1. Find 127 ways to say Elevating, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Elevating, Example
2. Get the latest Elevating clothing & accessories
3. Elevating merchandise is comfy & always of quality.
4. Introduction One of the most common retrofitting methods is Elevating a house to a required or desired Flood Protection Elevation (FPE)
Elevating, Elevation
5. Many doctors have found that Elevating the upper body while sleeping can do wonders for relieving health issues associated with poor sleep
6. Join Elevating the Soul Become a member by choosing to make a monthly or yearly love offering
7. Elevating the enrollment education administration fundraising experience
Elevating, Enrollment, Education, Experience
8. I recently interviewed author Anne Janzer for the Elevating IT podcast
9. Elevating your legs can benefit your health in several ways
10. Elevating In English, many past and present participles of verbs can be used as adjectives
Elevating, English
11. The image can be raised in height (loudspeaker placement permitting), with the possibility of Elevating …
12. Elevation and construction company Arkitektura, which elevated Axelrad's home, estimates the cost of Elevating the typical house at about $75 per square foot - or more than $112,000 for a 1,500-square-foot house
Elevation, Elevated, Estimates, Elevating
13. Provided to YouTube by Translation Enterprises d/b/a/ United MastersElevating · xavier goodmanFrom My Drafts℗ xavier goodmanReleased on: 2021-03-31Music Pub
14. Here is the truth: While at the University of Florida, and now at The Ohio State University, I have always followed proper reporting protocols and procedures when I have learned of an incident involving a student-athlete, coach or member of our staff by Elevating the issues to the proper channels.
15. Pressure Relief First of all, by Elevating your legs you are taking pressure off the veins
16. By standing or sitting for extended periods of time, you are putting more pressure on your veins. Elevating your legs helps to take the pressure off your veins.
Extended, Elevating
17. 1-16 of 275 results for "Elevating desk" Price and other details may vary based on size and color
18. The Elevating Practice and Partnerships With The Creative Curriculum® Cloud product tutorial introduces learners to The Creative Curriculum® Cloud, a suite of enhancements to MyTeachingStrategies® that will help teachers elevate their planning and teaching while building strong partnerships with families and empowering them to better support their children's learning at …
Elevating, Enhancements, Elevate, Empowering
19. Cat® Elevating scrapers are a self-loading hauling system with the added ability to mix and homogenize material
20. On the 'Elevating scraper' the bowl is filled by a type of conveyor arrangement fitted with a horizontal flights to move the material engaged by the cutting edge into the bowl as the machine moves forward
Elevating, Engaged, Edge
21. Elevating scrapers do not require assistance from push-tractors
22. The pioneer developer of the Elevating scraper was Hancock Manufacturing Company of Lubbock, Texas USA.
23. Thank you for submitting your article "Elevating acetyl-CoA levels reduces aspects of brain aging" for consideration by eLife
Elevating, Elife
24. Glucose Elevating agents are used to treat hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
25. File: Aerial Lift and Elevating Work Platform Safety Program – FINAL 2018 Page 6 of 40 Aerial Lift and Elevating Work Platform Safety Program University of California Berkeley Boom: An Elevating member, the lower end of which is so attached to a rotating or non-rotating base that permits elevation of the free end in the vertical plane.
Elevating, End, Elevation
26. Elevating a decision or an issue is the process of raising it to the next level of management
27. Elevating acetyl-CoA levels reduces aspects of brain aging Elife
Elevating, Elife
28. 2 Elevating customer experience excellence in the next normal
Elevating, Experience, Excellence
29. The Velmex Elevating Tables are more rigid then turning a linear stage into a vertical axis, making them more stable
30. However, if you do want longer travel distance or a narrower or wider frame, almost all Velmex linear stages can be converted to an Elevating table with …
31. Elevating Equity is a mission for us all
Elevating, Equity
32. Unless otherwise provided in this section, aerial devices (aerial lifts) acquired on or after July 1, 1975, shall be designed and constructed in conformance with the applicable requirements of the American National Standard for "Vehicle Mounted Elevating and Rotating Work Platforms," ANSI A92.2—1969, including appendix, which is incorporated by reference as specified in §1910.6.
33. The Marketplace for Business Ready Startups during London Tech Week Powered by Founders Forum As the flagship startup event of London Tech Week, Elevating Founders enables high potential Seed and Series A tech startups exclusive access to curated investors and the enterprise marketplace.
Event, Elevating, Enables, Exclusive, Enterprise
34. The Elevating Futures Scholarship Fund’s mission is to aid qualified Chicago Public School students from low-income households in pursuing a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) four …
Elevating, Engineering
35. This Elevating power wheelchair has a U1 12V battery that enables the Merits P326D to cover up to 18 miles per complete charge
Elevating, Enables
36. The Auto-Shift Hydraulic Elevating Cart minimizes worker bending and lifting through its ergonomic design and portability
Elevating, Ergonomic
37. Elevating Systems & Services specializes in the sale, installation, and service of residential elevators and is proud to represent the finest home elevator and residential elevator manufacturers in the industry
Elevating, Elevators, Elevator
38. Symmetry Elevating, Savaria/Concord, Waupaca Elevator, Cambridge Elevating, and Custom Cabs have chosen Elevating Systems & Services
Elevating, Elevator
39. We are Elevating diverse voices and empowering the next generation of storytellers with opportunities to create content, learn skills …
Elevating, Empowering
40. Elevating Fixed Headstock & Tailstock positioners from ALM Positioners are designed for Elevating and tilt applications that require a vertical stroke of 68 inches or less and have a fixed-length part
41. Fierce winds, soaring temperatures and low humidity throughout Southern California are Elevating fire risk throughout Wednesday afternoon, according to the National Weather Service
42. Elevating Your Business is located in NYC and since 1998 I’ve helped business owners in 12 countries
43. Elevating Quiet Luxury – Kia Claims to be Quieter than Audi, BMW and Lexus
ELEVATING [ˈeləˌvāt]
elevate (v.) late 15c., "to raise above the usual position," from Latin elevatus, past participle of elevare "lift up, raise," figuratively, "to lighten, alleviate," from ex "out" (see ex-) + levare "lighten, raise," from levis "light" in weight (from PIE root *legwh- "not heavy, having little weight").
the height to which something is elevated or to which it rises: The elevation of the tower is 80 feet. the altitude of a place above sea level or ground level. an elevated place, thing, or part; an eminence. loftiness; grandeur or dignity; nobleness: elevation of mind.
Dictionary of English Synonymes(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate these synonyms: elevate(v. a.) Synonyms: raise, lift, lift up elevate(v. a.) Synonyms: exalt, promote elevate(v. a.) Synonyms: improve, dignify, ennoble, refine elevate(v. a.) Synonyms: animate, elate, cheer, exhilarate, excite, flush
Antonyms for elevate. lift up: deprecate, depress, decrease, drop, shame, disgrace, upset, lower, denounce, fall, demote, condemn, distress, disdain, spurn, trouble, push down, lessen.