in a sentence - Use "Embowed" in a sentence 1


19. Crest : A dexter arm Embowed in armour or, holding a sword pointed to the right


20. For a crest, " An arm Embowed in armour holding a short sword entwined with a serpent all proper "

Embowed, Entwined

21. Click for more sentences of Embowed


22. On a wreath of the colors (Or and Azure) a dexter arm Embowed vested Azure, the hand in a buckskin gauntlet Proper, grasping an old style United States Army saber Argent, hilted Or.


23. Argent on a bend between two lions' heads erased Gules a dolphin Embowed Argent between two martlets Or

Erased, Embowed

24. A dolphin Embowed on the shield.


25. When the whole arm from the shoulder is used, it is always bent at the elbow, and this is signified by the term "Embowed," and an arm Embowed necessarily includes the whole arm

Elbow, Embowed

26. 262 shows the usual position of an arm Embowed, but it is sometimes placed Embowed to the dexter (Fig


27. 263), upon the point of the elbow, that is, "Embowed

Elbow, Embowed

28. Embowed definition in English dictionary, Embowed meaning, synonyms, see also 'embow',embowel',embower',embed'

Embowed, English, Embow, Embowel, Embower, Embed

29. A list of words that start with Embowed (words with the prefix Embowed)


30. We search a large scrabble dictionary for scrabble words starting with Embowed - we take the letter or word you enter, and generate all words starting with Embowed.In addition there is a list of Words that end with Embowed, words that contain Embowed.

Embowed, Enter, End

31. Embowed - find the meaning, anagrams and hook words with Embowed and much more


32. The word Embowed uses 7 letters: b, d, e, e, m, o, w


33. Embowed is playable in: Words With Friends 17


34. A Silver color metal and enamel device 1 3/16 inches (3.02 cm) in height overall consisting of a shield blazoned: Azure, an arm Embowed in …

Enamel, Embowed

35. Embowed is an adjective according to parts of speech


36. There are also several similar words to Embowed in our dictionary, which are Bowed, Curved and Rounded


37. Embowed is spelled as [em-bohd].

Embowed, Em

38. Chinese words for Embowed include 弧形的 and 弓形的


39. A list of words that end with Embowed.We search a large Scrabble dictionary for words ending with the letter or word you enter, and generate all words ending with Embowed (words with the suffix Embowed)

End, Embowed, Ending, Enter

40. Also try our list of Words that start with Embowed, and words that contain Embowed.


41. Embowed 'Embowed' is a 7 letter word starting with E and ending with D Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for Embowed

Embowed, Ending

42. We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word Embowed will help you to finish your crossword today.


43. Crest—A dexter arm Embowed, vested gu


44. The family crest features a naked arm Embowed, holding a sword, the point pierced through a fleur-de-lis sable


45. There are always several meanings of each word in English, the correct meaning of Kamani in English is Embowed, and in Urdu we write it کمانی The word Embowed is an adjective

Each, English, Embowed

46. A stag statant gules attired collared and unguled Or between two arms Embowed in armour the hands proper each grasping a fleur-de-lis gold

Embowed, Each

47. Embowed Total Number of words made out of Embowed = 59 Embowed is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 15 points.Embowed is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 17 points


48. Embowed is a 7 letter medium Word starting with E and ending with D

Embowed, Ending

49. 6 letter Words made out of Embowed


50. An arm Embowed: an arm Embowed to the dexter: an arm Embowed fessways : a cubit arm habited : an arm Embowed the upper part in fess: two arms counter-Embowed: two arms counter-Embowed and interlaced: an arm Embowed in armor: a cubit arm in armor, the hand in …



EMBOWED [emˈbōd]


Frequently Asked Questions

What does embower mean?

Define embower. embower synonyms, embower pronunciation, embower translation, English dictionary definition of embower. tr.v. em·bow·ered , em·bow·er·ing , em·bow·ers To enclose in or as if in a bower.

What does bowed mean?

em·bowed 1. Bent or curved like a bow. 2. Architecture

What does endowed mean?

to provide with a permanent fund or source of income: to endow a college. to furnish, as with some talent, faculty, or quality; equip: Nature has endowed her with great ability. Obsolete. to provide with a dower. (of a life-insurance policy) to become payable; yield its conditions. Think you remember last week’s words?

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