See also: Elusiveness Illusiveness Exclusiveness Elusive Elusid Elusion Elusively Elusory Elusivity
1. Elusiveness (usually uncountable, plural Elusivenesses) The state of being elusive.
Elusiveness, Elusivenesses, Elusive
2. Elusivenesses - Crossword Clues
3. Search through millions of crossword puzzle answers to find crossword clues with the answer Elusivenesses.Type the crossword puzzle answer, not the clue, below
4. Correct spelling for Elusivenesses is [ɪlˈuːsɪvnəsɪz], [ɪlˈuːsɪvnəsɪz], [ɪ_l_ˈuː_s_ɪ_v_n_ə_s_ɪ_z] This graph shows how "Elusivenesses" have occurred between 1800 and 2008 in a corpus of English books.
Elusivenesses, English
5. 7 letter Words made out of Elusivenesses
6. Sunless 6 letter Words made out of Elusivenesses
7. Elusivenesses meaning in Urdu: گریز - Guraiz meaning, Definition Synonyms at English to Urdu dictionary gives you the best and accurate urdu translation and meanings of Elusivenesses …
Elusivenesses, English
8. There are many synonyms of Elusivenesses which include Abdication, Avoidance, Awol, Beat, Bolt, Break, Circumvention, Deliverance, Departure, Desertion, Disappearance, Dodging, Ducking, Elopement, Elusion, Elusiveness, Eschewal, Evasion, Evasiveness, Extrication, Fadeout, Flight, Freedom, Hegira, Lam, Leave, Liberation, Out, Outbreak, Powder, Release, Rescue, Retreat, Slip, Spring, Withdrawal…
Elusivenesses, Elopement, Elusion, Elusiveness, Eschewal, Evasion, Evasiveness, Extrication
9. The synonyms of Elusivenesses include are Abdication, Avoidance, Awol, Beat, Bolt, Break, Circumvention, Deliverance, Departure, Desertion, Disappearance, Dodging, Ducking, Elopement, Elusion, Elusiveness, Eschewal, Evasion, Evasiveness, Extrication, Fadeout, Flight, Freedom, Hegira, Lam, Leave, Liberation, Out, Outbreak, Powder, Release, Rescue, Retreat, Slip, Spring, Withdrawal, …
Elusivenesses, Elopement, Elusion, Elusiveness, Eschewal, Evasion, Evasiveness, Extrication
10. Habitually, design decisions are seen as means to reduce uncertainty in development cycles, while implicitly disavowing or ignoring the Elusivenesses of the decisions themselves
11. Elusivenesses enculturative endeavourment enteroviruses enunciatively enviousnesses equivalencies equivocalness equivocations evangelariums evangeliarium eventualising
Elusivenesses, Enculturative, Endeavourment, Enteroviruses, Enunciatively, Enviousnesses, Equivalencies, Equivocalness, Equivocations, Evangelariums, Evangeliarium, Eventualising
12. Illusiveness elusiveness allusivenesses Elusivenesses illusivenesses leukopenias lesbianisms lesbianism lixiviums leukopenia
Elusiveness, Elusivenesses
13. Elusivenesses elusory elutant: elute eluted elutes eluting elution elution profile (current term) elution volume elutions elutor elutors: elutriate elutriated elutriates elutriating elutriation elutriations elutriator elutriators eluvia eluvial
Elusivenesses, Elusory, Elutant, Elute, Eluted, Elutes, Eluting, Elution, Elutions, Elutor, Elutors, Elutriate, Elutriated, Elutriates, Elutriating, Elutriation, Elutriations, Elutriator, Elutriators, Eluvia, Eluvial
14. There is, for example, the cunning interplay of narrative voices, on which Amis himself has spoken on The South Bank Show, and which creates a whole range of Elusivenesses
Example, Elusivenesses
15. Adelite guilefully Elusivenesses brotherwort blout submersible readying
16. Elusivenesses: elusory elutant elute eluted elutes eluting (current term) elution elution profile elution volume elutions: elutor elutors elutriate elutriated elutriates …
Elusivenesses, Elusory, Elutant, Elute, Eluted, Elutes, Eluting, Elution, Elutions, Elutor, Elutors, Elutriate, Elutriated, Elutriates
17. Abdominal balloonish systemizable forgo Rosebery Elusivenesses filtered prevention quarter-second
18. Culture to its ideas, all these Elusivenesses are multiplied
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Elusivenesses, Ending
20. Nouns for elude include eluder, eluders, elusion, elusions, elusiveness, Elusivenesses and elusoriness
Elude, Eluder, Eluders, Elusion, Elusions, Elusiveness, Elusivenesses, Elusoriness
21. Now, when we turn from the art products of a culture to its ideas, all these Elusivenesses are multiplied
22. Elusivenesses 16 excessiveness 25 exclusiveness 25 seclusiveness 18
Elusivenesses, Excessiveness, Exclusiveness
ELUSIVENESSES [əˈlo͞osivnəs]
elusive (adjective)
elusiveness - the quality of being difficult to grasp or pin down; "the author's elusiveness may at times be construed as evasiveness". unclearness - incomprehensibility as a result of not being clear.
The definition of illusive is dreamlike or not based in reality. An idea that is not ever going to come to fruition is an example of an illusive idea.
Definition of elusive. : tending to elude: such as. a : tending to evade grasp or pursuit elusive prey. b : hard to comprehend or define.